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Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1991, p. 28

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PAGE 28, WHTY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12, 1991 Wmitby minor lacrosse tournament Tlost teams ca pture champioship Huxter gives bantams sudden death victory WiftbY Lacrosse International bantams captured the A division of the, Whitby lacrosse tournament over the weekend. Playing a total of five games, the teamn had a record of four wins and one. bas. The first gae against Toronto Beaches saw Goa srers we2eSteve Voituk with four, Gavin Prout two, Rob Fodor, Marty OBrien and Paul Webb one each. T'h. second gaine- againat a strong Orangeville teain gave Whitbty. their only defeat. Orangfeille ju to a quick two-goul, bead ttproved too mucii to overcomne. The. final score was 7-4 in Orangevilles favour.. Whitby scorers were Ryan Huxter, David Hotrurn, Pat Jones and Fodor. The third gae against rival Peterborough result.d in a 10-3 Whithby victory. Whitby power plays proved too much for Peterboiough to defend against with thr.e goals scored on power Sm for .whitby- were Jones with thr'àee, OBrien with two, Fodor, Saul, Edgar ànd 'Dan S&. Aubin on. each. whitby - thon played Peterborough again i n the Tyks win2 t 1% Li1?y- aeA lacose tournae in pth in Pter b rough and Whitby. I h,1rrtte PNterbotircouh tournanent4, Whitby' came out strong and- outScoed Hamnilton 13-1. Against rapton, -a tougiier opponientg WVhitby prevailed 8-1, playing capitalizing on their J Bp rampitoi iad apother chancet at Whitby in the. semi-finals but1 ginthe. Whitb team>ovdt b.to trongdeBarampton s by ascoeeof 6-2.,i This victory 'set up the. finalc gaine against Whitby's oldest and fiercet rival, Peterborough. T'h. gae was an exciting one, 12'go to n. Whitby 'Roller Skating Club members had several first-placey fishes at the. provincial roller ft skating charapionsiiips in Bur- fil Twleclub members will 'w advance to the national charn- pionsbips in Burlington July 4-7. KG On. member, Shayne Bayforla will attend try-outs for thé. Pani le American Gaines i Cuba in se, August. s Hýayford, senior men provincial Corey, 14 freesty-le. Stephen Piclcering mens freei figures. Jennifer Toronto, 1v ladies freesi 16 of Whitby wnieS te1~oetyo it.at tii. jui meet while brother sty won the freshinan diu in Pacholzuk, 15, ef of won the sophomorefi Btyle and junior mens wai Mulpgew, 18, Of a_ ion thScpoore F LyAe and figures. 2 Wh semi-final Sunday morning and came away r>3 winners in a very hard-fought physical gaine. Whitby scorers were O'Brien, otk, Fodor %Prut and Hoti, the latter a penalty shot goal. The. final saw Whitby playing Oraugeville, and Whitby won 5-4 in overtime. This gain. provided the. fan s with very exciting, skcillful lacrosse. Whitby opened the. scoring with two early goals from Luke Akey and Huxter. Orangevile contmnued to play excellent lacraose and tied the. gaine lat. in the. thîrd. Sudden-death overtime was short-lived as Ryan Huxter,'on a deterrnined effort, corralled a loose ball and broke to the Orangeville net to score hi. second and gamewinning goal, eeng iiimself as the. gaine Otiier scorers- were Duke McNutt with two and OYBrien. Tyler Derks played excellent goal throughout the. tournament. Other' players contributing te coach, Jin Bisiiop's noted* teain style of play were Bryan Power, Derek 'Suddons, David Stabile and Jennifer Johnson. ournments with action at botfiiends eoftii. floor. ,Andrew, Green kpt ýWhitb * i the' e earfy, makiiug a number &1salves. Howev.r, wiien Wiiitby came alive theirw 6asý no looking back. WhI> won-i tth. tournament with a 7-2 victoiy. Ilie player of the. gaine awards during the. tournament went te, Joali ColleiiSbawn' Stephens, Brandon McBride' and Ryan Hlaber. In tiie firat game of th. Whitby, tournment, Whitby lost 4.3 te Peterborough.