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Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1991, p. 30

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PAGE 30, VJHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1991 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 16 ODDFELLOWS' HALL,< PORT PERRY Di1ning eroom, suite, bar fricie decrtd weddîng cakes, office supplies, furnituro & appliances, arndmuch- more. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 655-8073 ORVAL McLEANY AUCTIONS SAT MARCH1O- 10 A.M. EXCELLENT ANTIQUE ESTATE AUTOQUALITY' FURNITURE, ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES, TIN TOYS AT ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY Contents of Marjorle Brooks estate Omeme., contents of 'go. Victarian home and balance of Verena Sandersan estate. 12 Roal Doulton figurines; beautifu din ng room' stes., gargeous. bedroom suites, canopy 5ed, round aak table & chairs, beautiful buffets & china cabinets, chests, sideboards, apprax. 50'oaid tin & wlnd up toys, Marx & Alpine train sets, Victorian sottee, some Canadiana tumniture, 25 cal. Stevens Favorite rifle, <beautiful lampse mcl. oranberry, hall >& banquet, -portable Edion gramophone, earîy .brass cash .register, stamp calloction,- baby ,,grand piano, Vctorian furniture, pieces, many olcies china. Large sale. One of aur best this winter. For fîyer cali: ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS (705) 324-2783 LINDSAY- CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, MARCH 15 AT 6 P.M. Oak china cabinet (wlc urved glass s ides), round oak .pedesta l tabe j w/cîaw foot), almord 18 cu., ft. fridge, green side-by-sido fridget freezer combination, 17 cu. ft. aimonid Admirai fridge <w/black front), chestorflelds, Ig. butcher block, - 15 c u. ft. f reezer, Viking dryer, Beaumark automatic washer, office desk, modemn dres- sers & chests of drawers, walnut china cabinet, waînut buffet, hall tables & parlour tables, refinishsd washstands, church pulpit, aval & f lt-top trunks, =cIoaail lamps, caks, 5 HP rototiller, 7T x 8' tiîshi!n g ^hut,' ET 250 'Vamaha snowmobile, qty. of depression glass, china, glass & 'callectible t ms. DON & GREG CORNEIL RR #11, LITTI7TE BRITA IN <705) 786-2183 AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRV AUCTIONS" Evory Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickerin ,3 miles north of Hwy. 401 (thi #399). Fsatumîng.every Wed. an excellent solection of antiques, fine fumniture, glass, china, coIlctibles, primitives, and> the unusuals. So loin us every Wed. and participate. n one of Ontario's "trus" auctions wihno, buy-backs or reserves. Consigniment 'and estate selllng aur. specilalty.m Cali us taday. Prsviews tram 1:00 p.M. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 This week we have ta b. sold: 9 pc.walut lnigroom ste., round oak china, cabinet, oak sideboard, chery extension table with matching buffet &4> chairs, mahoqany carvsd hall table'& matching mirror, pair Victorlan. chairs, sot 6 Chippendale chairs, Chippenale executîve'desk, pife 2 pc. f lat-to-wall w/pins table & 4 hoop-back chairs, 4 pc. wicker set, Qusen Anne table, 4-door break- front sideboard & 6 matchin chairs, imted edition pmlnts, plus lots mare smalî & coîlectible items. Viewing tram 4 p.m. Terme are cash, Visa or approved choque. For mare information, caîl 416-263-4252. Conslgnmsnts wel- come. Sale managedand sold by: GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS Cans.i gnments walcome. To book your sae at your place or ours, cal me at 416-263-4252 fSTRANGER IN TOWUT) y our area' WHITBY FEPRESS' SUNDAY AUCTION REMINDER THIS SUNDAY MARCH 17 1 P.M PRVW NOON AT WI4ITBY KNIGHTS 0F COLUMBUS CLUB 133 BROOK ST. N., WIïITBiy Save moneyl Buy at auctionl Modern& antique home fur- nlshings, etc. including harvest- type table & 6 fan-back chairs, pine & other linon boxes, round walnut centre-pedestal table & 6 press-back chairs, pins benches, washstands, cheval mirrors,,Coke cooler, butter boxes, duck decoys, pins. step-back cupboard, 2 pc. pins high-back bodroom suite, bow-front china cabinet, 4-door lead glass bookcase, pine book- shelves, shavig stand, loveseat, o0 ilamp, boroom suite, Oak dresser, lg. mahogany table, Oriental carpets, coat tree, cap- tains' chairs, hump-top trunk, medicine chest, varlous parlour & occasional tables & chairs, prints, pictures, trames, pins slopo-front desk, dishes, glassware, china, brass horn, copr bugle, com- mode, coffoe tablee, dressers, van!