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Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1991, p. 7

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By~PD~Y,~4 454 ,p -4g:R 7 r - A m'ovi]e review This is a mou'ereview. It allows nie to make weigiijy comimente about the. fate of the. western world. Because Pim going ta give away tiie ending, I won't tell you the moviss name, but it' sioul d have. been renamed Mi.xing of tIËe Metapiiors. The. movie takes place in a make-believe world in wbi<ii FBI agents-in-training may b. summoned (by the Big BosM) from an exercise course (it has a name in Frenchi but I can't spel it,. or say it). Meanwile, a mad kciller idnaps young women. Police keep finding their bodies wasiied up ail over the place. The .agent-in-training lias been summoned to gai' information from a psyciiatrist turned psychotic iller, wlýo now lives in a madhose mun by a power-iiungry madman Ti.psyciiatrs poee a super-normal brain, can lea hornosaonsaotpolfroni newspaper écipping~ and'should not b. tristed. Ain I boing you yet? If you think tuis is bad, you shoud se. tiie movie. Anyway. Flasiiback te tth. childhood of the agent-in-training. Her fatiier was a police office; Illed oci duty by a prisoner h. trusted too much. That partlg important,'Maybe. After her fatii.r' deatii, the. girl went'te live with an aunt and uncle on a arm 'i'the. mid-central-west-eastern som.wiiereville;. Her, uncle (I did say the. agent was a girl, RlntJ) r aised siieep. Bo'one. day h., took some l ambe te sell orbucir or sometiing, and tiiey made.thus'bleating noise and tii. girl -tiougiit ..neyerz mid. S5h. ran away. tathn movie niight b. about a young girl trying te nce -the bleating of the Iambe inside hemrwi head? Close, but no cigar.' Tusma 'll - - a afixatinabout being maie and wan gt efemale. *H. is attempting ametamorpiiosis the. lie o in h ei ii words of tii. movie, "tiiere isn't a name for. This means"thattii. 'anti-hero ý(tii. bad buy) works on a different metapiiortiian-the. heroine. Great. Siies trying ta, silence laiiibsand iie's tiyiiig te turn iiself into a female, or a bug, -or som.etiig. Meanwhule, the.psciiatrist waits in a madiiouse run: by an administrator-doctorý, mad' bimiself wi'tiipower and ambition. Ho escapes. H. kcils people,'b=aseta swiiat h. likes ýta do. Taàsnwiiole SWAT teanis bimself wbile in solitary confinementé, Not a nice guy. Let us not forget tIi. big chmes.BI honcho, the. on.Whio caled in thetr;aineéetoahep witii tis big cas. e.H'a maipulator,'tryig teýpul strings on people to get results.- You know the' type. Pàirt way .tiirougii tii. movie you mqigit. 4-bnk'h. migiit' tatepthte make- on the young traine., Hey li'. ld noCh ta b. her fatiier, it wouldn't b. fair -i- te vhom,, we're nt sure. No romance, no sex. Who says, ther. are no standards of decency loft i movies? teanw#il., the reÏlm éman bad guy Idils young women, sins tiintemake bis new boéysuit, and stuifs bugs down their tbmoats. Tuùs is calculated te make movie audiences gag. Iýt wolsk& 1'epsyciiotic iller keeps uis latest young itn nawl in tii. cellar, .wiier, ah. bleats 1k. lm about te b. slaughtered. (Recognize any metaphors yet?) Tii. girl agent.-in-waiting goes te uis house hb niistake. >Ther. follows a scene inithe. dark, wiieme the. killer wears infra-red goggles and the. girl agent stumbles amound in the damk,ý and tih. kidnapped victimi bleats lk. a Iamb. Final1y, girl FBI agent kidls thebad guy. Bang, bang, bang, bang.: He dies with gurgles, wearing his, goggles, .Iooking lik. a. bug. The final metamorpiiois. And tii. mad psyciiatrist? He exits with the. Une, "Tim iiaving aný old friend for lunch." Tii. madhouse administrator wilI-be lus juat desserts. Get it Redeeming' values?'Silence' appears ae doing well at the. box office. Those wioio1k e, violence, hate, blood, lewd language and madnm.ýE[swil . appy. Thome wio erjoy love, romance and sex,,will hé diàappoi*nted. For wiiat Wis1 woeth, I sat througii twentyr minutes of tuis movie b.for, I realized tiat Iiiad read the. book. And tiie movie does stick rather -faitifuly teatii. book, mores the. ity > Halfway tiirii I was begnning te hope tiie Teenage PAG SVEN THE FIRS BROOKTHKTE, BESiDE THE ROYAL H<YTIU4 MAY 1987 This brick buildin = mv.teefiom 1910 unfil 1988 when the. second Brock Theatre was bufit furtier down the street. Originally called the Royral Theatre it became tii. Brock Theatre in 1934 when purchaued by John Strathy and William âood mn o Torcto. The theatre isÂdcorted in ttus picture for the. coronation cf King George VI wiich, occurred on May 12, 1937. 10 TEARS ADO from the. Wednesda4 May13, 1981 edition of the " GO Transit-rail service from Pickering to Whitby is at Ieast five years dway.' " Durham Region's outuide workers bave gon. on stra for tii. firt time. " Wayne Conrad of Anderson Collegiate won thr.e top honours at the. Durbanm Region Science Fair. " Whitby PubliceLibrary bas compiled a directory of services for the disabled. 25 TZARS ADO froni the Thursday, May 12, 1966 edition of the WH1TBY WCEIKLY NKWB This issue is miesing. 75 TZEARS ADO from the. Thursday May 11, 1916 edition of the WMUH àT ZIE AND CHRONIL *An inquest concluded that the. soldierM who died in uis béd a week ago, died of "overindulgence in liquor and other site." *Two prisoners .Who esaped. from tii construction site at the Ontario Hospital were sentenced to two years eachin mthe. Kingston Penitentiaxy. *A young ladiesd recruiting committo. bas been formed in Whitby to get local boys to join the. amy. *Cull.n Perry, a grandson of Whit>y~s foumder Peter PeMry has been wounded m France.

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