WHfl'BYMME PIRSS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13,.1991, PAGE la3 Bugelli slasproposed GO buspa 't By Mle Kowaiuid A provincial gvernment plan for expanded G O ransit service in Durhamn Region has been pan- ned b Whitby councillor Joe Bugelli. The, west ward representative is critical of a proposai which calîs for 75 per. cent taxpayer subsidization of special GO b us service planned for, later this eBugeýfli says'private bus Cern- .panies now serve the propsed route linking Peterborough te various points in Durham, 50 there is no need for competing government service. But if the province is.insistent on 'creatingr the service, tax- payers shold not b. expected te p ay most of the annual $2,500,000 operating expenses, arguesBugeli. nfact, Bugelli dlaims it would' be more economical te supply cars te the 550 commuters expfec- ted.te ride the buses.* Là ast week, Ministry of Trans- portation 'officiais outlined details of the service toTown council's opeýrations committee. Later this year buses will begin serving commuters living in northern'Duniiam and Peter- borough. The area has been without regular commuter service since early last'year when tiie federal goernment axed the. former VIA 1ai passenger lin. between Peterlbrough and Toronte. After rejecting replacement GO train service on the VIA tracks as teo costly and'limited in scope, Ontario's New Demo- cratic Party goverrnment opted for buses. Danne 's Bri dail Coutuýre -CUSTOM CREATIONS- * BridWÇow o Bifesmtaitç o MAot(jer'sanéSpeciaf Any custom made bridai gown ordered before wlApril 3th, 1991 wflinclude a headpiece and veil of their choice. -No Alieration Charges on7 Custom Made Orders sape b e s.owce 413 Dundas St. E., at Hickory (bchind Famiily Trust) Whitby *430-8985 SEE OUR :EXCLUSIVbE DGNSIW -M1DAY'S BRIDE- MAOAiINÉE The aIl-day service will consiat of four separate bus routes from Peterborough and. Port Perry tod Durham. .Toronte-bound commuteq. liv- rng in either centre will now be able to'take- a bus to the GO train terminal in Whitby. As well buses will serve the General Rdotors plant in Oshawa. Th ~vernent 'is currently negotiatingwithprivate carriers teoidebuses and service. Mnstry staff wl also me Workeris officials te determine how the service can be designed te, accommodate shift changes at Teprovince will pay $1.8 million o! the annual $2 .5 million operatingexpenses. That works out te, a $6,761 subsidy for each of the 550 pas- senger expected te use the ser- vice. "It. makes more sense. te buy them cars, it would save more money,» sad an angry Bugelli. «'Tmlivid, tetally upset ... I tld themn (ministry) 'If you think I will support this at. council, you're mistaken'.» Bugelli said taxpayers should not have te subsidize "550 guys te, go te, work,» especially when private carriers already serve the routes. Bugelli said the companies will essentially b. competing against themselves when bidding for the government contract. .Ho suggests that if the. pro- vince wants3 service beyond wliat now exista, it should ask the carriers to, alter their sciiedules and only subsidize thlat portion. As for a speial stop at General Moters, BugeIli asks, "Why just GM? Why not other industries in the arear Bugelli said a reason offered for the GM route was te compon- sate workers f'orced te. liv. in Peterborough and elsewhere te e:c iher liousing costs in But Bugelli said where people live and. work is entirely their choice. "Are you also ging te subsid- ize pWlewiio live in Oshawa and.-VAtby.,-and pay hi her, house prices and tà xes t'an people hving in Peterborough?» .According te ministryspkes man Frank Donofrio 'Bugelli raised a number of fegitimate points at the meetin. But Donofrio said the govern- ment has valid reasons for imple- menting the service in tiie man- ner proposed. Donofrie. said morning* and evening single-train service te replace the former VIA Rail run was too expensive. The government projected an annual $3.5 million operating cost,' witii fare revenue 1rom the estimated 400 daily riders accountingfor only *570,000. «The average subsidy pertp was almost $30 and over $14'000 annually per passenger,» said Donofrio. Buses, however, will serve a much larger area, at less cost and more frequently, said Dono- frio. «Not just once in the morning and once at nigh iit11< train service," said Donofrio. «There will b. two or three during the poak perioda te meet with the trains and aIse througii- out the. day and at night.» Donofrio said General Moters Revenue Canada doesn't just collect taxes, it also delivers federal and provincial credits you could beriefit from, including the goods and services tax credit, the child tax credit, and this year, for the last time, the federal sales tax credit. But if you don't file a tax return because you don't owe any taxes, you could miss out. Is tax fiing easier this year? Revenue Canada has introduced new measures to sirnplify the tax filing process. The guides use clearer, plainer language, the Special return*has been t ri mmed down and there are two new "ino calculation"i returns. The one-page, gold 65 Plus return is for seniors with income from pensions or interest. The white Short return is for people, like students, with simpler tax situations. If you choose one of the "no calculation" r eturns, we'll do ail the calculations, including any federal or provincial credits you may be -eligible for. Got somne tips? First, look in the Guide that cornes in your tax package. It gives you step-by-step instructions and helpful tax tips. Read the explanations for the lines that apply to you, and ignore those that don't If your incomne situation hasn't changed much from ast year, you can use last year's return as a reference. What if I have queýstions? If you can't find the answers in the Guide, you can cali the people at Revenue Canada. The best times to get through was chosen te be included on the. route because commuter studies warrant it. Except for people going te Toronto, Donofrio said most cern- muters in north Durhamn and Peterborough- area, travel te Osh-, awa and a-largr portio of this group workatGM Doniofrio said thie government is well aware pnivate carriers serve much of tiie geographical area of the proposed routes., But theit pe of -service offered is not sufficient te meet com- muter needs, he said. As Donofrio explained, public transit is based on "frequency a(dquality" of service. «Itsadiff »cult. for pnivate car- riers 'on their own. te provide frequent service without subsidi- zation. "Inter-city bus service provides much longer routing and they're not Pared te *connect with~ GO rail. Donofrio said the province wants service' over _which it, has «quality conto. 'We needsomethngdedicated an extension'of GO service. So i~~ someone misses a bus* they can; be certain another will' be there In Tèýansportation Minister Ed Philips announcement' o! last November, the new bus -service was expected te. be in operation now. However it has taken longer than initiafl forecast, said Dono- frio. 'Tm hesistant te give'a date but were lookingat .early sum- mer." e e :th s ad :1c i* $5e.00 of e :0: s: e e -s e :e are before 10:00 a. m. and after 2:00 p. m. From February 25 through April 30, Revenue Canada's phone hours are extended to 8:00 p.m., Monday to Thursday. There's also an automated phone service caiied T.i.P.S., for answers to com- mon questions. For a complete ist of services and phone, numbers in your region, see your Guide. What other services are avalable? You can visit Seas onai Tax Assistance Centres in convenient locations, like shopping mails, for information, guides and forms. See your local newspaper for times and locations. There's also a video caiied' "Stepping Through Your Tax Return" that you can borrow from public libraries or your district taxation office. Anythirig I should watch for? Make sure ail the personal information printed on your return is correct, especialiy your address. Before you start, make sure you have ail your receipts and information slips. Check your caiculations, and attach ail the information that's asked for in the return. These steps wili help avoid delays in getting.yo ur refu nd. If 1 miove, will I still get miy cheque? If you're moving, cali or write Revenue Canada with your new address, so we can make sure your cheque gets to youj. If you have more questions, talk to the people'at Revenue Canada Taxation. They're People with Answers. Tax ips or yur 190 t4. OPU.M PE Revenue Canada Revenu Canada axation Impôt Canad