WhibyCounci, agenda(s) tions ,from th e Plannm-ngand: L. Commilùttee.. Tha plnnig saffprpare, the apropiat rding üfor, an.à f otlplan à ame ndment *to ccrodýte.a banquegt hall" ad convention c'entre P.roposed by developer *Michael, Volpe for the northeast corner of Brock St. W Nand.TauntonRd. -<Sée Cariied Thatà a-revlsed plan.of' --, subdivIsion from Durtam. eghts*Partnership Ltd. for a mlx=e cormevlal-residentlal, deipment at the.-northwest corner of Rossiand Rd. and Garden St. be:approved. Planned to be, bulft ln stages» *over a i O-to-i 5-year, period, the project will Includo an' 18,850 square metre shopping plaza,, offices, and *.mixed density housing. Carrid ~,.ata bylà w be passed l p 'tncal-mn îcpal' aggrement for $390,000, In road and servlclng improvè-. ~monts te, Gilbert St. E. The money wIli corne from the,'> ,,Ontario government's Program for Renewal, Improvernent, Deveiopment and.Economic Revitaiization (PRIDE. Carred-. Re,.ommend» tions from the-ý' Sthat Whitby Transïit'à -ý progress report'fir April be rec-lvedfor infâtrrTaiçts MonthW b~ani ùè caed 51i,827 pý$5sflgers.; Inore"se ver, tfi W:4O,16 passengers of April 1990. Passenggr revenue to date projed-ted ln thée*1 91 ucget was $1 74,755. The reort-" "ê~tsnew drv1 tlý 'hâwa Centrè inaé ee commenced April 2 That a byiaw bo pass'èd c6pv iflimlng the Weit IMits of- flv bIdgs n thé mUJnIidpa-, IiW A staff report nà ôtes 'that' the wooden bridge ove'r the, .Candadlan Pacific railway trackçs et RosslandRd.W,ý." *Was Inspeçtedtby 'an- engineering f irm and foundto be;capa1bIe cfsupporlnNg lonadsabove e ight tnneAs, t' Regionbudtget By MikeKNowalsId pleased council si Wliitby esidents will. pay $12 peiesonne to the inrentaxes 'to Dwà 1am Re 'on' (4ttersley also this year. maun cf Dram * Regional counil 1atj 'eek- board.) approved an overîll budge of OÎressing tha $109.5 Million for 1991~. situation is "killii lhe portion of the'budget o be said council had: levied on t'axpayers; isi $78.6 mil- cut back inf'some, lion, an increase of aýlmost,, $5 A.lmost $7 miii] million over last year. from road. con The' merease reré 't a4.1 maà intenançe, da) per cnt hikeý in t esa osa citizens' homes. DurhamIn Whtybsman There was also the average taxpaye wiill pay imhposed on new s $12 more te the RLio M'% in9. Hawefrs The cost cf maint 'nJe l1 as ini.-1990 we w( and order in- Durh R égion reduction,'said A accounted for the liors shar'e of Regional- coui the budet Brunelle concurrg SEhtmore than .million ley'ltsremarks. la otted telc e s rvces. tsbenaeu However, the most*danxatic said Brunelle. change from laat yer was' an «When you coni 86.4 per cent jump ýn. welfare 'find a way te dei payments from $11 million te 911, pay equity, hi $21 million. GST ... it's as gc The new 911 emergency tele- get. phone system aIse added "That's an awfu $694,700 te the budget.. Whïitby Mayor Bob, Attersle ,eredta «responsible, tough b*udget,»,indicative cf recession~ ~ ' fle saIal departmeénts had te "pull back -theèi horns,» but'was.qN anno.unces retirmet By Mike KowalO1d- Wlhitby ' counfcillor Joe Buge!li- will flot. seek re-election in November. The west ward representative confirmed recent, speculation about 'his -future -plans by fo announcing Monday. that- tis w*llbe his final'termIon Town Family.commitments.,and unew pronities"romptèd bis decision, b Bugeli infored bis council col-r> leaue.11*,announcement throws the west ward race wide open. 4 *Twootherý people had pre- ' viously declared, their cad Jc forthe seat. (See separate stry.i Y ifrst. eiected -in'1978* the 44n yeark-old buIsineéssm-an said',- he à n yd is inton council and ened ,,-a greatdeal during that J time.I "But you, reach a point where » you assess your life and piorn- ties. I feel I put, a lot of time into the coxnunity -but it took away; from my fam*ly. Bugelli said his second oldest -son had-not yet-been born when he was first elected 'and 'nowh Yis almost rýady for high sèhool. .91é,aiwajýs thought it was just pârtof my job sadBugelli. Despite bis disagreemenits) - withother councilors, Bgelli sad- the i'dmIcrticpoesi siliý the best.".""'Of '>M4y*ýS Bbr "Attersley led '-off1 es 0a h MeadayMay 3 éLvrtiuslng-viiw h T<> ? V\' tim mi 2S7w~' &TU I WHI~>YFME PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1991, PAGES3 increases, taxes y41 iaw fit te add 18 polce force. serves as chair- si police services, tt the welfare ng us,» Attersley ne choice but te mras., Ion was chopped' istruction' and rCSre and senior a hiring freeze 3taif positions. 3tyed the same 'uId hbave had-a Lttersley. ncillorhMarceèl ed with 'Atters- gh, teugh year,» aider we had te al with welfare, Cfation and the ood as you can il lot cf growth, 'youre -laoking at an eight te ten per centrate even without doing, aythingatal.n B3runelle ,said residents will notice a reduced level cf service, efspeciall,,r with public ýworks pro- jects beiïig delayed. But *gan, council, had no alternat ve, said Brunelle. "Wehadtefidaayto fund welfare éosts,» he added. With the Region's budget approvýed, Wbitby residents new know how mnuch more they will pay iprptytaxes this year.., %na orneaà sessed'at $u,500 thé Town's portion..cfthetax bill will.be- $587. The',Region's share will be $455. Public,,sehoolsupporters 'will pay $1,299, wbile Catholic rate-, payers will p4y $1,230. -aeEnsMy2n/1