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Whitby Free Press, 3 Apr 1991, p. 27

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WFTBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3,1991, PAGE 27 AL-ANON If someone in your fanily has a drinling problem, you can< see what it s doing tô them. But can you see what it's doing to you? AI-Anon nieets evelyTuesday aï 8 p.m. at "St. MarIes Churcli House Coiborne and Byron Ste., Whitby. For information and help, contact Al-Anon, 728-1020. SWING INTO SF¶UNG Palmerston Community School invites you te "swing into spring" at their spring open . bouse, SaturÈday,'April 13, fromý 10 a.m. te 1 p.m. There will be painting, bike rodeo, free fitness testing, early registration for spring prograins and. summer day camps, games, -prizes, free refresbxnents, karate demnonstra- tions and, more. For more i~ioratoncontact Palmerston Com u~~ School, 400 Palmerston Ave., 666-0959. 50a AND 60s DANCE Remnember the day the music died? Well, it comes back te life once a year at the Irouoisa Park arena i Whitby with the help of the Durham' Chapter of the Canadien . -Cystic --Fibrosis Foundation. This year markcs the ninth annuel50os and 609 Breath of iàfe dance, wbich will be held on April 27 at 8 p.m. Haes of this year'sg event are John Donabie of KEYý 590 radio, Don Baker and Craig Smith. Tlickets are $18 per person (GST included) and will'go on sale at Iroquois Park arena on Saturday., April 6 at 8 a.m. with a 10-ticket per person limit. The dance will feature hoola hoop and best costume conteste, in addition te many door prizes and a Leisure Draw featuring four weekends for two, at mo hotels and resorts in Ontario. AU' proceeda fi-om the dance will go -te flnding a cure or control for cystic fibrosis. DANCES1 'Clean and sober' -, danmes -are held at the. Knights of Columbus Hall, Whitby, every other Friday. QUILT SHOW The llth annual quilt show at St. Mark's Church wvill be held on Friday, April 26, 2 te, 9 p.m., and Saturday April 27, 10 a.m te, 4 p.m. Quits are shown only once at the annual shows, and this year the 550th qilt will be seen. Many crib quilta, wall- hangings and other amail quilted articles will be on'display. Some will be for sale. Visitera will be invited te join a quilting bee, for men and women. Show organi- zers welcome calîs from anyone willing te display their quilts. CalDot McPherson aut 668-1276 asnas posbile, as the final list will be made by April 5. There i. wheelchair accessibi- lity te the church. Revenue Canaâda i preparation of basic income .tex. For., an appointment cail 668-799., g CONCERT The Loreley Singera wil sponsor a.special concert on Slunday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m. .te commemorate, the 200th anniversary of, the- death of Wolfgang 'Aroadeus Mozart. Program n items will include Exultate, Jubilate the "Linz" fSymphony Ave Veruin, Magnifcat and the Coronation Mass. Admission is $10 per person, $8 for. students and seniors. For ticket information call 728-4053 or 728-1045. FASION SHOW* A feshion show will be held at Westminster United Church, 25 Manning Rd., Whitby on Mon- day, ,April 15, 8 p.m. There will be fashions from Mercantile DptStr and Vallan Fashions. TrickeStre '$5 and include refreshments. Al welcome. For tickets or more information, cal 576-2615. BIG SISTERS NOW Big Sisters NOW will hold their annual general meeting and 'Appreciation Night' on Thursday, April il at Durhamn College, dining room, fromn 7 te 9 p.m. For reservations, cali 436-0951 by March 28. ]Refresbmnintewill 6e available. RAMIADRAN Ramadhan -will beheld March 18 to April 15. The Abinadiyya Movement in'Islam has informa- tion, timetable and free litera- ture on Islam and almoat al lenguages of the world. Write to Boxt 240%27, 601 Dundas St. -W., Whitby, LIN MX, or'cal L one Ahmad at 666-9539. ]ROAST BEEF DINNER Orange Lodge will sponsor a roast beef dinner on FridaApr'l 19, 6:80-p.m., at Orange Temple, il Bruce St., Oshawa. Adulte $8, children $4. For tickets, cali 728-8625 or 723-7588. Thinkîng of Buying? Thinking of SelII ing? Transferring Out of Town? For a FREE market' LILIAN NORTH evaluation of your homne's-current value, Cali Lilian North, SALES REPRESENTATIVE REALTY ONE, . 