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Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1991, p. 38

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PAGE 38j HFYM PEE¶SS,; WEDNESDAY, JUNE iZ 1991 jWhltby Free Press 668-0594"* Office Hours: Monday to_Frî day, 9.00 arn to 5:00 pm* Fax 668-0594J .. . . .. . . . ... .... ~.0VTCORPORATION 0F THE ~ TOWN 0F'WHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Mlonda yJune-,17, 1991,*@'8:3-pnt Meeting.,Hall, htb unicpal Building Whitby,. Ontarlo APublic Meeinig wiII be held by the Planning ad Deveomn omte cf Councul of t"i.Coration of the. Town o Whitby ta consider ,prOCsed amendment ta the. Whitby Officiai Plan- and Zoning By-Iaw 1r78 as. submitted by Peelcam Developments.làcarpar-ated. T.sbet pr0et is Iocated in Part'Lat 24, Concession 2, as indicated --j- SUBJECTz ' PR OPER Ty "w w ww EIASS ETT __ The purpose, of hie application us t arrmend the Rossland/Garden Secondary Plan and Zoning By-Iaw 1784 ta permit the development of twelve (12) street tawnhouses. The site is currently cdesignated and zoned ta permit 34 apartment urits. The purpose of this mieeting is ta provide adequate information ta the public and ta permit interested persons the opportunity ta, make representation in respect of the rezoning a pplicationi. If you are unable ta attend the. meebnyaur representiatian can be fled un wrtnngby mail orpronailivegry ta reach the. Planning Department flot later danreglaworking hours on June 24, 1991. lntereted persans may inspeot additional. information relating ta the above application in the Planning Departinent, Level 7, 575 Rassland Road- Eat durinq reg9ular.worldng houm, Monday té, Rida, or may contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING WESTf LYNDE 'Public school's junïior choir(poto- at left) which intermediate baud (photo atright) wliach includes (back, foiet includes (from Ieft),, Jen'Pearson, Nicole Krk Janice Chaabane, Robert Lyon, Derek- Waldroin, Anthony Scheltema, fBronda Andrea Akers and<'arraà Dee'Artner, won .11 four catégories at. the edos (rnt, from'left),.Ehiannon Filip Beccy Villeneuve, Kiwanis Musie Festival 'and was iùecommended te enter the recent Dawn Mendez a.nd Steven. Holloway. 1~prpv~noal ft~è~A ,~t~o ~Çwa~iaf0stal was the. .y i-i - ~w, -, I ~ D.~~8-~UI~ -~L~JU WILJ ~ ~ ~ ~t' *~I '-4-.~w?4'.aRa.> I L~ <MIW W~f~ ~t~*<'~ *'~ 4~ift ~ I.WU1~.w..%. -- - ......... CORPORATION 0F THE TOW OFWHITBY PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE'0F PUBUC MEETING Monda y June 26, 1991@ 7:30 p.m Meeting Hall, Whitby Municipal Building- Whetyg,Ontalo A Public, Meeting Wlll b. held by the Planning and Development Committe. at the above-noted time and. pace ta review a draft comprehensive zoning by-law and draft urban design guidelines for the Implementation of thé. Downtown Secondary Plan in the. Town of Whtby. The extent et the study area is eutiined below. ~A AlVA'1' W MCe leufmer £4F49W, C.u74/".t r Hou Reon cy. i~1 DL1D EUz sr r,,smnr .n., ta ti. pblicandL attend o1h.reeting yor rpSeI ttin anb.fedunwn ingb mi r pesnleierte ac ti.Pann Deat ntfolar a regular working houSto.uy ,91 lnrtprsn mainsetactoa nomto eaigh h ab#eapliatom ii.Panig3eaxmn: eel757 asl ROBERT B. 0SHORT i nT O F L N N N I Unionassists women's Tne Ontario Public Service to theDnsHoswo ns shelterin Oshmaa The donation is, part cf a province-wide donation of $14,000 to, women's shelters. Other donations ii - si outh- central Ontario went to shelters in Cobourg, Aflistn" n Bancroft. The presentation 1wos mode to, OPSEU prem*dent Fred phw who, represénts the Oshwa- Whitby ares, on the union's provincial executive board. Horýse-tading FROM PAGE 1 about the realuced green beit. arm probabiy thefIrat on. who roised- ity' 'urbanization with no pause," said Brunelle., "But w. have to look at what's .reasonaëhle. Ify ou go too far with this you'll endup at the 0MB (Ontario Municipal Board>.7.» Brunelle soid a green belt from Halls Rd. to Auey Rd. con b. easily maintained. . Ajox con hold their lin. ond w, con hold ours at Halls everyone would like it to be~ wier but realistically, it' what's maintainable."- 1,- Brunelie laid that while rioi every- item in the pian is «ideal and perfect7, VWhitby will.beniefit. 1"1 think we've don. ourseives proud. 0f al the municipalities, Whitby probabiy did the beat of ail, porticularIy on the. density issue.» Bruele did not forses o.n 0MB challenge from bond owners upset with arp0le for Whitby's, porti'on ofthe pion. I-ghlights of the plIon include: * 10,000 ocres wiil be set aside for housing, plus a five-year sup- ply of serviced, land 'foremploy-ý ment oreas; *Durhom's population, is el t sûraseon. million,~ ben .fflh no a c date has * Thi. creaioncof -an environ- mental -adiisory group te assiat counicil on planning issues wiil b. 'W Moeevlopment i.the northern sections of the south- ern-tier m'unicipalities is pro- poeed, with 'the planned Hwy 407 serving as a barrier b.tween rural ond urban areas., Tii. plan will now b. sent te Queen's Park for review. It was thre. years befor, the' province gave its approval totth. <current pion. With theRegion's pion eut of the. way, -Whitby councillors co now devote, ail their attention te, the Town's own official pioan review.

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