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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WIF'B FE PRfe SMWDNSDAY, APKXiJ ?A, 19il PcJBs no, longe.r a treat to wtersat fd FROM PAGE 1 The vessBel is moored only a ,short distance from a water sup- ~~eaiiwhile, three transformners containing almost 500 gallons of POBa3 are still on board the ferry. "There s no word of any trans- formers beinig moved off the boat,'»sad Krauel. Robinson, a uWhitby business- man, intenda te se1 the 76- year-old ferry which has been docked at the harbour for four years. But before the boat can leave the harbour, the PCBs muet be removed. A local cou ple plaiý to tow the boat te, Torono and refurbish the vessel fite a museum and res- taurant. The federal goverrnment is *il- ling te destrey the PCBs at a future date if Whitby Hydre will store. the i transformers at its Taunton Re. facility. i Hydre xas agreed te this request, but the itffliWys accep-' tance is contingerjt on the pro- vincial government~ and/or Robin- son takdi responsibility for the_ PCBs. The Ontario IMinistry, of Envirenment has yet ta respond te Hydro's ternms. Durham Centre MPP Drum- mond White said "the word I had was positive» regarding a faver- able aecision fro*ý henity However, White could not pre- dict. when' a d4cision will be announced. Ministry 4p1 esman John Steele would êrnly say that an agrement between the province, Whtby ]Hydre 1 d ]Robinson is stili beine discusýed. "Thfere s nothing yet,» said Steele.' t Until the province makesit decision, federal officiais have no objection to a proposai te move thé PCBs3 off thé. boat and into a container.. The transformera would b. 1f- ted from the vesseland plaoed in an aeflvwo pack» storage unit on the dock.. However, the Town cf Whitby opposes any plan to move the POBa prier te. an agreement hein greached with the province; While Robinson can lgaly go ahead, hii would be dÀoing so without the municipaity' appro- val. Phone 668-6111 After sworn affidavit to keep property resiedenial- Scugog ýbusinessman can buld retirement home' By Mike Kowalski A Scugog Township business- man is one step doser te building his retirement home in north Whitby. However, permissIn was granted only after the I;an sub- mitted a sworn aff»idavit 'promis- Ratepayers grup to hold public meeting The Ridges Area Ratepayers Association will hold a public meeting on May 1, 7:30 p.m., at Myrtle United Church, Myrtle Station. There will be discussion of local issues and concerns, includ- ing garbage, the future Hwy ý407, development and the environ- ment. Guest will b. Durham East MPP Gord Milîs. All are welcome te attend. ing not to use the property for anything but a residence. Both area homeowners and Town officiais had been concer- ned the site could b. used for commercial purposes, They were worried -the appli- cant's controversial garbage recy- dling business in Scugog Town- ship might be relocated to Whitby. Town council's planning and development committee recom- mended last week that applica- tiens for an officiaI. plan amend- ment -and zoning change from Doug Puckrin be approvedi. Puêkrin wishes to build a non- farmi residential dwelling on 14.7 acres of land on Myrtle Rd. E., near the. Whitby-Oshaw'aborder. The. site is currently zoned and designated agriculture by both Whitby and Durham Region. Exeptions to both the zoning and 'o fcial plIan designations to permiit a non-farmi use are required. Puckrin's applications were the *subject of a public hearing before the committee last year. At the time, residents and committee members expressed concern about Puckrin's true in- tentions for the pro~ Despite cdaims by Puckrin's solicitor that it would only b. used as a retirement home, cri- tics were not convinced. They pointed te Puckrin's pro- blems with Scugog, Township council concernnghis, garbage Whitb -Ocugogborder.cfth PucZrin was charged by the Township with illegal use of the proert. Council also refused te mare a retroactive rezoning per- mitting the recycling operation. Opponents of PuckrWns Whitby applicatons fearedthat he'would attept te gradually move his business te tth. Myrtle site. However, his lawyer Ernie Coetzee made the unusual offer of producinoe a sworn affidavit Fair-pageant entries wanted Entries are