PAGE 82,WHIBFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1991 FOR SALE ~ IIAPARTMSNTSI ARTICLES POR~RENT 175 INTERLOCKING BRICKS for sale. Best offer, or witl trade for tumnber. 571-3714. MATTRESSES and box springs at half price. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoe St. S, Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. MUST SELL - Bedroomn suite: 9-drawer dresser, 5-drawer'chest, headboard, rails', baseboard, 2 night tables, $250. 17 decorative watt mirrors 6'-by B" each, ready to hang, $60'for set. 427-4357. 18 X 36 IN-GROUND POOL, comptete with gas heater, fiter and accessories. 668-5858. VICTORIAN WHAT-NOT stand $150. Antique oak library table $175. Pine , harvest table $750. Antique- desk/drawers $550. Woodgrain, office cabinets $65 each. Dehumidifier $50'. Wrought iron patio furniture,j7?pee,$20 And more. -416-668-7944. ANTIQUE dining room suite, 9-piece, soiid'mahogany.,Must sait. Cai 430-1934. PIANO FOR SALE. Rosewood, upright, -refinished. In. excellent condition. $200. 430-7288. KINGStZE WATERBED, antique chest of- drawers with mirror. 668-8960. ROMANO MARKET to buy ait the fireworks for a great disptayt 650 Taunton Rd. W.,- Oshawa. 728-5207, 655-4394 atter 7 p.m. WHITBY - FURNISHED room in dlean, quiet home, close to att amenities. Suit mature working mate. $85 weekty. First & last. 668-3640. CENTRAL WHITBY - Quiet pilace for mature person. Kitchen & laundry facitities. Private entrance. Air conditioned.. No drugs. First.& tast week. 430-0404. KITCHEN & BEDSITTING room, f urnished, bathroom. $375 a month, heat & hydro included, parking. Quiet maie or femate, non-smoker, non-drinker. Between 9:30 a.m. & 6 p.m. 668-4141, after 6 p.m. 668-2233. Il WHITBY BASEMENT apartment. Sijng e, non-smoker. Share kicen, private entrance. $350 per month. First & tast. References. 668-9780 after 5:30 p.m. WHITBY DUPLEX ý- 2 bedroom. 4 apptiances, back yard. Close to schoot, downtown Whitby, on bus route. $725' per month, ptus. utitities. Phone, 430-2325 after 6 p.m. 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT apartrnent. App!iances, parking, carpeting, ceramic kitchen. Ctean, .2uet area. $700 inclusive. W!IITBY - LARGE one-bedroom apartment avaitabte June 1. $575 monthty. inctudes fridge, stove, utilities, one parking spot & batcony.App1 at 110 Victoria St. W. 666--0271.y 2 BEDROOM, fridge & stove, in Brookin. 655-3281. BROOKLIN - Bachetor apartment for May 1. Rent $425, inctudes utitities. 985-0856 or 430-7341. SAILWINDS,ý WHITBY. New tuxury condo, loth floor. Two' bedrooms, 5 appliances. Over- tpoking. Whitby harbur. tndoor pool& parking. 655-3707. WHITBY - WEST LYNDE. Spacious, dlean 5 bedroom split tevel home with flnished basement. Fenced.yard,, gardon shed, double RING 7FOUND IN WHITBY., Cati 430-8190.' negotiable. 668-3640. - . FORSA .E FREE TO GOOD HOME- >1Registered Dýoodte (medium sîzedi. CENTRAL WHITBY- Large seml-detached, brick bungaow. Backs onto greenbelt. Lot 35 ft. x 130 ft. Finshd basem ent, fireplace, 'garage. 'Immediate possession. Asking $146,000. Cati Ajax Reafty Ltd. 683-1811. BINGO! You're a winner if you are a first-time home buyer or investor in today's, market. Homes fro m under $99,000, very creative financingi or tow per cent assumae mortgages on many properties. No down payment, no probtemn on certain properties. #f you are content to rent for ever or do flot wish to be finan1clalty secure please do flot cati Rick Daniets of R/Max Reflectioný Realty mnc., 434-5222, Toronto lune 427-1177. Vour first-time home. buyer and f irst-t im e investor speciatist. MUST SELL - Three extra targe bedrooms, famiiy room with fireplace, upgraded carpet, Roman tub & separate shower statt, private poot-size backyard with custom deck, eat-in - kitchen, garage- with doubte' paved, driveway. Quiet neighbourhood in Whitbyo near sohoots and shoppîng. Counryside just around ____________________ IIe corner. 