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Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1991, p. 32

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PAGE 82, WH1TY FREE PRES WEDNESAY, JUNE 12.13991 xceene a-rfo A cvI By MareenQinlu activitiee witb which McEwan is AnesnCVI teacher Sandra mnvolved. McEwan lu the'firat recipient of McEwan plans ocniu an Ontario award rconzin¶working oward her oalontinu participation ini environmentarÀ studios.1 McEwan, environmental stu- dies toucher, won the Prentice- -Hall Canada Award for excel- g a ,s ship and scholar yý endeavour in environmientaleducation. l9 T VI "I was very honoured -- it's a aI, 5 e eryprestigioua award,» saya 9IX M wan. McEwan ha participated in B yMaureen Quinlain numerous envionmiental activi- Whitby ha a spocial out-of- ties at the provincial, regional town visîtor. and school level. Valerie Houyon is an exchango At Anderson, i addition to her student from Belgi* who' bau work as toucher, McEwan waa boon living in Whitby for fine the PItch-In Week co-ordinator rnonths and wil1 be returning to co-chairman of' the schoof Belim in July. environmient team and organizer Its agreat: experienc, says of school-wide environmental Leslie Greenland, one of awarenss. H{uyon's hostesses- during ber At the reginal level, McEwn stay here under the'sponsorship was an Earth Day commidttee of the Rtary Club of Whitby member, helped write the grade Sunrise. 12 environmoutal science curri- Houyon atayed at a home in culum, was chairman of the Dur- Whitby for a period of three ham regional aecondaiy science, montha and, according te the olympica committeo, and was a' program scheule, thon moved té worksho p re>nter,.during - another home in Whitby. - fessionalè a. ~ 'hie4ftkp iangeiws"to ProvinciallycEwan waa pre- lot them experience real Cana- aident'for Envinmental Educa- dian living,» says Greenland. tion (OSEE),, co-author of a high For this reason, she led the life scbool text, and May 1991 con- of an average teenager living i ference chairman of annual tea- Whitby, with a few minor cher and student OSEE con- changes. ferences. Houyon visited Montreal, That isn't even half of the Ottawa, Florida and Canada'a GABIELESAMES,,wa jdgedas ' dressed' durin te ik0praea Gien E public school's Juin Fair held recently. Fr. Pl I s make Anderson and the world an environmentally friendly p lace te liv, i, and she feels that she i malcing a differenue. tudent has erienoe' Wondorland during lier 'stay.e Lagaedoesn t seem o e prolemforGreenland while aoyn is ataying ut ber home. o«I ha d two years of English in school, buf it dn't really pre- pare me for my trp,»> says Houyon. But she foundý it wus not hrd te pick up the English ,rngage once she got bore. Houyon noticed that Caniadian relationships and activities. are different from those in BelgiuIm. «Everyone bore seema ia rush,* In Belgiuinwe are much more relaxod and do things slowly» says Houyon. Houyon also noticed dif- 'becaue *ocame from a smal! private school that had 400 stu- dents. "W. had strict discipline, and- achool is more difficult and chaI- longing at home,» saysi Houyon. Hiouyon took gail--11ad 12 courses at Henry Street Higb School. She .hm, eijoyodý lier stay in WhiVtby' u'nd";ià plannninhg to return i n 1993.- 'ne ]Ro tay exchange 1gives stu- dents ages 16 te 18 a chaneto, act as goodwill ambassadors for their country while broadening their outlook. Now that Wihitby bus acted as bout, local residents will be able te _go abroad for a year. Studonts were asked te, apply and were tested on tbefr know- ledge of Canada and asked why they wanted to participate i the oichange Chosen from the eight appli- cants were- Jane West from Henry and Arlene. Quinn from Anderson, In'August tboy will go te Australia and spend a year away fr-om home. 'Tm more excited than nerv- ous saà Wstwbo will staY witA four difforent bost families in Australia. College honours for Whitby student Robert Powell of Whitby recntly reoeived honours fromn Duram Colloge for acudemice j, achievement. Powell receivod the Durham College Silver Modal as higheut rancig graduato in the two-year technology prograin. A photo cationi last week's dition incorrectly atated thut a Block Prnt reenttion wau made tSt atbreesschool. The presentation wau actuully made ut St. Bernard achool. best The caption sbhould also have Mhu stated that information about Block Parents is available by bhot. writing te P.O. Box 233e Whitby, SANDRtA McEwan (right), and Leanne Wilde a studenit Ili McEwanes grade 12. environmentaj scienoe clan, look over plans to niake'Anderuon CVI!. courtyard habitable fpr wildlife. McEwan was recentlY honoured for 'teaching excellence in environmental education. Fr.. Pr. Photo Durha'm hosts.confenoe About 200 school attendance counsellors ýand social workers reproaenting 44 scbool boards in Ontario gatlhered in Oshawafrom June' 9 te 12 te discuas issues related te achool attendance and te participate i the annual conference of the Ontario Association for Counaelling and Attondance Services. This ia the flrst time the asocation's annual conference was held in Durham Rogion. l conference was of particular interest te counsellors working within educational PoIicy jeopardîzes programs FROM PAGE 2 school.. "For a- number of groupea like cubascouts and brownies we don't charge unything,» aaid Brown; "For others that are profit- making operations we charge more..- .Brown conoeded the docision te oliminate the subsidy will mean an increase in rates for groupa aucli as the YMCA. "'fruatees foît they could n longer have aIl the taxpayers subaidizo those costa,» said Brown.ý "It's a shift in philosopby from everyone pays te user pays, but we're atilI not malcing any money oni it." Brown suid the docision affecta ite raizations as woll. "Itrs mucli broader than the Y, lots of groupa are affected.» Brown id not have' informa- tion readily available te, indicato 10W much the curront policy conte the board. He al' treaaed that al p~oupaÇ'&edybthq ipW po4cy,ý ý . - , ý % "' 14, - J were intormed, prier te the board'. vote. "nhey wore -notifiod the day aerte finance committee. deci- sion in February. We contacted evoryone before it went te the board.» Whitby trustee *George Miloeh said the issue boilod down te a question of money. "Unfortunatoly, costs are goig up. If we- can save the board some money w. will do so," said Milosb. Feeney is new trustee for Ajax Judy Feeney ha been apo- ted au Ajax trustees on theDu- hum separate achool board. Sbe replaces'Sally Longo who bas moved out of the'region. Feeneyformerîy represented M ~on the board from 1983 te She will ropresent Ajax for the balanoe of the electeral year, te . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...........

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