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Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24, WH1TBYFRM PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27,1991 CORPORATION 0F.T-HE, TOWN0F WHITBý PARKS AND RECREATI.ON DUE TO A DEFECT UN THE PRINTIN, PROCESS THE FOLLOWING WERI OMITTED UN THE SPRING/SUMMEI ACTIVITYBROCHURE E F F 7 n Fc e IFa GF TUE WEI THI FR1[ SAlI TUE Bellwood Community School, Pringie Creek Community Schooi, Gien Dhu Communi yScool, Palmerston Community Schooi, 30 Bellwood Drive 80 Ribblesdale Drive 29 Faiingbrook Street 400 Palmerston Avenue 571-47 668-00 666-0* 666-09, PRE-SOHOOL SUMMER CAMP (3 - 5 YEARS) This camp for pre-schooi chiidren wili provide outdoor activities inciudi nature walks, water play, gares and arts and cmftts. The faciIities y nciude an arts room, gymnasium, as well as a park and piayground area. 1.. Modys& Wsed sdays :30 - 130a.m Stan ,Daise: Wsdmsdmy, Jhi 3,1991 Ends: Wndinsudy, Augui7,1991 No<Cas: Augusi, 1991 Cool: $M700(10 maMnkw) 2. TusadaysàThday 9:30 - 11:3uLm Stant Date: Tuaadq 'iy 2, 1991 Endi: Tliirmda, Aç 8,1991 Codl: $85.00 (12 =mew* dlIg) RECRIEATINLFCLIISADSERVICES IEYDENSHORE PAVIUON Vater Street (Brock St. S. to Water St) 668-1262. or bookings and penrnits cml 668-7765. :acility rentai information: Hait with kitchen, 350 for dance, 530 for meetir vith no tables or alcoho beverages. :ENTENNIAL BUILDING 06 Centre St S., for booklng caii 668-7765. macility rentai Information: Regai Room (air concitioned wit kitchen, dmnc or 135 peopie, meeting for 200 people), Gold Roomn(meeting for 50 people MNE OITENBRITE POOL IOQUOIS PARK COMPLEX (corneraf Henry & Victoria Sts.), 668-7765 ÃŽROUP SWIMMING LESSON FEE: $45 'PRING RECREATIONAL SWIM PROGRAM 1991l 1PUBUC 7:30-8.30 PM 7.00-8.00 PM 2:305:00 PM 7.00-8600PMt 12:00-1 -30 PM 8:30-9:30 PM 12:00-.:30 PM 12:00:1:30 PM 8-9:30 PM 12:00-1.30 PM 12:00-1.30 PM 8.00-9.00 PM 8:0.:0 M PARENT & TOT (Umml POC) 12:00-1:30 PM K1.0-30 PM 121)-130 P 1:1:30 P] 2:00-5:00 PM 100-2:00 PMI FAMILY SWIM SENIORS/ PHY8ICALLY CHALLENGED 11:00-12:00 nooi :30-2:30 PM 11012:00mn JMMER RECREATIONAL SWIM PROGRAM INE 29 - SEPTEMBER 2, 1991 PUBUC 230-5:00 PM 6:00-8:00 PM 2:05:0 PM DNESDAY 2*30-5:00 PM IRSDAY 2:30-5:00 PM 6:00-8.00 PM M230-5*00 PM 7 .-800 PM ADULT 12:M01:*30 PM 8.00-9:00 PM 12:00-1:*30 PM 800-9:00 PM 12:00-1:30 PM 8:00-9:00 PM PARENT & TOT «MIlpo 12:00-t30PM 12:00-1:*30 PM 12:00-1:30 PM PHYicALLY CHALLENGED 1:30-2:30 PM 5: *600 PM r s i 1 12:00-i .30PM 1_8:00-9:00 PM 8:00-9:00 PM 8:00-9:00 PM 1200-1130 PM [î2oo.voP__________ 5:00-6:00 P IAY 2-05.0 PM 1:C-1-2:00 PM &6.0600 PM ________FAMILY SWIM 'GLEN DHU COMMUNITY SCHOOLSPNGPORP 1. ADUIT SELF-DEFENCE - Leamn basic defence techniques as wel how to identify and avoid potential situations. Thuradays 850O- 9:5 Start Dais: Tue 4Y My Z1991 Coat: $20.00 (5- Weoks3) SPECIAL NOTE: FAMILY FUN FAIR ý- SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1991 Mark your caiendar nowl The number of people attending iast surpassed aur wiidest dreams. This year more events are pianned aic with the popular Bicycle Parade, Pet Show, Haunted House, and Fish Pc Do you have any su ggestions for FUN FAIR activities? If you can sp 1/2 an hour to seli tickets or if you would like to become more involved hepng to plan or publicize your community FUN FAIR, please cati GLEN DHU COMMIJNITY S<CHOOL office at 666-0969. W E