Obitarie Vivia- M Lu-inda'Flemiing of Whitby <ied on March 7. 1991, in Whitby. .8h. was born Mi Janetvlle Ont., ý,daughter of Samuel, -and Mary Agnes (Mills) McGi Il. She marrieNorval Gordon Fleming on May,141927 in Janetville. 8h. resided in Janetville until she began'trainmng as a student nurse' at Lindsay and Whitby. She lived in Oshawa fromi 1927 to, 1946,"and. lived the past 45 yearsin Whiýtby. eh was a memiber cf Whitby Baptisit> Church, and was a for- mer memüber -ofCalvary- Ba ptist, Church in 'Oshawa and Janet- Ville Presibyterian Church. She is survivedl by daughters Audrey Moore, Orma Hardie and Nor a Wadell, al cf W hitby,- son GlenFleiigof Ashburn, grand- children Nancy Moore, Cyrihia Jane Bird, Garth Hardie, -Kim- berley Sanderson Donald Flem- ing', lIori Pluard f~bbie Fleming >John Waddell, M e Bow and Christine -Wadell, great- grandchildren Jaimie , Kelly, Michael Tomas David an&d Jor- dan, anâ friend sean mermyn. She was'predeceased by her husband in 1988 brothers James Russell, Orvîne, UI'om as Oswald and Samuel and sons-in-law Les Moore and IÃenneth Hardie. The funeral was held from the W.C. Town.- Funeral' Chapel. on March 11, 1991, Rev. Hl enry Dyck officiating. Interment at Grovesiide cemetery. 6 Geneatons 'of 'Service,.Q aiy rs 0 Family..Monuments *Granite or Bronze, Markers *Sandblastng Staffoed Moumets 319 DuxidasSt. E., Whitbyý 668-3552 After Hours 668-446 or 666-1513 Homneappoentmenta glaly ane WHFFRE PRESS. WEDNESDAY, -M&RCH 27,1991, PAGE, 13 DO-IT-YOURSELF SEMINAR Saturday, April 2Oth, 1991' 10:00am- 12:00Opm - 2:OOPM Pavers and. Retalnlng Walis FORÃŽ QUICK RELIABLE SERVICE CALL' 683m088 *Top S oll -Sand - Curbs - Rockery Stone, - GraveIl ,Flrewood Limestone * Pine Mulch - Patio Slabs.* Trèated Timber (BstWishesY Best Gerald T.W. Whattam HAVE< A GREAT 19 223 B ROCK ST. N. WHITBY Whitby office 416-668-6171 Toronto line 416-686-1821 SJTAFFORD" MONUMNTS A Family Business for. Six Generations 318 Dundas St. E. WIEI 1668,3. Wishes ona Campaign! CHEVROLE e OLDSMOBL-E - CADLLA J.w i Piehfê~ Perry Ho use- Whitb,/s Oldest Private Centre, 129 FERRY STREETI (1 block E. of #I2off Dundgs) -WHITBY *668-9476. Roieo) RESTAURANT Good Foodd. Friendly' ÀtmoSphèere w-2080,-We'ntworth St. WWW Whitbyt Ont. LiN 5R6 434-8510 "A GComplete. Elitit$cils itneéss FaciIît'y Forî Women QnIy" *Serving children & adolescents with physical disabilities' -47 families right lhere in Whitby *Nursing ýServices -& Parent Support Programs *Five Summer'Camps in ýOntarlo for H'andicapped Children For further information, cai 728-8255 In co-operation with - Rotary Whitby Packaging Products Canada, Imc. lpv 1506 Wentworth St. W. 5521 WVhitby, Ont. FENNELL INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. WHITBY 666-2400 AJAX - -1-4,1 zý-.-427e-646& Whitby Sunrise wAli the best for yoyur 1991 campaign!1 SHýEWAN, RAFOPORT Barristers & Solicitors Best Wishes for a. Successful Easter Seal Campaign' 101 Mary St. W. 3rd floor, ~ inira i'tbyCndâùlnpra L(corrner of Brock and Mary Sjtreets) Bik of Commerce IL1101 BrabckSt. N. 3421 W IL i A A1~A 7. PI '~r-?ft For A .Successf 'U- I Campig n THIE SORICHETUI CORPORATION 310 Byron Street South Whitby, > INSURA NCE Since 1,933. 214 D undas St. E. Whitby, Ontario SHELVING, Thickson Place Plaza Whitby S430-1636, BEST IN 1991 FROM WHITBY PHYSIOTHERAPY &SPORTS INJURIES-CLINIC SOHAN S. KOONAR Dip. P.T., M.C .P A. 220 Dundas St. W. Whftby 6,4ý68-04141ýý BEST, .WISHES Rai ston, Purina Canada' mhc.-ý Whitby Ont. i !WE BACK, A FIGHTER! iJohnson, Morton. <Bureh & Boland Barristers & Solicitors 201 .Byron -St. S. Whitby Whitby:-666-2252 TO Lino: 686-0306J I ~.434-CLU-B ,434-2582 Lord Slmfcoe Place- 57, Simcoe St. S. Oshawa, ELECTRIC 1i.M. McTEAGUE Fax:(41 6) 668-3159 3.00, Beech St. West P.O. Box 204 Whltby Ontarlo'LiN 5S1 668-4278 -7--< Cooper Systems *Consulta-nt- 1% À;->-. 1 OOF i 1 1 À