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Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1991, p. 29

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WIHITIBY -I BEDROOM',avait- 'FIRST TIME HOME- BUYERS - WANTED - RIDE TO TORONTO. MANY THANKS to my family, EASTER'S COMING Springlàéý" abli. immediately.,ý $450 monthly Got tho answers to al cf your 5 days paor week. Cati alter 7 p.mr, frlends, nighbours and customers around, the comerl Great ,gffts at <negotiablob). mocldes fridge, stove, concerna re. purchasina and Asfor Pat, 430-8216. for theéirnsupport through»prayers, aur SPRING OPEvN HOUS SALE. parkig :utilitios. Suitable for. 1 flnancingfrma qaifèinanciai _____________ cards, phone catis, hospital visits Saturday March 16 91 ita 4 persan. For'fmocre information, ýcati expert=bfo l ooak. M advlce _____________ and kind wishes,,during y recent .# 16 Màaploglen aurt, (Garden 623-4782 or 668-7907., cauld save youthauana f th WIC rOk- rest dollars. Cai Day. at Home Guard ÉFlles . S .iaMtankseictah . .nrht I ~ ~ ~ ~ Grant ,D..Mniwcte Heghts ta Mapteglen, Broakwoad 3 ERO Funding today. 430-8362. nurses and staff of Oshawa Subdivision). Jou tys BEDOOMAPATMNT _________________ ~General Hospital and Home Gare Weekendor clathlng, Fifth Avenue Lich ng, bath *ýî?room nurses. We are indeed fortunate to I eweIry, Tupperware. Something coin-operated washing machine thraugh 'the -rlght sales reprosen- CLEARWATER,. Florida. Three havem.an excellenhalh ar o evrynet t dre.Lare, back -yard. tative. Have 8 years' experionce bedrooms fully _furnished, ytr. Du stn unsd ~.untally iccaso ln Wnitoy, in wetl-established, residentiat area. One block*fram shopping, schools, Ibay and buses.,vata37 Ap, i 15. $770fmionth, plus hydro. Fr appolntment, please cai1 668-4542. 1 BEDROOM APARTIMENT. Centrali'air, pool, laundry, privae drive & entrance. Utilities lncluded. $550 per manth. 666-9557. BROOKIJN. Very large 3 bedroom apartment. $79V Jer month, aiutilitios Imolid. Avaitabie April 'L AIma, 1 bedroom apartment avallable now. $495, ail uiiitllIluded. 985-0856 or 430-734t NEWLY RENOVATED 2 bed- room apartment, aiso 3 bedroom main floor bungalow. Rent whote house, or sither unit. 430-6335. OSHAWA - 1 BEDROOM basoment apartment. Bright kitchen &living ares, frlddge,'Stove; paring, private entrance. Non-smoker preferred. First & last roq ulred. $500 inclusive.- 436-3086. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - Bright, new ane bodroom .basement apartment, on quiet street. Fully braadloomed,. soparate entranco,. parking, utilities inciuded. Must b. soon. $550. Julile 686-4780, 668-612. WHITBY. - LARGE bachèlor basement apartment. Private entrance. Stops ta GO train. Non-smoker prof orred. 430-3037. BUILDING SPECIAL clearance. 20x2Oft., $2,900; 24x24ft., $3,100; 28x36ft., $4,500; 32x36ft.,. $4,900; 36x48ft., $6,900; 40x60ft., $8,800. Cail 985-7930. âRe PLANNING TO SEIL your home? tnterview David Roney of NRS Realty One. mc. 8 years' experionce and fuil-tîme commitment. 436-1800. workingfor .ya-u.:David «HPoney, NRS Realty On. mnc. 436- 1800. WHEN BUYING OR SELLING real Msate, why not cati an expert. George Fitzsimmons% ReMax Apple Reafty Lt. 576-3111, Taranto lin. 686-4743. FURNISHED ROOM with colour TV, separate entrance in poaceful country setting. 15 miles north of jax on Lakeridge Rd. Share kitchen & bathroom. Asking $70 por weok. Aiso smati apt. for suitablo 2. Inctudos smali bedroom, ivin. rcam, fridge & colour TV. Asking $120 per weok. 649-3725. 3 BEDROON HOUSE - 2 people Iooking for third p orson ta share north 'Whitby home. Working persan a must. 430-2420. WHITBY - FURNISHED ROOM for rent.,$90. woekly. Bathroom & kitchen facilities. Student or worker preferred. Watk toallaitarentitios. 666-3776 after 6 p.m. WHITBY - CLEAN, QUIET furnished roomn for rent in private home. Includes parking, phono, cabte, liimited kitchen use. Close ta Brack/Dundas., GO,' shopping. Prefer mature working maie. Availablo immediatoly. 668-3640. FIRST. MORTGAGE available under il, per cent. Debt consolidation and finandiat advico spècialist. - residentiai and commercial. Home Guard Funding. 430-8362. PRIVATE MORTGAGES- the plae t gowhen your bank says E>O. Sorvnm Whitby ince 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. FILLER: Nothing for sale here. If y ou had advertised hero, 1000's like you would b. reading this naw. 668-6111. alrconditloned homo s. Pools, bot tub, near beaches, attractions. Childron welcome. (Less than motel.) 