PAE2, WEMl~Y PME PRESS, WEDNESDAYi MAY 15, .1991 p-J Planýning, ean d.startin ga vegeýble.,gardýýen This article iLa Provided byZôkd realtoraand't/w Ontarioep ,'PAtate Aaacdwtin. (OR"A)0-r tLz benefit pf consuftwra < i trna estate mark et. Do you long for- the taste Of foýr a relaing a-ýnd 'rewarding outdoor prqject? If , îyou May want ,to trY, pla nting yur own Evon ,if' youre :.a novice, gair*ner, you can einjoy thefresh tasteof « homne-grw egetabe" and« take pride inthe fact that you1 greW them youréelf. And you don't neod, a hugo yard'or acrdof land to g row a healthy crop.--, A vegetable gardon isa prcqject the whole faniily can >talLa part in. Youngsters iiparticular, lÃœak great -pride ini planting things pnd watching them .grow. Itfs an ideal way, tocultivate ýtbxeir inteýest and*, get, them *involved in housohold projects., Growing.-yo ur -own vegetabled- has other benefi ,ts' as well; fresh-picked v.<,-égetables havp 'a higher vitamnin ýcôntent and'their taste 1is far, superior to tis bought 'a thé geocery sfýore .or souperxarket. There is a nâotable difference' between the piquant flavour" of a radishi served straight from the garden and one that bas been. packed and,4 ship>ped great distances tu your local store. You can, also freeze. many of your own vegetal$es su, you can. erdmj y home-grown goodnçessail year round. Evýen if you- have a ,tiny ad and growing space is a pol remember that several vegetables, like cherry tomnatoos, can be grown-in pots. Gxood lgtai4ljoil ingieents rr go successful vegètable gar sunlight and,êOod s"Il. iMorato have good *st Icdea ofthe vegetables that' will flot your patcl~ oae. (« conditions can vay greal area to area.) Because liEght is mu ii (about live. to! six hot nocessary per day), its.bei and avoid planting:directi any large trees. oportant rig a don are Itfs also Irainag mièh <i Consderyour mai Growing Dependingf on the. nature of Ily from your sou, y ou 1*üay bveta prpre- it beforé sowing "y Our sed rplanting your seedlngs. aportant Copost. is anextcelet' sëoîIl Ur car ditionr.To ýfind'out the bet stty 'wy rretour>soe,ýyo)urnMy ~rudrwant 't a cnsuit you r localý nursery. Yiou ým ay alsa19,à tta get a sample fyour sounalysed by a oiltesting lab. Oneyou've. determined the makeup cf your -sou,^ you cen consult with ýthe experts at your local ga'rdengig'centre as ta how ta best, prepare it for planting. k(Theéý y miht also, b. able ta giLve yesinouptip ulon willgr ow PIf yursou i a lnvery, poor condition,ý you:, may want ta consider usinhg raised beds. These unita'--usually conistructed c wood - are preferred by ma ny gardeners because theyait on îýtop cfthe ground 'and can e.fillý,1ed with -varjous .soi mixt ures. :They aealso ,generally easier * ta maintain. You: cati alsu 'plant your vegetables -in large free-standing containers,'or plantera - aIso an ideal waýy to conserve space. Planning, what and how much to grw When deciding what you want ta grow, consider yourclimate, ami and< your- personal prefèrences. And, iwih calculatingu;-how.munch 'ta- plant, lrëember--,to factor -in ýthe- fact <tIhat you will likely, experience ýa few bosses. If this is your irst,à attempt-at a vegetable gardon,, try ,ta ý. -e realistic -ý n .your expectations. Don't try t pilanta large gardon; yrou may ýeibiting',off more than you can,-chètw. Also keep in mind that much of yor isyear, growing experincew Illbe trial andý,error -but it will place you at~a much botter starting. point the following year-. By thon,, you'H have.ganed some. experience. and wiil 'haýve 'a good iýndication of what, grows bestin' your particular soil and climats.._' ,When aelecting, vegetable varié:ties, it's a good idea ta icbeck With thé, staff. at your lcal grdeniÃg ;contre- or books ,ýor journals-for more information. 'Its a good idea -tw choose those, tlat are, known ta be disease-resistant. If you're booing for,vegetables. that; mature quickly, ..herba, turniparadishea, aspinach-and lettuce area, safe bot. P1eaeitdway ta prepareo a plot cf 'groundfor planting is ta. use 1'a »rotary tle.Check with' <yoûr gardening centre or lookin your phono book to soe whereyoôu can-rent ono. Mako surethe s"I is fairly dry',when you bogin tilin'g- On0ce your soil b ha -been prepared, it'a timo ta oPlant îDur vegetables. Most gadixn authoitiessuggost that ifyou' propertjy ià s loped, you should try An grdénng-'authorities recommienidthat you plant"your gardon fairly -close -ta your bouse, taý lelp discôurage -rodents from nibblinon -your plants. ------------ 1; - ------------------