* This meant that Whitby had te, win their twvo games against Hamilton, a much improved tear, te get another crack at Peterborough. .The Whitby squad completely' SEE PAGE 31 ,ationals Rebecca Woodjxeuse, 14, cf Vhtywon the. freshinan ladies e -eand wasseondi von tii. novice ladies; figures. Pia Schmidt-Hansen, 14, of lendal was second in ?resiizan Rdies freestyle; Heather Schuy- -r ef Whitby was second mn ophomore ladies figures and oend in ladies silver solo dance. With third-place finishes were tacey Miller, 10 of Whitby i* LverIe girls figures andfe- Oyle an * unior olyinple solo Lnce; Jenry Hod 21,ofuWhy L fl éèdanc Sharon Hod ewity ieqielde egqurrlaie Brin Scudda, 14, cf Whitby as fifth, in novice ladies figures id freestyle. E'etra Bayford ia coachi ef the itby teain. WHTYtook advantaqre of numerous tournamnent over the weeken d. Whitby Poeplay opportunittien to defeat went On to. win the. bantam Peterborough 10-3 in a bantaim level championship. mnatch-up at the Whitby lacrose Fr 1 po Novices defeat Saa in final. T'h. Whitby novice rep B lacrosse team, sponsr.d by the. Durhiam Region Police .Assocation, won their division at the, 1991 Whitby invitational tournament over the. weekend. l'h. win was encouraging te Wbitby's coaching saff as a but tiir.e of the. teain members are first-year novice playors. In wmnimg Whitby prevailed, over teamsfrom Sarnia, Orùangeville, Oriflia, Nepean and Huntuville. Co"c Harold Heur said teamwork was the key te tiie win. "W. bad sohd, offence and defence fio= ail thyse linos . 1 found it amazing that in ail tii. gaines, the. olence was 0o evenly distributed ýamong so many players" Assistant coach Murray Down added, "I told the players we iiad to get back and set up defensively whien the. otiier team had the bai On Sunday, June 16 at .froquois Park, tiie Reds will face the. Exp" at 5 p.m. and the. As will play tii. Blue Jays at 8 p.m. These teauns are made'up cf 12 and 13-year-old bàys froSnitii. pe.wee division eoftth. Whitby ininor baseball association. Tis new brand of basebail for WMhy i. called 'B-bail, with tii. B rneanigbdg lbagu, bal. At talo 56 boys wl b. involved'in this new four-team leagu. During May there were thre. tryout dates, at wiiich 82 boys were evaluated on their basebil êkifs -- iiitting, running and catciiing. Each boy who tried eut was given a trial rating, betw.en 1 and, if we were goeng to van. We won becaus. we did that effectively and consistently." Whitby -went tiirough the. tournament undofeated. Tiiey start.d the. tournament witii* a 6-3 win over Oriflia on Friday night. This was foilowed the next morning witii a 14-O drubbing of HuntEvile. Whiitby rounded out their olimination round play by defeating Napean 7-5 in a cbosely fought win. hIsemi-final action, Whitby was again miatched. up against Orillia. In their second meeting, Whithy was'abl. te corne up witii a more convincing 9-1, win te advance te tth. final.* T'h. final matchup cf Whitby and Sarnia was, on paper,., a confrontation. betweon the. two moot closely matciied teains in tii. tournainent. Botii teanis fini s .iedeliiain p ih3o s EPAE3 5. Tues. numbers were used te, assîst in the. formation eoftthe teams. Tue first ever B-Bail draft was iield on May 30, sud at that timo, each teain chose 14 players man up ef nin, starfing pIayefs, thr.. substitut. players, and two re serve playere. T'h. draft was monitered by co-conveners Bull Peel and Mike HiM. Head couches for the. teams are Derrick Balan for the. Oakland'Athleticg, John Johnson for the Toronte Blue. Jays, Ben Chartier for the, Montreal Expos, and Walter Lazary for tii. Cincinnati Reda. Each t.am will b. outfltted in authentic major league unitorms te, enhance the. 'Bige League atinospiiere. These four teains records and both had identi e'Î 27-8 goa for/againat rocords.,, Firet place in the. elimiàtjons was d.cid.d by penalty, minutes, with Whitby haviuxg 6 te Sarnials 12. .Sarnia got on the. .corboerd firat wth an early goal-but QerOd. I hi t. e cond-'p ricd, n tbwent up on. on, a quick, gSl BlineDown. at the, 8-second mark. This, was answer.d )MY Sarnia late. in the. period. In the third period, it was ail Whitluy. Part way througiithe. p.riod, tii. game-Winneï wasa scred by 'Bobby MBride, with. insurance markers being added, by Andrw Sffale and Rox Smitii as Wiiitby went on te i &-2. will complet. a nine-game regular season and then compete for tii. firet ever B-Bail World Series. Cýeingdayis schedul.d for Suda, une~ 16. l'h. official c.remonies are slated for 7:30 pmx., in betw.en tiie two gaines Tiiere wiil b. a special collectors edition proam distributed t tth. frst 300 in attendance. Inside tii. program will b. draw tickets for pnze such as Blue Jay tickets, hats, banneraetc. In addition hot.- dogedrinks, andSvotate, chips will b. available- a a-faLshioned-prices. Tii.e ceremonies will includ, a special firet bail throw out the. singing ecftthe national antheis as well as a group rendition àf "Take.me eut te the bail gaine.w 'F I 1 SEE PAGE 31

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