PAGE 16, WRITBY-FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY,'APRIL 3,1991 !N-VOGU! EN VOGU! !N VOGU! FABRIC.SHOWý" Bright colours giving, way to mo0 Iow-,key approa-ch. (SOP) Nearly 7,000 buyers, including a number of Canadians, descendod on the l2th annual New York Fabric Show, held at the Jacob Javits Convention Conter. Over 200 mills and converters showeci the latest in fabrics for spring/summer '91 froin Europe, the Americas and' the Far East.' Emile M. Tubiauia, president of the American-European Trade & Exhibition Center, which produces the show, deemed it a success. But ho feels that North Americans still' have an inferiority complex. "'They think everything European is -botter. But that's nonsense- We can put a man on the moon - we are not inferior to anyone. And there is no reason North American textile mile should ho deprived- of foreign markets.le The solution, ho insisted, is te make North Americans more recoptive te the idea of trade shows like the one Tubianas compaysonos9 ATCbgan with shows of EuroenRTW and continues te sponsor the New York show. But sinoe 1984, AETEC bas also produced fabric shows. Last, year, visitors were able te examine fabrics from many countrios. Several Canadian firms alo exhibited, including Andrew Koenig of Montreal, who represents an impressive array of European manufacturers such as« Cecci Paolo, Tessilgodi and Lanificio Aurora. SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE DESICNS IN "TOI)4Y'S IBRIDE' MAGAZINE r Ir D IR ECTOR Y Your guide to Durham's hair and skin specialists,health club and beauty professionals LEESON CLIFTON AND ANNETTE DESCHAMPS Whltby Massage Therapy Inc. Whtby 430-2183 There is a purpose for massage therapy before, after and during a health program. Massage therapy also helps to decrease stress and tension throughout the body caused by the stressors of everyday iiing. Massage therapy helps to increase circulation, decrease muscular tension and help eliminate lactic acid build up within the body, thus giving the individual a general feeling of well, being. For more information caîl Whitby Massage Therapy 430-2183.. ROSSLAND SPORTS & MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC 701 Rossland Rd. E. Whltby 430-6788 Start the sprîng feeling relaxed and healthy! Rossland Sports & Massage Therapy C linic would like to invite you to their clinic. Frank Webster R.M.T. and Jayne. McCormick R.M.T., both Registered Massage Therapists, offer massage and various forms of hydrotherapy. Gift certif icates are available. For an appointment cal h430-6788.. DURHAM MASSAGE & HYDROTHERAPV CLINIC 213 Byron St. S. Whltby 666-0406 Massage therapy is not a luxury. Everyone can benefit from it. Not only is massage therapy an effective aid in stress reduction, it can also relieve muscle pain due to injury, pregnancy, exercise, poor posture and much more. Massage helps to maintain good muscle condition to p revent muscle strain or injury. Massage - a drug-free therapy -your healthy habit. By appointment: Mon. - Wed; 1 9 pm, Tues. & Thurs. 10 - 6 pm. TRECKMAN HEALTH SERVICES Suite 8 - 519 Dundas St. E. Whitby 430-2923 Are you tired of not feeling well? Do you want to feel good? Do you feel run down, stressed out and feel that nobody cares? WE CARE! We talk health. Our nursing service provides relaxation .therapy, reflexology, cleansing and nutritional counselling. A Homeopath - provides. natural remedies.. An Iridologist does eye examination for health and a therapist for Rebalancing and Reiki. Give us a cî: 30-93 SCISSORS HAIR DESIGN 601 Dundas St. W. Town Plaza Whltby 668-1640 We offer complete hair care for the whole family with a full range of perms, tinting, highlights, cuts and styles as well as*manicures, pedicures, nail tips and waxing. We p oide - rfesoal and friendly servicee and carry a full line of Redken and Sebastian products. We offer perm Speials Mon., Tues. and Wed. pls gift certificates for that special person. STRANDS Pearson Lanes 666-0550 Whltby Mail, Whltby 433-0394 Service is number one priority at Strands where customers always corne f irst. Quality hair styling, colors, perms, hennas, long-hair up do's and braids are ail done using-Paul Mitchell and Joico products which are - also available for sale. Make-up is available for weddings and fashion shows. Open 10 arn - 8 pm, Mon. to Fri. iope Sat. ýat 9:30 arn* Colour trends "Out of Our six colour palettes," said Ms. Feuss of the Color Box, a forecasting service, lepurple is a best seller in three ont of six, pink in tbree out of six and coral (both- light and dark) COflis up twice in six groups. . siPercentage-wise, 46 per cent of aur bost sellers are in the blue and green, family, 37 per cent in the- spicy tones and 17 per cent are. neutrals. 0f our six colour gronps our best seller lias been the <Vacation brights, and in that,' the two best colours are Bermuda blue and. a hot Mexican pink. "In general, solids and small patterns dominate. Colours are generally less aggressive,"! explains Feus. 'The brights are becoming lou important and were 9seingmore low koy, neutralized colours. We're still soeing the spicy tones but there is a slow movement towards cooler blues and greens. We'Il me a lot of colours mixed with white and tonal combina- tions using a contrast of light and dark"0 Sportswoar stays bright Although she predicta a move away from the aggessive brights, they soom te ho having their last hurrah this season. These, cheerful colours are seon in active opotswarrainwear,' swimwear, childrenls wear and juniors. Other palettes include 'Verenda Pastels.' hese colours are seen in sanded siiks, light linens and chiffons. Best 'sellers bore includo a soft pinlc, a beigy bine, peach and lilac. 'Herb Gardon' clours are destined ;;for -bottom weights, washed silkg, eeersuckers and crinkled cottons*., Colours here include aid rose, a gold called curry -plant, and a,-sof sage green. « Picnic. Deeps,' geared to spring-weight wools, sportswear, outerwear and jewelry, predict a bright swimming-hole blne, wild violet and etrawborry.* «Urban Darks' are dark suinxmir colours for sportswear, outerwear, and footwoar; and will bo combixied iz* simple stripes and checks. These include a navy callod Seattle blue, New, York green, Miami purple and Madrid olive. The f inpal roup, -caloed «'Seashore Nea e the soft tones for lwitsý, laces, and embroidery, mncluding a taupe called beach pebble and a sof gray called dusty millor. Fa.hiouTrendue "Fashion -trends," says Feus, "will ho a study -of softness and sonsibility.. '"We're soeing fashion tbat's freo of pre-ordained sttements." She does, .however, ueo several, important moods. The first is the 'Navigator.' This focuses -on classic navy and white combinations,- with a softer silhouette and long., liqid jackets teamed with shorts and pants. 'Simply Less' refers, to soif, smaoth, unstructured jackets, easy tunice and big ýtops over narrow bottoms, oversized sweaters and pjama looks. Laura A shley. A chic choice for afternoon and evening events, a voile Wrap blouse -andfull shirt are enhanced with a French-inspired floral. Dianne '~s Bidai Couture -CUSTOM MRATIONS- ~BidafGown.s e qmifesmai&s 9êothetr's andSpecia( occasion Any custom made bridai gown ordered between March lst & April.3Oth, 1991 wil indude a headpiece and veil of their choice. NoAlteratio-n Charges On Cutstorn Made Ordcrs. me. eF -ISCINU- Marla-Ju 413 Dundas St. E., at Hickory (behind Fiamily Trust) Whitby é 430-8985 . . . .. . . . . . . . . .