PAGE 18, WHITBY FREE PRES9~ WEDNESDAY, MAY 8,1991 LAKERIDGE MOTORS * WHOLESALE & LEASING DIVISION MAS OPENED IT'qS * DOORS TO THE PUBLIC * Ail sales are treated as wholesalel Financing available on short term leasesi * Ail lease applications consideredl,> THIS MONTH'S FEATURE $53.13 (Ail taxes included)' 1984 Mont Carlo-bucket se&t, console air, stereo & more (twobrtole bue) * 1985 Bonneville-6 cylinder, air, stereo & cassette & more (whit) * 1986 Mrcury Topaz GS-auto, air, and stereo (blue) 1985 Chevy-1/2 ton P.S., P.B., auto and more (brown)- *(based on 24months with $1,5W0down) 1795 ViCtofla St. W., Whitby 430-0909 The French day care oentre at Charles Garnier can accommodate up to 44 eidren. -hsBvf ht French day care centre new sehool WhItby's Furenc' h day care centre reopenedon May 3 Theda ca re'has now reloca- ted to the new Ecoie Secondaire Catholique Charles Garnier on DxhrlydentBulevard. Te day care is availabie te chiidren aged six months to 12 rears for whom French is a firet ertvice is flot avaliabie te penswho speak French as a seon anguage because Uwhen you ie a lot of English peopie htgtir evexrone starts .speak- in E ish-ays Huguette Laine, 'retor of the da care Al of th seven staff membrs speak French as a first language. The centre can accommodate up te 44 c.hiidren and; to date, there are stili openigs availabie. Actvites orthe chiidren ini- clude creative play, gross-motor deveiopment, lunch and a nur- sexy school program during the afternoon. Correc'tion An article in iast week's edi- tion gv an incorrect date for the m oNeighbours Festival pianned for Whitby. Tlhe festival" wii be heid on Saturday June 15. *The Free. Press wis'hes te apologize for the ALL STORES PA We rose torlh to Ilmit quantities ta normal tamlly 4 seqrvemonts. Coupon Items Ilmted 10 two. s e tiv Monay _ N SEE DETAILS AT STORES FROZEN, GRADE "A" PIEIWITH THIS ebilrW'ITJUTCOUPON fm urkev N FROZEN, GRADE "A" 2l/k j I .98/lb JButterbali Wiih a minimum $25.W0 ordor oxciudlng turkey or cigarettes jLimit: 1 lurkoy par coup onI e "ýOffer VaIld unitil Satudi'Mi'à y 91 (Foaturo prico wlîhoui coupon 4.37/kg 1.96lb> S.C. #5 AND $2500ADDITIO NÂLPURCHASE I IWR1r------~ -rwITT--------~~ COUPON lSVE 1COUPO SCHNEIDERS BETICE, FROZEN, ASff V OURS ,e z ________OF______PE________________ WITH COUPON BELO LIIT 4 F AH ERFAIY URHAE Bucket of ___ e Fashioned FROZEN, WITH PULP, 97% PULP FREE, LOW ACI hiknC e Cream .cîîreor IREGULAR OR DIET * I MIT., 1 buck pe cop on IMIT: I1 container par coupon. I I~4i ut IA aidcouon5.9) .C # (oaMayprio6itoutCopoil,> O'0.0 Min teMad11,1auon991. Offor valid May 6 - May U1, 199. ~> ep -C a (Faur rcewthu ouo 5)-C.# Fetr p orihutcupn49) 7UP51 e siC l SOrange Juice . = ELECTD VARETIES100 SEALTEST, ASSORTED F , I ON BOTO ET O R 750 ML BOTTLE <Unit cool 5.2« Per 100 ML) 1ý 1ýI1 Heinz SQUEEZE BTL ~ Light 'N *7 tubs B.B.Q. SauceI Lively Yogourt j UMl1 boti, par coupon. LIMI1 .case par coupon. Offor valld May' 6 May 1,9m. - W ffr valid Mai' 6- Mayil1, 1991. LIMT: TIS RFAMI PUHAE [aurprcwloucuon19) VC # (Foulure price wllhoui coupon 6M9)SC.#5 PLUS 40e PER BOTTLE DEPOSIT -------------------------------------------------------------------- _rpm PYn r- -~vr-- IDELUXE MEDIUM, LARGE, PLUS, GIRLS OR BOYS POWDERED 0I SRE VARIETIES DIET CAFFEINE FREE OR LuvsAE OFB6I-Y422GETE BO CASE 0F 9, PACKAGE 0F 3-250 mL TERA PAK ___ CASE 0F 24 -3M5 mL TINS Luvs ~~~~Tide UltraAleS- itPp d iDiapers 1 Detergent AJiIens eý7 Diet Pepsinl UIMT,1" PU 1 FREbxpar copn.UMmI1 case par coupon. LI MI«P 1case pur coupon. Off or vaIdMay 0-May Ur,1t9. or vaild Mai 6 yMi 11, 1991. Offor vîlidMay 6- May l11. -' offervldMy6- a 1 (Fouurepric wlhou couon 0.8) S.. #52 Foulure pcew t tcoupon 2au) G.R S.C. #656 (Foulure prico wlihout coupon .Ma»ch) V.C. # (Foature price wlthoulcuo e> _V~WA7 - ('i 1--. c a J Ëý1d1ý ký ", ý' f' 1% r, . ý --- -1- 1ýý' ý ' POWDERED, SCENTED, UNSCENTED OR PHOSPHATE FREE Tide Ultra Detergent 2 LITRE BOX 19I2FRE E q m