NEED Y Look for more FAMILY FUN FAIR news in May. COMMUNITY SCHOOL SUMMER CAMP INFORMATION CAMPS OFFERED AT THE FOLLOWING COMMUNITY SCHOOLS E elnwn wr Lioxs in arham touramnt- IG; E ias ear are the DUI 770 66 169 ng ce scored by, Harden, Roùrke, Tait and ,Meaney. Assist& went ta Scheepers, Beckford, Meaney and Vanhemmen. This proved ta, be, Whi*tbys most challenginggaine and the outstanding performance of bath goalies', Hughes',and Thornton, along w'ith a veiy strong showing'on defence, lSpt, Witby in the gainie. The final, gaine was a real crowd-pleaser., An »outstanding effort by al team members resulted in,*a- 2-0 win,,for Lions. ThefAirst: -goal was ;scored 'by Hardeni, assisted by McKay and O'Halloran. Tlhe insurance goal was scored by Sean I{olms, unassisted. The niin'or novice teain won their first tournament, earlier in the year in East Gwillimbury, and wers finaliâs in tournaments Newmarket tournamen t Novices winconsolation The Brooklin finsmen major novice house league' team was consolatiqn champion in the 25thý annual Newmarket house leagule tournament over March break. insmen lost their first game 2-1 ta, Aurora. Aurora'sgoaltender -stone- walled the Ksinsmen shooters who also put six, shots 'off the goalposts. The only marker for Kinsmen came in the third period by Camer on Munro. The second game against Burlington was a blow-out, with Kinsmen scaring eight, unanswered goals in the, first period. -The, second and third periods, saw, the-,defence and wings change, positions, 'allowing Mfichael- Pickett --and--Michael. Collins, two defencemen, tascr e' their firet carer goals. Aaron Burke'and Munro both had hat tricks in the 11-1 contest. In their third gaine, Kinsmen1 mauled Lindsay 9-O with Trevor Bremner getting the firat three goals for a natural hat trick. Andrew Gubbles earned the shutout while Matt Waltan, the regular netminder,. played wing ?or the tournament, Munro and Bremner each had five goals and two assists, Burke had, three goals and four -assista, Kevîn Taylor.two goals and two assista, Gubbles one goal and thres assista, Brian, Witruk one goal and two assists, Matt Waltan three .assista, ".Collins, -Ryan> Moore, Mike Pickett and. Sanford Egan»onpr goal'adans assiet, John Caldwsell two assiste, and Chris Moore one goal. Dart -finalists ,determine The Wednesday night 'dart league playoff final will feature Whitby Trophy Hous, first-place fnishers, aganst second-place Whitby Weedman. .Trophy, House defeated Baker Burniture finishing 6-4 ta reach the finals,' while Weedmnan defeated Raycan Financial 6-3. *Carlaberg division The last place Gary Cap p ins Services teain defeated frast place Daily Planet by-,a score of 42. Coppins is in the mixed final againat third place Dodd & Soute Broadloom whoà earned a 4-1 victary over the second place Daryllorton Services team. Whitby Minor Lacrosse'Night National Lacrosse League Whftby Steel Hawks vs Guelph Power Thursday Mar. 28/91 8:00 Pm Peterborough Memoriai Centre FREE ADMISSION FOR PASS HOLDERS Shoot out competition and prizes SINGLE A (92 TEAM) BROOKLIN-WHITBY MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION % k *I Jremner was nazned firet star and Waltan third star in the final Whitby hockeyý Boum IZAGUE IMOUNOVICE ILesgue & Playoff Champions Maeéague Bloc. 14 Whltby Toyota 0yleutian 6 Blair Dinadale 2 Jamle Ehlck 3 DerekBaboetaan James. Embas.38 ark LeBlane