683-5503. CEDAR VALLEY -RESORT. East of Orono, 4th or - th Concession lino, 7 km. east of Hwy. 35/115.' Seasonat camp- 1-786-2562. Batfl 80 "LEAVE YOUR'CARES at home with us.t Professional pet/home sitters are fully bofldod and insurod.. Custom FHome-watch International. 666-5353.' CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 2 bedroom mobite home in 4-star' ovor E%5 park. $210 US weekty. Avallabte April, May or June. Phono 666-4495. 1954 FORD PICK-UP. Original condhion. Stored for 12, yoars. -$5,000. After 6 p.m. 6553488 DEAL$ ON WHEEL$, public auto mart open every Sunday. Over 2 acres of vehictes for sale by owners. 725-0002 for information. WHITBY AREA' Bright, cisan 3 bocIroomf, 1-1/2 baths 4 appliances, central air Woaico Mail area 666-8092 WEST LYNDE Well malntiedc ,S bedroocm spilt level Living and dlnlng room, 4 pleco, 2 plece, famlily room, double drlveway, large fercod yard. 1 yeartlease. References. $1,300 per month fully fumlshod or $1,1 50 pur mnonth unfumlshed. UtIlftlsextra. 668-3640 CC3MING EVENT?N C ýhione: 668-61 11 VANESSA Laurer, JEANETTE Bonello helping Whitby b. a better placé ta live. You can help toa by cleaning up places. A FRIEND suggested i run an ad:' Soul of a fishorman, E ye' taf photographer, Heart af, Valentino. Loaking for anhonest, caring lady wiiiing ta share ... Ptease roply ta Box 7000, c/a The Whitby Free Press, Box 206, Whtby, Ont. LiIN 5S1 wth an interesting- message. BRHCONTROIL and- family planning. counsetting. Fr..' anïd confidientil, avaitable Mlonda y ta Friday, 8:30 a.m. ta 4:30 p.m .Çiinic every Thursday 3:00 p.m. ta 6*p.m. For further information, cali 420- 8781 or 433-8901. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the. Sacred Heart cf Jesus for favaurs received. JG. ST. JUDE O ýHoly St. Judo Apostle and Martyr, great in virtus and rich in miracies,,near Kinsman cf Jesus Christ, faithfui intercessor cf aIl who invoke your specia patronage in timo of need, ta, you 1 bave recourse from. the depth of Imy heart and humbly beg ta whom IGod has given suc h great power tot came tai my assistance. Hepmre ion MY p»rsent urgent petition; in ireturn I promise ta make your name known and cause you ta b. invaked. Say three Our Fathers, three Hall Marys and Glornas. Publication must b. promised. St. Jude pray for us and ail wha invoke your aid. Amen. Thanks ta St. Jude for a petition granted. EB. Waxing by Daw s yebrowse*Legs, , aaS, etc. M.BES- ' CRAFT & GIFT SHOW& SALE Sunday, March .24, 1991, 10 a.m. ta 4 - p.m. Heydenshore. Pavllon, Whitby.. FolIow* Brook St. S. ta Water St. Country and' Victoilan' crafts, coltoctibles,. Easter gifts, handmado, garments, etc. Admission $1. 668-8838. JOAN Monday to FridayI 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, 4l30-1328-- SINGLE FATHER: "'of twa.-33, non-smoker,- non-drinkçer, fit. Would lk. ta meet an intelligent, lndepndet aittract ive -lady,1 25-3,for coMpanionship. Si"ngle moms wolcomo. Ploase, repty ta Box 9000L c/o The WhtFr..e Press, Box 206, Whitby, Ont. LiN. 5S1. WOMEN UNK- ABUSIVE rotationshis.ý For hotp, cati tho Denise Houso for Womfen and Children. Toil fre. 1-800-263-3725 or, . 728-7311. Canfidentiaiity assured. (Formferly'Auberge.), THANKS TO THE HOLY Spirit, Sacrod Heart of Jesus, St. Judo for favours received. CJ B. BAHA'IS BEUIEVE. Let your oye bo chaste, your hand faithful,> your tangue truthfut and your -hoart enlightened. Cati 668-8665'. THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Hoart of Jesus for favours received. Ma y the Sacred, Heart cf Josus b. adiored, glorified. loved and presorved throug haut the world now and forever. Oh, Sacred Heart cf Josus pray. for us, St. Judo workor of miracles pray for us, St. Judo helper cf the hopelossa pray for us. Say. this o r nino timesa day. By the elgth da your r rayer mwIl ho.answorod, regardless cf how. hopeless your situation seemns. Publication must ho promisod. AM. ABORTION referral information. CalI 430-1663. O I IF YOU* WANT TO DRINK * CAROON SRIP *that's your businoss. If yau want to CAROO SII stop that's aurs.Cati by 12-year-otd AOl-IOLIOS ANONYMOUS I Whitby resident U ehIe Dstit (1) _IAN ROGERS __-------_________________ _______ 8-020., _________I______________________ ~ istrts 4me

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