required for 'the. Miss Brooklin Spring Fair Pageant, the traditional opening of the annual fair to eheld this year from May 30 te June 2. To b.eéligible, entrants muet b. aged 17, te 23, unmarried, a resident of Canada for two years and resident of Durham Region for six menthe. Cash and prizes are awarded te the winner and two runners-up. Last year, Dawn Smail was named as Miss Brooklin Spring Fair. Entry forms and a brief resumé can b. sent te Gail Campbell, M..1, 158 Baldwin St., Brooklin, LOB iCO. For more information call Gail at 655-4061, Kelly Squelch at 579-3285 or Kerri Death at 655-3217. Entry forms can b. picked up at high schools and at the public libraries in Whitby and Brooklin. Closing Guides to hold bottie drive Brooklin district gRuides will hold a bottle drive in Brooklin on Saturday, April 27, 9 a.m. te, noon. The. drive wil b. heId te rais. funds te send a girl guide te Ef an d. eu.io 3481. date fer entries is May 9. Each contestant wiU* receive prizes. The. Brooklin Spring Fair Association will be awarding $250 for first place; $150 for second place and $100 for third place. Brooklin WI holds meeting By Eileen Young The. annual meeting cf the Brooklin Women's Institute was held at the Brooklin community centre on Apnil 17. Motte was «OnIy as high as you reach, a ou go.' Roll caîl was TPay yourWU dues!' Offioers fer the. coming year are president Laural Hlaer, past president Marion Hall, first vice president Aleta Cam;pb.lil, secretary Marion Hall, treasurer Bessie Cosway, public relations Eileen Young and uth Agar. Plans are in the works for an Octoer open nmeetin, with panel discussion, about Arrang- invyour funeral.' Visitera are The district annual will b. held at Suo Island United Church on A=ri.2'2, 9 a.m. Donations by the Wl over the p ast year went te tthe Durham Rion Lung Association, Brook- ling4H Club, Myrtle 4H Club, Developmentally Handicapped, Brooklm Sp ring, In Mmoriams, Heart and Stroke Foundation Wbitby Preabyterian Church and others. ii. Wl industrj meeting will be held on May at the cem- munity centre, 1:30 e~m. Beasie Cosway wifll b. con- vener.- Motte will b. 'Name a Canadian province and its indus- 'Roll caîl will b. 'What is work? The WI will celebrate its 8lst anniversary at the meeting (greup was founded on May 15, 1910). Visiters are welcoxne. Wvhegels to Me«als -May 8 The next Wheels te, Meals will b. held in Brooklin Ashburn and Myrtle on Wednesciay, May 8, at noon. Lunches are held at St. Tho- mas Memorial Hall, Brooklin. If transportation is n.eded, cal 655-4284. Seniors and shut-ins or dis- abled of aIl ages are welcome. Cost is $3.50 per person. Bus trip to Stratford Burns Kirk Guild cf Ashburn will sponsor a bus trp te, the Stratford Festival June 25-26. The Rodgers and Hammeratei musical 'Carouserywill b. perfor- med at the festival theatre. Cail 655-3900 for more infor- mation. from Puckrin stating the pro- perty would not b. used for anything else., With the document and a reduction in the width of a dri- veway leading onto ta, the site, planning staiffrecommended the applications be approved. The matter camne back te com- mittée, for a decision early last month, but was tabled te clear up=om technical points. Conillor Jo. Drunun told Puckrin it was the -first time he had seen an afildavit used in this fashien. "I am concerned that we have te go te that degree, I don't 1k. doing that,» saidDrumm. "But we did it because your neighbogurs are concerned itý will be usedfor something else." Puckrin, for his part, said-h. was "led up" Iwith Town officiaIs. Puckrin said he has been wait- ing two years te buildhis retire- ment home and is almîoat ready ta give up on the municipality. "I know we've put yeu through the hoops but it was necessary," said councillor Ross Batten. ' "As long as you dont drive trucks in and use it as a commer- cial operation. everyoee will be happy," added Batten. The commnittee's recominenda- tion was tabled by council for.two weeks for further legal opinion.' BARBS BROOKUN Deli and Baked Goodà unvoi- led their new sign reoently. John aud Barb Hulley took over the bkl7Dc 15. FrMM left are John HufleyDra ridingr MP Rosa Stevensoi,4 Barb, Huileywî and Fat (JraxiOu, the artist who created

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