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Whitby Free Press, 3 Apr 1991, p. 2

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Inquest w ill pro-be. death An inquest will be held inte 15 deaths' that occurred, at the Christopher Home in Ajax from 1986 te 1990. The inquest will bejin on May 13 in Toronto, and will examine the choice of medical and pallia- tive care given te patients. Dr. Boss Bennett, former chief coroner for Ontario, will preside. Last week, Ontario chief cor- oner Dr. James Young announ- ced that inquests would be held concerning our deaths at the Br~wo residential develop- ment Centre in Brantfordi 1988 and 1989, and 15 deaths at the Christopher Robin Home. The 1989 Provincial Auditor's Report raised concerns that the death rate -at the Brantwood facility for the devel opmentally handicapped was higlher t han average and that many of the deaths had Žjimilar causes. SYoung convened a group of experts in long-term and pedia- trie care to review the deaths and assess the care that the residents had received. 0f the, 15 deaths that occurredl between 1988 and 1989 at the Brantwood centre, four will be the subject of an inquest on June 10Oin Brantford. Followîing the auditer's report on the -Brantwood facility, the chief coroner conducted a comn- puter analysis of deaths within ail similar Ontairin institutions. As a resuit, the Offlce, of the Chief Coroner investigated 31 deaths-in the Christopher Robin Home from 1986 and 1990. The coroner's inquest will examine 15 of those deaths. Confliet law, A provincially-appointed con- sultation committee' wants to hear what Ontario resid ents have. to say about municipal con- filet of interest laws. The committee, appointed by Municipal Affairs Mm'uister Dave Cooke, Wil hold 24 pùblic meet- ing acos the province iApril and early May. Forth Durhazn Rogion area, a. meeting will be held on Tuesday, Aprfl 0,7 m., a t the Oshawa 'The commi ttee's task is to recommend ways in -which muni- Icipal confliet of interest"legisla- tion could be improved to botter assure residents of the integr*t of municipal politicians and staff. The committee will report te the minister by the end of July so that new legislation can bie introduced in the faîl session. To make a presentation, cal 1-800-668-0230 te book a time. Investigation FROM PAGE 1 «Since they are publicly fun. ded, they have to be publicly accountable.» Garforth said he -is not raising the niatter simply because his companylost out on a tender and needs the business. "We're not working out of a basenient, we're a large contrac- ter with a provenrecord in,.the field," said ar orh. Aniong recent projeets built by Sura is the provinee's new land regstry office on Rossland Rd. an2 community centre in Pick- ering. «It's to their (corporation) benefit te- have contractors like us biddinq, but we don't get.a chance, it s very, unfair,» said Garforth. Garforth said corporation offi- cials teld him Sura does not qualifyr for their projects because it has no previous track record with the corporation. «I said it was ludicrous te make a statement like that,» said Garforth. «But in a nuÙtshell that's what they say." Garforth-saidhe is not accus- in oporation or regional offi cials of wrongdoing, "but'there are things ring on that don't make sense. Ibut it hastobeIooked into.» A media officer with the houe- ing ministry was not aware of Garforth's latest demand for an investigation. Nor did she know about. the ministry's letter of last year. Durham Region planning com- missioner Mofeed Michael serves as general manager of the hous. I gcorporation. Hle said ail projects are advert- ised in both- newspapers and building industry publications... As ichael explained, the cor- poration follows a common prac- tice of "pre-qualifying» tenders. . Any contracteir wishing to bid on a project submits a propectus of his company to the architeet and from this the architect chooses "10 or so» flirin he feels are capable of doing the work, said Michael. TIhe chosen firms are then in- vited te, submit bide on'the pro- jet and later interviewed, Michael added. "It's open te anyone who wants te apply that's the- system used by everyfody,» said Michael. «I don't know what he's (Gar- forth) talking about." As for last year's letter from the, ministry,- Michael did not >recali the details of it. "They.might have writtenus ,and we. resp onded, 1 don't Th BRaaiOi K OP CULP &ANDERSON ACCOUNTING AND TAX PROFESSIONALS Wfth this ad reSive $5.00 off a ny tax retum Tom Anderson 114 Dundas St. E., Suile 202, Whitby (416) 430-1817 Hours: Mon.-Tues. garn-5prn, Wed.-Fri. garn-9prn Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun. lpm-5pm Lirnit one per person. Nol valO with any other off er.

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