4:36-1800 INC. I - av Non noft communlt o rop which are baudln Wlbor have a membershipmay pIIC their u p o m jn m e e tin gs page t nlo cost. Ioluin wool h ol a I Fnday ut Sp.m. TOAgTMASTEMS Oshawa Toastmasters i. a non-profit organization wbich helps members gain greater confidence in themselves tbrough improvement in speakcing and listening aboilIs. Meetings are every Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the YWCA building on Centre St. Al are invited te, attend. For further information cal Dave Chilvers at 725-2307 or Jack McAuley at 666-0368. Crime Stoppers and Durham Rogional police axeasIng fo the public's he;I in solving a roébber which occurred in Pickering on Feb. 15. At ab-out 10:30 p.m., the owner of Bayly Variety and bis 9-year-old son were in their store at 1261 BaylyS t. A man entered, bought a few items and then left. A few minutes later the saine nan returnèd and went to the owner and demanded cash. The victim saw that the suspect's jacket was open and that he was holding a knife. The store owner gave the suspect some cash and the victim was then told te, take his son into the back roomn and wait a few minutes. He cid this and activated the alarm. The bandit is described as a white man in bis thirties beard and moustache, about 6' 3" to 6' and thin build. . le. -was wearing a red ski jacket and a red-on-white basebali cap. Have you any idea who this person i.? Do you know anyone who dresses like this? If so, you can cail Crime Stoppers. We won't ask for your naine and you'Il neyer have te go te, court. A cash reward of up to,$1,000 is being offered. The Crime Stoppera' office is open 24 hours per day and the phone number is 436-8477 (that's 436-TIPS). Long distance cali collect. You can also cali through your local Durham Regional Police Service number and àk -or Crime Stoppers. No calîs are ever recorded or traced. A citizen board administers the Crime Stoppers prograins of wbich there are now over 850 in North Amerca. Te reward money i. raised through tax deductible donations which may be sent te Durham Regional Crime Stoppers, PO Box 54, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 71K8. Look(Spend ess. -------- SAE$AIGROUND FRESH DAILY wCUO SAVE NOW ~~~~~C~~~~OUPON + or~ S IO RG POWOERED l.AINDAY .~. ll ~Ground Beef W1 mre 1 7 P ete rg e n t I WITH THIS IB u te U 11. IcuN~'~w AE j4.l5kg 'm. OOFF! w;; SAVE Z' - TitS IMM SAVE NOW j COUPON + iS OST + 1-PST 1'LEAN GROUND BEEF' ICOP POWOERED LAANORYI MINIMUM 3 lb OfArtvall OR MOREF RST GRADE 10 LITRE BROUM cupns p ACMGow.OfoiE lApr. -Apt 114 tj»lb llb PACKAGE 'sunlight 4 49i~wildmere 1 7 PDetergent 4 9 FROZEN, CONCENTRATED, GRXPEFRUIT OR SELÇCTED FLAVOURS VARIETIES !Buffer1 7 9 l ri bo.paccu-f BamCpbu Un35 9fl Bea4ctrice - Or IIpacdaa1paccoupo Orange Juice YILgàrJUI 175 g tubas U CEREAL UMIT. 4 TINS FER FAMILý PURC1IAst UMM.~ 2 CASES FER FAMILY PURCHASE MARVEL, SUCIED (~j) K e logg'sWMOLE OR SPLIT 2 4 WHýE ONLY e'1 9a (IS W hit ~C rnFlkS Breast lb ,Bathrloom TissueBea 67Ümm 3 PACK<AGES FER 19AMILY PURCHASE R REOULAR, FIN. EMTRAFINE EXCUJDINO OECAFFEINATED ULMTRG DEL=XEBOY OR GIRLS SiNUS, SELECTED SMS Nabab Tradition Q ampers or ,.. 9 1 .9 9 Coffe Foc LuvsDiapers2a4 »WITH COUPON BELOW UMrr. 4 PACKAGES FER FA41LY PURCHASE (JUMBO0 PACKAGE 0F W5-6056 82M1) UMM.~ 4 LOAVE PR AMLY PURCHASEJ rullirIIS SAVESNO1 ývHS Eý~BUY 4 lfHI IMM SAVE 4eCOPO a ~ SAVE $1.00 1w o? j .,oiPt IWANISCLUB jCPO - jCOUPONSAE6'I'"I- EIIMACARfOII àCHEESE SA E I00CEREAL tPOWOEREO LAINORY 6:0 1 lFIRST AKGRAE 12 9PCKAGE mg 110XLIUTRE BOX I P.m. at the Whitby HomeBa1ryîBu9u corn S etrgete and coffee shop,1i4l BrockSt. S. ,uter WDnnrFaeU I .caUl Jerry Jung at 6. 493 o For oreinfrmaionon te Cub ~ ~ '"~ ~-~ ~ ~ 2T ~0"~ i. .p&a, L ~ ~ Uffhr1vox p cponPr.U ,»eBi&vst 668.2p.,s,;- :v;ý;;.w'J' .M...- ,.......... ....................................................... AIL STORES CLOSED SUNDAY Wo raserve the rlt ta Ilmit quanttiesata normal famlly .roqulromeonta ou n iteme Ilmlt.dta two. Pices effective Monday April 1 until Saturday April 6 PLAY THE NEW BASEBALL MAGIO AND WIN SEE DETAILS'AT -STORES m i - jwmw"-ý" - - - - ORIENTATION NIGIUT- Big isters of Newcas3tle-Os3h- awa-Whitby will hold their'next orientation night for potential volunteers on Vedne. av. Auril 17 7 te 9 p.m., at the Big Sisters office, 179 King St. E., Oshawa. Caîl 436-0951 o more informa- tion. PARKINSON EXERCISE GROUP The Parkinson Foundation of Canada I Durham IRegion Chapter holda an exercise group every IThUrsday, 9:30 te 10:30 a.m., at St. Marles Unitedý Church, church house, corner of Byron and Coîborne streets in Whitby. New members welcome. Refrshmnteare served. For information, caIl 668-6580 or 66È-8676- 1

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