PAGE 2, WHMI'Y FRM PFRMS, WEDNESDAy, MAy 8,1991 911 Iln e:1 Saving seconds, svn ie IIy Paureen Quinlan, Response has been great to Durham Region's 911 omrn y line. rgnc ,About 450 calls were made on May 1, when the service started, and police èxec~t there will be about 1,000 calse a day. At opening ceremonies held last week at the Region hoad- ,quarters' building in Whitby, Durhm regionýa chairman Gary Herrema, chairmnan of the 911 committee 'made the first cali, for a simuDated emergency, from the council chamber conference room. During the mock exorcise, Her- rema claimed there was "smoke coin&fom the chamber dos and at Witby Mayor Bob Attersley had locked Whitby councillor Tom Edwards in a Pire trucks, ambulance atten- dants and police were at the building within minutes.' "When 911 statdapproxi- mately nine years ago, theysaid it couldnt be done, but it can be done and has been'done. Secbnds do count,» sad Whitby fire chiçf Ed Crouch. .. "The Durham Regional Police had a great leadership role in 911,»nsad Region chief adminis- tIve officer Don Evans, also a member of the 911 committee. «We could achieve our goal because we had our oye on the tar e t ail the time " said Evans. «f"?m very proucf to be moving into a decade when saving lives and seconds count,» saidt Her- roma. Derek Denson, technical chair- man;, has also produced a video- tape about the emergençy lne that will be available wherever we feel it is necessary.» "Itfs a very unique video, pro- duced exclusively for Durham Region,» said Deoson. out 60,000 let ters will bo sont home with students te exAlain the 911 system. "Durham's service isi the best that can be provided,» says Den- son. "This is, not a political day. This is a day for the residenits of Durhamn,"saidHerrema, "It was an èxpensive undertak- ing.but well worth' it,» said Ea sabout the $1.8 mi1liozq system. on mm m m m m This ad good for $3.0 F our next mdium o large pizza 113 Byron St. S., WhitbyI 430-7383 430-PETEI Limit 1 couponjper order please. No xpiy.No as vaue See us for ail your party platters! 1-m- s 2*pe $3.5 l DUTCHGOUDA COLD U. SPCI.- Hal orWhoe W ees .79 -10- c (D c U) atm DTJRHAM REGION introduced the beginning of 911 in a big way. Emer- gency crews froni ail over the region showed up outside regional headquar- tors after regional chafrmaa Gary Hrer- renia made the tiret 911 (mock orner- gency> Ca&L Fr.. Prem photo Attepte abduction charge- laid- An Oshawa mani has been charged with attempted abduc- tion following an incident in Whitby laat Tuesday. Durham Regional Police report a man tried te entice an 11- yea'r-old gi rl inte a car which'was prked in front of tho Whitby Plaza on Brock St. S. shortly before 5:30 p.m. The- girl refused his offer o money te enter the car. She went home and told her mother who promptly callod police. The girl was later able, to point out the vehicle te police._ Charged with attem pted abduction is ChandradathRop. chan, 26, of Oshawa.' y <I N 5.. o I.- G> a) a> AM