Bsfe.Robertean Jonathan Wala Chrls waney B8 Champions 'hýyOptmlst 4 Brooblin Concrets Michael ESuddoma McalDml Androw Kmo Scott Cook UMOU ATOU Mmth 23 Mitchell Bo. 8SmllingDrlfers Matthew Smith Jason Schlelffr DarrenBugey Mark Thomson Matthew 8.11h coocan 8 optimiate Chra Mooy 2 Jean mar Carm 4 Derek Bhadbury 3 Juatin-YelIe Kyle Blachard sent Lehy Kevin Jenningu JemsySmith MAJOR ATOM March 23 MclvorInauranc 4 Klnsmen Club Kye Merriman Larxy ltiagfla Luke Jacoba' ChrinGaudette Mike Mclvor Stephen Coiy Jeff Gols Duff Towlng 6 117! Cannon- Peter Larlane Tise Hum"s Andew Dale Brent Lazary 2 Todd Farquharson Paul Helnrlck 3 Mike Fletcher Joey Walsh Tis Armstrong 2 Dougchard Whltby Audio 5 Provincial Signa Jamie Hunter2 Brion Nelson Chad MeKenie Enzo chiaréllo Anthony Camerzull JooI Johnson Paul Matualak ile Fennesaey RANTAM Match 17 H &B signa 2 Whthy Optimist. 2 Jake Losted B.J. Prout Bob Hanceld Camneron Polars! Mids Mufler 6 Whltby Kinumen 3 Mar Gray 2 Robert St. Pierre P4att Swift 3 Bich Welner Andrew-Jamleson Adam Kennedy Coacaxi 10 The Oreek Týcoon 1 Dariyl Pleshe 3 Brodie Richani. Bobby Morrison 2 Clay Whyte Paul Moore Demis canner Spencer Lloyd Brad Wheelans March 20 SMII Conatruction 5 Brooklin Kinsmen 3 Clinten Sivitilli 2 Graham Undcrwood Dariyl Moore 2 Byan Heeney 2 Trovor IHarvey March 21 Provincial Signa 1 iv5.111Construction 1 Peter DaSilva Chadwick Parker Franklln's Food& 2 Blaes Skate Cars2 ITler Derka Geoffrey Harris Robin McDougail Gavin Findea Whltby Flrslightmr 2 Boys Enterprise 2 Andrew Ashbee Jason Cunningham John Paul Liriano, Patrick Hickey . 5 a An outýtanding, performance, by the W itby ninanoiceA team resulted inahm piship, at; the recent M am Winterhawk tournainent. lIn a six-game series, the Brooklin Lions allowed only three goals. MVP goaltending. by Joahua Hughes and- Michael Thornton resulted in four shutaut games. In the first gamne, Whitby beat East Gwillimbury 7-O. A hat trick' was scored by, Bryan, Rourke, remaining goals -,by' David Beckford, ýMatt, McKay, Lucas Harden and Ryan ,Meaney.- Aitawent ta Bennie Scheepers (2), Meaney, Paul Tait (2),' Ryan Robb, Harden (2), Beckford (2). In the second game, Whitby defeated Stouffvi'lle 4-O. Goals were scored by Beckford (2), Rourke and Scheepers, with E- JE8DAY EDNESDAY IJRSÃ"AY XURDAY IDAY NDAY 'SDAY My JRDAY s now Accepting Applications for Coaches, Assistant« Coaches, Managers And Trainers. Appications may be picked Up from the newsletter box at efther arena or by contacting a member'ai the executive. For further information cati Dave Walt at 668-6735 or Larry Dancey at 728-0550. Deadline for submisson s Apri 6th,, 1991. assists ,by l3rett Vanhemmen, Harden, ýTait anid McKay. 'ý Whitby wan their third game versus Unionvilie 2-O due ta' superb'defense provided by Gary Kitanxura, Vanhenen, Robbie Gawne andRobb. The opening goal> ws care býScheepers, with assists, fromýGawne and Meaney. The second;, his, fifth 'of the taurnament, came 'fromn Rourke. During the, fourth game againat Anrora the shutaut strealc was 1broken., but WMit, won 441. Goals iwere score by Harden me aney,'Tit an Patrick OHIalloran. Assists went to Scheepers, Beckford, 'Tait, Kitamura, (YHaloranand Harden., The ..semni-finals xnatched Whitby against Stauffville. Once agan, Lions won 4-2. Goals, were ---L i. -1 7 1 DNDAY 17.30-8:30--PMI 1 5*u6.30 PM

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