PAGE 14e WHITY FREE PRES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, Ml AChit-lec t -chl osen,frWPIpoJec The architectural frm-Of Crn~and ,BoakeIne. of Toronto .haIsn nchosen ta design, the redeveloped Whitby Psychiatrie H e dsign team for tbe hoqpital redevelopment-,project includes consultant architect Moffat' inoshita Imc. of Toronto and the 'U.S.-based consufltant planners, Cannon Partnersbip. Th 'e planning process over the past two years bas been th ough and consultative," 9s'ays Frunces, Lankin, Gomerment Se vces Minister. It bas inc uded extenSive partcipation from patients, houpital, staff;,peple from the Ministry of Health and community representativiis." The . Whitby redevelopment plan will see the hospital rebuilt as a 325-bed tertiary care facility,' offering specialized programis for people for chronic ,psyýciiiatric disablities Who cannot bé treated in their own communities. "This project is the nucleus of a new model of mental health care in Ontario, one that improves the quality of care available to people with mental illness," says Evelyn Gigantes, Ontaria Health Minister. "The hospital will also serve as a regional referral centre and willl Batncri tcizes reprt FROM PAGE 1 ment Corp. Whitby approved Coscan's pro- posal last year, but the province has expressed reservations about restricted access to the water- front* and size cf the, develop- ment. Under the Town-approved pro- posai, Harbour Isle will spread across the foot cf- Brook St., coverng E[16 acres cf laid- on the west side and six acres on -the east. It will include tbree 15-storey apartment, buildings, 54 town- bih OEint Ure Khng hieuses, a recreation centre and commercial units. <"Who's doing the planning hère?» asks Batten. «We go through a long pro- cedure and they come back, and say it's wronig.» B3atten said eieventh-hour intervention by the province in- the Coscan project is wrong but admits littie can be',dane about it. C«IOur politicai system in Canada lays out certain respon- sibilities ta different government levels,» said Batten. "But-if you start doubling-up and different levels of govern- ment use their power and dictate to others, this is a doubling-up of tax dollars, it's coF1ing the tax- payerasmore." Batn said that when Queen's Park interferes» in local plan- ning' decisions, it essentiallz, means « municipalities aren t, doing their jobs."» t He resents this implication. «When ail is said and dons, municipalities are closest to the people,» saidBatten. «I ;would think the provincial. <governrnent bas enough areas'of responsibility without-looking for more work to do," he added. I4joise PROM PAGE 1 been somewhat reduced, the noise continues on a periodC basis, changing in intensity,» states the petition. The petition adds that Atian- tic's temporary solution" is in- adequate and demanda a per- manent'solution as soon as pos- sible. Jn a reply letter to the resi- dents, Town clerk Don> McKay said Atlantic has advised the municipality that it will be in- stalling permanent muffling, devices. "Atlantic Packaging expeets ta complete this;work withm .tbree ta six montbs,». McKay'ý letter states. .Telling council this time frame is unacceptable, councillor Den- nisFox aïked if th'e municipality could request Atlantic to spee up the process. Mayor Bob Attersley said that be and staff will check into the situation. Following the meeting, Fox told reporters be is prepared to give Atlantic «some tîmer to rec- tify the problem. "But tliree ta six months is too ion g," said Fox. «I don't want people toasit out in their backyards and put up ,with this aIl summer.» Fox said Atlantic's straw bales remedy bas not worked and is hopeful the muffiing devices will do the trick. He dismissed a suggestion that perhaps the noise is not as bad as residents dlaim. "If other p le had to live there they'dind out, itfs enough ta drive you crazy,» said Fox. provide a 25-bed, acute care psyhitrc unit for Durham and Vitra counties, saya Drummond <White, Durham Centre AMPP. From, an initial 17 submisions, six proponents were selected for interviews and tbree finalista were invited to prepare detailed 'rhse subissonsaddressed team organization, schedule and coat control, and prelixninary design, concepts for a generic patient care, unit, two specialized dlinical -units, ,the averail organization of the hospital and the incorporation of theý new facility on the existinig site. C onstruction- is scheduled -to begin in the summer of 1993, and the building should be ready for occupancy, in mid-1996. The Wbitby Psychiatric HosÉtal serves,_a population, of about. 