- ties, chests, p ail bench, sholf unit, mirrored-bck sheif, country. bod, single iran & brass bed, plus much more not listed home. Temms: cash, choque. Snack bar. Consignmonts acceptod for t his and future sales. AUCTIONS UNLIMITED 519-.345-2426 519-345-2082 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SAT MARCH 16 - 6:30 P.M, PE1'HICK AUCTION BARNI HAVOO, 10 MI. NRE 0F. OSHAWA, EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT AT 6:30 P.M. 'By Maureen Quâiniaàn Volunteers may come and go at. Fairview, Ledge,' but Glaclys Everett has more than, passed the test-af time. And sihe's passedwith-.flying Colours. Everett'has béen a volunteer at the Lodge for 15 years. «I wanted ta do sometbing worthwhile,» says Everett, a Brolnresident who spends up ta, four heurs a day with -Iodge residente, three days a weok. «rPm net going ta lie and saLy I spend every minute at"the Lodge, but I corne as ofton as I can,» says Everett. A lot of hier time le aiready devoted te ber busband, children and now grandchild. But the time Everett doos spend at the Lodge, she epends wisely. Everett je in charg of a book cart that carnies large print books and «talking boaks." Sbo takee the citrts frem room- te room and helpe residonts make book choices. But Everett je much more than a mobile library. She takes, time ta chat, lisen and make new friende. Everyone at Fairview knows Everett by namne and looke for-. ward ta ber visite. She -wears a name. tag ta iden- tify, herseif as aà volunteeri. The Lodge feels that if velunteere .wear uniforma or smocks, they won't have the same reiationehip with residents. Everett carrnes net enly books and smiles with her, but*littie treats. Her goodies aren't large or expénsive -- a few bage. of caies or some sweets --but- welcomed ail the sanie. -On'thie day,, Everett je with Margaret, her» "special friend,» a retired ballroom daancer who et"ili has a'spark in.her.oye., «Where are my ceaies?» Mar- garet asked again and agai. And, by the look in h r eyes when she*finaily gets her reward, the ceaides were weil worth the wait. Margaret je one of Evrerett's many friende, and le even 'a part-tme volunteer with Everett. "r've convinced a few of my friende ta become volunhteers, even Margaret » says Everett. But Everetthlas-more ties wiîth residents than with. fellow volun- Volunteers often go ta evening and aftemeaon progame with rosi- dents at the Lodge., Twice a ,year, there's -aiea a' banquet, in- appreciatio n of the volunteers. Grant for, fitness pro'gramn By Maureenuiinlin* A provincial government grant of $16,958 bas beon given ta Fairview Lodge for a fitness pro- grami for lodge empiayeee. The funds wiil b. used ta build aà fitness facility, eupped like a, *regular gym, for nursing staff. Druniond hite MPPfor,, Durham Centre, recently announced the* grant. In a, prose release, White said that "This kind-cf project will heipargaizatons f ail typesta _Imprve the fitnese leveis of their empieoyees and it demâotrates our gevernment's. cammitment ta greater health and fitnese ini thii plrovJIMe. ~ Offee our:.Monday to Frlday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm a Fax 668-0594 Please check your advertisement for errors on the tiret day of publication, The Whltby Free Press will hlot b. hiable for failure ta publish an ad, or.for typographie errors in publication beyand the copt of the space accupied by the errorý up ta a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Fre Press reserves the right ta cîassify *rmreject aIl advertisereets. PRE-PNUD <Cash, VISA, cheque received before deadîine) $5.00 for 20 words; ($5.35 includes G.S.T.) 120 each aciditional word; (130 includes G.S.T.) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per agate Une (14 agate ânes per inch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 bilied DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSUFIEDS (Ads wth borders, pictures or graphics) Regular display rate s apply - 860 per agate Une Minimum size 1 column inch $12.04 (14 agate linos per inch) I PLUS 7% G.S.T. DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668-0594. LAYS TTEr, a volunteer at Fairview Làodge, isa welcome sight for residents including Magrt Wadli- car, an assistant and resident of the Làodge* cm@hiieov.photo 7,Longtime, -Lodg volunteer carnies a bokand a Smile

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