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Whitby Free Press, 24 Apr 1991, p. 6

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eulse vr ensa Wy670 nai rc YUU~ME U~ 111E .W~U~II UWII P.. Bo682611h1by Ot. 2dltsosta The onl hitby ewspapr indepndentlyowned nd opertedtbyLiN 51eItato 155 ____________________42Whtb8re dentexandWhabyMretdents Earth Week Is gaing over ln a big way ln Whftby. With increasing attention paid ta what W. are doing ta aur planet, Earth Week, April 21 ta 27, has been Sa deslgnated ta bring even mare focus ta, probiemns and solutions related ta aur enviranment. At Whftby sohools, students are planting trees while cantinulng ta leam ways ta prtect the environment. EDS of Canada Ltd. ernpioyees and Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority staff have planted trees at Lynde Shores. A i 0-kilametre 'Run ta Preserve the Planet Earth' on Sunday comblned personal fltness wlth an effort ta strive for a heaithier warld. Earth, always Tih. Whtby Rotary Sundse Club Is an example of a! service organization which is co-ordinating Earth Week' actMvties ln recognition af the Importance of protectlng aur envlronlment. The Town of Whtby anti-litter Initiative continues. Approprlately, an 1Manday, April 22, designated as Earth Day, Town co-uncil approved, an envlranmental management plan forth. L ynde, Shores-ariea. The. plani, described as a "lshowpiecel" af envlronrmntal planning, Is intended ta protect Whtby's' valuable miarsh area from future development ln thé. area.' Due ta postponementof, plansorigirlally scheduled for Earth Week, some of Whtby's parks, pond areasand creek valleys wilI instead* undergo dcean-upnext ýweek. Itfs realiy not a postponement at ail, .for such 'efforts'and lnterest should continue yealr-round. ln many aspects, Whitby, is doing itspart, even becoming a model, for Cther municipalities ta follaw ln what shouid be a dally duty ta preserve our world. Time to, clamp down 'n-Jii imPries Guns, arethey rea]ly that dangerous? Recently at a public hearing on gum control,. a gun lobbyist claimed that golf clubs are as much of a threat ta pubic safety as are guns. Weil, maybe so. I have heard that sorne gun owners sneak down ta their basements and fondie their precious guns. It has been reported that they also spend a -great deal of their time polishing, oilig and generally keping -thern in good working condition. ehts not unlike a golfer and bis clubs.' The other day I saw, in a station wagon, several sets of gof clubs in plain view. There they were,, out in the open, with the. rear window down. Anyone could have taken a 'nine iroe or a wdetahold up a variety store.> Bef9r 1Iwagsaware that golf clubs were Iso dangerous ta the pulc, 1 gave nothought ta the fatthat a friend of mine o many ocsons could b. seen fondling bis clubs.. He- wouldtake practise swings and viciously rip divota fr-om bis lawn while trying ta perfect bis chip shot. My gréet fear now, is that any day I will see bim casually stiroil up ta aý banik, golf cart in taw, loaded with clubs, ready to pull a heist. He will be faced with a major decision, what club ta use? Will it be a five-iron, a two-wood, or that new funny- looking, long.barrelled putter? So, if you are a golfer, and have not registered your weapons, you should do so as soon as possible with your local golf pro. But, To tii. Editer Congratulations, Wbitbhr counicil. You bave solved -the gorbage oisis. Just don't pick -it; Up Considering not having a -fai pick-u is ludicrous. Bemember eatfi? You had ta ernploy extra help ta cape with the large amount put out. What would you do if this had been added to the spring pick-up? Reviewing the problern after the election is an ob'vious political play, similar ta their reviewing their wage hilke after the last election. They 'dumped' on us then. I don't agree that people shauld durnp their garbage in the countryside. Town hall would be a more (poetic?) justice solution should you cancel fa]l pick-up. To the Editor Whitby Town council seld out local dealer Don Vallance Equiprnent for less than on. per oent when four tractors were C urchased frorn a Ford dealer ini yner, 75 ta 80 miles away.. In 1990, we demanstrated ta the Town parka anýd worlcs departrnent mechanica and operatars for one and a haif hours; and aIse, at a later date, for three hours ta purchasing and parka pel, heir request, on steep h.fstaproe equipment was satisfactory for their aplications. Fer 28 yeara, we have paid taxes in this conimunity, ernploy 10 full-time people who also pay taxes, raise their families in tIs area and participate in local affaira. W. feel that some "ete in this- Regarding the- painting- of the couneil chamberso ceiling, I nearly bit the. ceiling when I read' the cost -- $16,000. Why should .we 'cut essential services for'- 'cosmetic' reasons? It doesn't make sense. As a senior, I have ta put off painting for budget reasons, thaniça ta increased taxes and fixed incorne.Mab if I lay on rny back, I =ngh enjoy the council ceiling and see the reason for this expenditure. At the moment, I arn blinded by the ridiculous reasoning bebind tbis decision. .Maybe Wes time ta have an 'election pick-up' and get rid of sorne aur illogcal incumbents. AIL Nethercett Whitby area should have preference. Ail tenders stte the 'Lowest or any tender not necesarily accepted." No knowledgeable or reaisonable business persan would deal for this small difference se far frorn home baise. One trip ta Stayner for parts or service with two men in a truck would soon éliminate any money saved on the original deal. The tendering pracess would nt be ehdangrein any way if aur deal had ben accepted. lhe mil rate and hourly wages paid in the north are certainly less than in aur area and would enable a dealer ta tender for a little loua. We shoulài work together ta everyone's satisfaction ta make our comunity a better place for au. A coeierned taypayer .~D.C. Vaflance on golfr should that not b.- -possble, a aseyfr i av c ôùha dshoel reliable! source informS me that -I dû?Hae-oucsdrd there may be an amnesty. That politice? -No,IsadIt-tlbst means you may take your clubs game in town right now, he.-said. ta your local constabulary, turn in I ;thought t-myeftno t isn't, your clubs, they will give you anet if; I.can' find thatI station receipt, .and you may wî«tness wagon fMllof golf club.-;ýý them beèing chopped ta pieces, no questions asked. Opiniohs expreâàed areý thoae of It - eerns. an underground' theéthorý. market! has: -evolved ,for >illegal clubs. I. sold mine ta a sleazy - éharactýr and I Dtndirham e,', money towards my netwhfutby -D ' S t instailment. Now -if Ï ais become!illegal :maybe Icould; sellv o tu n teers r mine through theà un derground, r mnarket'and sera p p nugh sa u te mnoney 1o p 'YMY asCt WhitbySta isamet My bank manager la fed up with me, he says I cannot continue ta put, another. mortgae '. . on the house every. timeI receve Tot&dt myWhitby Hydro bul. V..- Iinquird if I could arrange a W ol ie ohpalthe banf taflmy -oil,.tank.. No,- h. outei wogiv'e their Urne dt said. How about a flu o h.anme fagencies Inthe car? No, he .said. ý A caeOf beer? l Regon fuhm No ta that, too, -he.> said.-,How - 2ri . 127ris *, one. about a smalli ban for a package Vrolunteer Week, 'and w,. ýwoufd of cigarets? Out of the question, like ta extend our appreciation ta he shouted.--------- --ail.-- the -dedicated and -caring At,,this, point, Iknew I was in1-.volunteera. trouble.- I 1 adn't even got ta h part about my income taxes, due Volunteer Co-orda lot at the end of this month. So, I, -..brn RAAM Il .. . . . . . . . . . Throw out -council with thetralsh Local businessman attacks tender process - ý,,r ,, j PÀÃ"É à, a

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