1.5 million pulein Scarborough, East Yok atOf North York, Victoria Cunyand the regional municipaMtes of York and Durham. Recycle This Ne wspaper ' ENVIRONMENTAL ZYX-' Realizing the importance of getting environmental information out quickly ta bis readers, editor Mike Baginlki of- à oa' Seniors asked me ifI would create'an aphaeia it of tips. Wat an excellent way ta adr'w 26 ideas. Presenting this list in reverse alphabtical order indicates that we must tr ourselves around and look at things differentiy in order ta make progress. ZIPPERS, anaps or buittons can be snipped 'c-ff worm garments for reuse. Goodwill Industries weicome. torm c lothing which is bunled and sold by the pounid. YARD SALES. Your tbrow-aways are someone elWes,- treasures. XPECTATIONS GREAT! Strive 'beyond the Miisfrycf, the Envirornent's target of 50 per cent reduction by the year 2000. WXcan be useïd again for makdngcandIeéà .'oet-.-Me bro«ken candesinto a 48 oz. tin and set in apot of water piaced on top of the' stove. Clean -wax from preservatives,- Gouda cheese wax wrapipinig or broken crayons can' be include. VERMICOMPOSTING - the use of red worms :kept in a box witb peat mass or similâr bedding for composting in a aipartment, office -or classroom. Acquire vermicampoating information from'the Recycing Council of Ontario (RCO)- 960-1025. UPDATE (Ontario Recyding 'Update') is a bi-monthly magazine p ublishe d by the EOtaop mmesifre about reçyding news and comi*ng eventa. THINK globally, act locally. Join â 'community action group. SEND a letter ta, your local M[PP or a company president expessing your ideas or concerna about the protection cf our enviromnent. REDUCE, REUSE,, RECYCLE- the 3R%. The future is Ra. QUILTS are made from gond scrap pieces of material., A loca church may have a quilting group- who could use your remnants. POLYESTER DRESSES can b. put back in style ta remake suame bo ngeag Rý,ComCplain .about, over-pac e poducts. Store managerswilps on customer dissatifato ttheir suppliers. As a consumer, you'bave bath the vaice and thepower af purcbase. OTS. or letters can be written on used-envelopes^ - simply suice them open. Unbleached, recycled paper . producta are available at stores such as Pollution ProEs Ecology Hous, Sierra Club Teekah and Oshawa7s Earthdance MAPREb for 'recycled, products are cbeing.developed. Suport recycing in order to secure a manufacturer's supply. LUJG-A-MUG wherever you expect -ta be served a -biieeag in a disposable cup. KITCHENaorganic food scraps, combined with yard wste, make good conmpost for your garden and potted plants. j.. JUNK MAIL. To have your naine taken offe the jiik mail list, remove the label and send ta, Canadian Direct Makting, 12 Concord Gate, Don MEIls, Ont. M3C 3N6.< INVITE neighbours and friends ta y ur,, home for an environninental party. Discusa ways in which you can beipta be a part cf the solution. HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE. Vinegar, baking soda and borax will be the top cleanin agents in the. 1990s. GREEN CONSMER GUID, published by Pollution Probe i ornw bible aimed at keepin thinga green.1-, FRi ~ PAPER RECYCLING is, posaije at home. Send wbat is. acceptable with the working member cf your family whose office is on a fine paper recydling progra. ECOLOGO. A'uni que new logo, made- up'of three doves entwined into a maple leaf, indicates .that the- product is environmentally friendly.'Look for this new1 synibol wheln you shoN&T THROW IT AWAY. Before -de sitingý anything in the garbage -tbink of the alternative., Fanit bereused or %ec1cld? CLEA, unwanted blankets, toweis, s"heets and bath -matsý are welcomed by most.,ammal shelters,' pet salons and veteilinarians. BLUE BOX. Keep iinformed about ail the-items that you can recycle. Place your bx at curbside when full. ABSOLUTELY DIAPERS. This Toronto store carn*es ail types. cf cotton diapers. 4 4 1- A new church in the new community of SWhitbyl, Join us In worshlp Eastr Sund' ay at 1Oc3Oam at the Kendalwood Seventh Day* Adventist Church 300 Kendalwod Rd. St. Mn' iIai uv Brooklin, AndersonI Winchester Maundy Thursday H.C. 7:30 p.m. Good Friday Lturgy 10:30 a.m. Easter HOC. 8:30 a.m.. &H.C. 10:30 a.m. No Nursery or Church Sohool today Incumbent: The Rev. Frank Lee ALL WELCQMEI 655-3883 Easter . Sun day Service- Whity Chilstlan Assently at the corner of Brock and Rossland 9:3Oam Special Sunday School 10:30am Rev. W. HalIIlI 6pm The Visionaimes with Dr. Chris Marantika Salmat Datang t t p 'À ;4 * ýf'