~'1' î~o~' ry ~ q ~ ~~ ~~ç' ~Tf PAGE 29. wH1BFFMREL, w4eDEAYMYL19 I LLLL GÃARDEN SOIL ideai for top dressing laWns and building fllawer and vegetable beds. Rîch, weed f ree camposted sali.. Our reg. 3.99ea. 30L. ' $ 97 SALE ea. !CATTLE MANURE Camposted cattie manure tumns cay or poor sand into lve nich sil. weed free, Our reg. 4.99ea. 18 kg. SAE ea. LITE WAY PEATMOSS Organlo peat mainss ihat Improves saîY's abllity ta hold more moisture & nutrients & baosons heavy dcay. A must for fiower ibeds & planters. Ready ta tic- Our reg. 4.99ea. IRON PLUS WEED & FEED Valuabie cheiated iran and weed killers for a dark green, weed fe luxurlous iawn. 9-4-8 Covers 5380 sq.f-l. 20kl<g. SALE9ea. PETERS ~PLANTINO MIX Professional sail-less mix. Weed fréee disease free. Ideai for window boxes. Our reg.-1699oa. 80L. S 12m~ C EDAR MULCH impraves sali and promotes heaithy grawth af plants. Save on weeding water a work. Covers 36sq.ft., Our reg. 899ea. $ 0 3cu.ftSALE oue HILLVIEW PLAY SAND, Very fine washed sand for sand boxes and playameas. L 20kg.SALE CANAGRO BONIE'MEAL ,2-,14-0O. Compieteiy organlo - no hulera, alilpurpose lertilizer for plants & awns. Deveiaps strang rots for mare booms. Our reg. 6.99ea. $Q 88 ý 2k.SALE qjea. IEOOd SO GREEN" ROSE -FOOD beautful, healty roses ths season. 2kSALE ea. CRAFT NUFIRIER SALES LTO ANORO [-r-T--i--iN HWY?2 o TAUNON 00. L~;~Ra~y4a0 LW 4O WHITBY OSHAWA 1243 Dundas St. E 300 Taunton RdE. W af Thckson Rd. Rîtson & Taunton LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND WE RESERVE THE.RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES HURRV IN FOR BEST SELECTION HOUAS; Mon. to Sat. 9:00a.m.-9:oop.m. SALE ENDS Sun. & Holidays 9:OOa.m.-6:Oop.m. MAY 23, 1991. FLOWER' ýwEJGELIA 2-3' Tai! Specimens The mast colourful lowering shrub with tmptsped flowers in une. Grows 4-5' hiîghlunk or red. Attracts hummîngbîrds. Oa ur reg. 9.986a. I FRENCH LILACS, 2.3' BLOOMING SIZE PLANTS Double fragrant blooms. Choase ram pink, red, white and purpie. Ail grown an their own moits i Sa they won't grow wild. cîz&~1295 m FLOER&VEGETABLE BEDNO PLANTS Arrlvlng .Fresh DaIIy QUABaisam Vorbona, S&M carnation, Zinnia Cosmlos Oniloili Lobeila Peppors < Marigoidsa Lattuce - Nicti ana'->TIomatioos oitù,iaca Petunias Sailà ',a *Allium r' ARRIVING ui FRESH DAILVI! ' Guarantëed ta bloom aIl summer long, Choosej tram Pink, md, white or salmon là 4« pots.J 884 ,SP1NY GREEK JUNIPER- 2.3 EXTRA DUSHY-PLANTS Silvey, bluish-green foliage Needýs no prnn Very hrdy. MUGNHo PINE 12" COMPACT GLOBE This ivl pine is a valuable favourite. Compact. maundshpe. WILTON Cii'PTUNIPER 1&* WIDE LANDSCAPE SIZE Trueblue carpet grows 3* wih graund hugging branches, 8 OUR REG. $14.95 $98 DWARF PYRAMID CEDAR*'. COMPACT 2 1/2.3' TALL-' Compact, slow grawing cedar, Needs no prunîng. à , $*29 ffea FORSYTHIA LARGE 4' BUSHY PLANTS popular, free blooming variety with golden yellow llowers. Durreg.14.95ea. 1, $ OH 8 M q Eh ea ,o Buy 1 481-7ý BE' ýBùy> 48 p by the FLAT S ave! 2 plants per.fiat $14.49 GCONIAS $1 .49ea. rbythe FIAT & Save! lIantsý perfaà t .16.»;49 1A AA&AA AA A AÂAA . TOMATO ýLReFuhïVdU -wLi 21h =lh~~tiî kV\Choose trîm Bèef,âs fa Mllions. Paflo, Tiny bL< ., . -Â Yea, ES; t w ce thi ,Pýciçing (a ,iso aviiable in 48« aize- reg. 299 SALE 2.39..,) MIDISIZEURN:. This ciassic dlesigni will enhance py garden oi patio. 1 3 un daee i pr<igwi6 Our rg.,6.9ea.$8 Attractive c 00okshibuaar aea strong durable'plastic idp like the reai thing. O u r r e g 1 2 9 9 e a , '8 8' LANDSCAPÃŽE.FABRIC Retards weeds by providing a barrier bêtween Bail and mulch,3 wlde by 50' long rail. Easy ta use. Our reg.16999a.$ LANDSCAPE ,EDGaINGi Heavy duty commercial black iandscape edging un a nion colla paing , dcislgn. inludes 1. coupler, 4,114" D '20' long. Our reg. lOBOea.8 7ea. OPEN,,. SUNDAY --4à g w.dF' alqi IF YOU ARE THINKING 0F LANDSCAPING, --100% GUARANTEEDî Ait White Rose roses are quality tested ...Guaranteed to produoe an abundance of beautiful blooms year after year -HARDY NORTHERN ONTARIO GROWN ROSES FOR ONTARIO ýGARDENERS. Choose from Hybi es,Grandifloras, Floribunda "MW*" mite" 0 0 CRAFTS WuRSERY SALES , LTO