1qnoo- c. ..aîî 668-0877 for appoint ment. UNIQUE COMMERCIAL space avaitabte. 300 - 500 sq. f. No G ST. TA KE THE WORRY OUT of Catt 668-5092. - buying or seting reat estate. Cai Wayne MoPhee, W. Frank Real ___ Estate Ltd. 668-6171 or 686-1821. RmUSu PROUFING BUS5INESS for' sale. Comptete stock & products inctuded. New tenant rqie.Serious inquiries only 831-8938. WHtTBY -PRIVATE OFFICE, furnished, fuît services. Cati E. Blaine, Stton Group Executive, 430-3000. . .MO..RTGA.GE... S .------I- PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the paeto go when your bank *says *NO.7 Serving Whitby snc. 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. 100 ACRE FARM BY AUCTION SAT., MAY 25 - 12 NOON R.R. #1, SUNDERLAND, NORTH 0F UXBRIDGE ON DURHAM 23 TO 4TH 0F BROCK. WEST TO BOTTOM 0F HILL (SEE SIGNS) ANTIQUE AND - QUALITY FURNITURE AUCTION STARTS AT 10:30 A.M. tdeat country proport y/retreat overtooking rolling hitts. Main house with an in-iaw apt., 5 bedrooms, 3 fireptaces, indloor swimming pool. 2nd house' 2 bedroom home, ideat living quarters for a nanny, emptoyee or other famity members. Outbuitding, -P 40'x66' poto barn. Could easiiy b. converted to -becomne an ideat horse ranch. Property sold'as is, subject to owner's approval. To view catI: ORVAL MoLEAN AUICTIONS (705) 324-2783 tanîiy brow~n. Go'od with' kids. 436-0872. DOG FOR SALE- Samoyed' Coltie. Good with children. Mate 3, months otd. 725-3636. NEED HELP PLACING yourad? Cati Joanne, Whitby Free Prés%, 668-0594. CLAANE-Att1 ýtruck'ca,.ps and box liners in 'stock at cost. Wilde Sates, Brooklin,ï'65.5-8016. NEED .A- CAR? Got- an, income? Smati dowvnpayment, no interest, Easy mont hly paym ents. ,CalI 430-8899 daily untit 8 'p.m. NO GsT a.1 DEAL$ ON'WHEEU Pubtic Automart. Over 2 acres oi vehicles for sale by'owner. Oper evýýSunday onty. 1730 .imcoe St. .Oshawa. 725-0002, teave message. 1985 CELEBRITY WAGON.- Excelent condition. Loaded., 7: seater.$3850.Ç68-4104 "Durham Region's eNSX e LEGEND e SALES 0 YAR~D SALE .- Sa(urday*-udy Mornday, 9, a.n.,.,tô. 4, pm,46P5. Hy.12i,1. km north of Taunton Rd..Comne anid b. siurprised.- AT-ASIIBURN GENEIRA&LStirei,' the whote townishaving a lýyard YARD ýSALE S- , -Maei19, 10 ame- to 5 p.m. 12 Michael Bvd., Whitby.,,Raln or shlie SATURDAY MA Y 1v, 81 tronwood -,1,rt. (Rstand & Cochrane). 8,',amn. Smething, for everyone. YARD SALE - Saturday,, May '18, 9 arn. - 4p.m.,Moving. Lots o useful' & niqup eims. 21T'Leë". Ave., Whittb. CREDIT PROBLEMS? W. have- short-terrn blases aatbeon our used cars. ý Ail apt 0aoS, considered, :regardlss o tcrdft- histo .-CatI -for ýmoreO iifo Lakeridge Motors Wholesaleq Division. 4U0-0909, Rick.> IV custom van. Excellent ceâii6i.i SFutty toaded-with .raised.-.roof..- f 54,000 miles. $11.600. 430-0643. *We have "wsetake-vers r epomsseaons) * leae >own.any makeornmodsk i I I *Cashfortrade *Cailnow foefoeaquoes LEASEGUIDE AUTO LEASING 668-8338 - Gary Exclusive Dealer" VIGOR e, INTEGRA 1992.VIGOR,- SEDANý LEASING*PA S SEV E 365 Bayly St., Ajax, \E0~;jV GIVE (%e THE- ___OFLIFE"' Pacifie Acura: mmà 1