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Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1991, p. 39

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Whitby declares,,.war ,on«fl.werpeddlers By MikemKoai sld Whitby has decIared war on weekend roadaide flower ped- diers.* «Itës fot fair ta the peaple Who own shopa and pay taxes ta the PMTyFE PRESSI WEDNESDAY. JUNE 12,19391, PAGE 89 municipalityr,» said, Mayor Bob< appropriate measures and lay Attersley in announcing the charges if necsary. crackdown at- Monday~s T.wn At ersesanonemn council meeting. came after councillor Joe Drumm Attersley said 'Tôwn byla raised the matter for the' second enforcemnent offilcers will t ale consecutive meeting.' lettes, assist'CF rese arch B»Ma reen Quinlan WhitbyKznsmen and Kinettes haveworked year-round ta raise money for t he cystic fibrosis' research. "Itfs deflnitely aur.major focus and aur major, fundraising cam- ,paign,»ý says Anne Vanwyk, a member of -the.,Kinettes who worcs, for CF at bath the reégional and chapter levfels. The regional gropahave put on such fundraisers asa skate- a-thon .and aradio-thon ta raise money for the grganization- as well as ' donating money 'iom their budgWets. The maoneyra.ised by the clubs goes .taward developing research on cystic fibrosis, a genetic dis- ease that affects the lungs and digestive system andlhas -no kniown-cure. Those. who have-cytic fibrosis are now' living inta adulthood, but it is still te cause of the most deaths due toanay éther inherited disease. But thanks ta, donations ta keep the reseaieh alive, a break- through was reached in Septem-' ber of 1990. Canadian scientists discovered a way ta correct the principal defect ini CF, in a controlled laboratory atmosphere., With this knowledge, the research could break even more boundaries, but not without the FROM PAGE 1 Aftèr devoting a few years t b isbusiness, Attersley returned ~to public office in 1978 when he was elected to Durhamn Region council.. n1980, he was acclaimed as mayor, succeeding Jim Gartshore who had retired. In 1988, Attersley defeated 'Emm for his fourth term, collect- ýning 8,436 votes to Emm!s 7,435. SAttersie( s annauncement 1may again fuel rumours that he in- *tends ta challenge Gary Herrema for -the chairmanship of Durham Hierrema intends ta seek re- election but Attersley h1as nôt committed himself either way. Ini addition ta his duties as .Mayor, Attersley also serves as chairman of 'the Durham <Regional Police services board. Attersley is the second mem- ber of council ta décide' againat , re-election. Earlier, councillor Joe Bugelli announced that he wifll nat seek anather term te the west ward' seat he. has represented since 1978. FROM PAGE 4 "We see a fair number of stu- dents a day,» says Latham. 1ý On a busyv day, 30 people could visit the centre and many rg- lars drap -by daily ta check for- new listinigs. :<Whitby has at least 500 stu- dents registered at the centre,» says Latham. The Canada Enpoment Centre for Students iii Whitby will hold a ,draw ta recogaize Mire a Student Day.' Those re *teg at the centre by June 19 are ellW1e for the draw which features several prizes. help of much neededfunds. Th clubs are pleàsed with the results of their fundraising efforts'thifeyear. "0 f coirse they're- down because of the economic con-; ditions, but welre stili pleaspd,» Réonlfwyth,,c lubs spent a weekend reparng and- coing; maintenance at. a camp for kidâ with CF in Orillia. "We g*ve a lot of ourselves phys;ic yas weIllas monetarnly' saysVanwyk. he -CF or ia,* zation and the Kinmen aniditegroups hv.been Liked for over 25- .years. Bu-lWallace resumes .dutie BBMkeKowaj.ki winter. s al a is ackIn *the Then while recoveripg from his inur y,,rhs Wallace dvlpdacs attended Jonday's Town council meeting. 1 1 . . ýI ,Mayor- Bob Atteresley- made special note of pointing out Wal-' lace .return ta action to those in attendance. Whitby' chief adminitrative officer hias resumed 'hie duties, after an absence' of several montha due ta medical problemas. Wallace, suffered a severely broken leg when hé slipped onlî ice while in, London, "Ont. hast Crime Stoppera and Durham Regional Police are asing for the public's help in solving a bank robbery which ooeurred in Claremont during the afternoon of May 14. At about. 1:35 p.m., two mon entered the Canadian Inperial Bank of Commerce located at 6006 Old Brock Rd. M. in Claremont. One maie was arined with a long-barrelled rifle or shotgun and'stood back-and acted as the -lookout, while the other maie, armed with a knife, approached the teller. AfIter demanding and receiving somecash, both. suspects left the bank and were seen leaving the area in a stolen red GMC pickup truck, licence WJ 1348. The vehicle had been reported stolen a day erler in Broughanm, Ont., and was later recovered alsam after the robbery. Suspect #1: White, maie, late twenties, 5 ft., 10 in. to 6 ft., sandy brown short hair wearing eyeglaases with lark rima, armed with a long-barre1Ùed rifle or shotgn Suspect #2: White, maie, twenties, olive compileion, brown eyes, face and head covered with a camouflaged Caric disguise, and armed-with a knife. 1You can help our conununity to salve, and possibly prevent, some of these criminal offences by calinfg Crime Stoppera if you know or even suspect that a persan is resposible. .Crime Stoppera will pa-y up. to $1,00 for information Ieading to an arrest. You -will neyer be asked for your name or have ta appear in court. You wifll be given a code number to identify yourself. No one will ever know who you are. The Crme Stoppera -numnber is 436-8477 (that. 436-TIPS). If this number is long distance, oeil us collect or through your local Durham Regional Police number anc1 ask for' Crime Stoppera. Constable Grant Arnold is the co-ordinator with the Durhamn Regional Crime Stoppera and writes this article to help combat PICO s H0 AL Sonie Of Our Competitors Think We Have Hot Furniture 2ý,'PQ...BédýSecb"ï with oecllner Pins Bech'oomSuite includes dresser, hutchi mirror, mian' chest and headboard.1 Nite table Wi C5TOM COVER SALE. 499 ~899 FROM 8w- Solid Pins Bunk Beds Lots of storage space, separate ladder and guard rail plus obunkien ý$399 Chair........... Youth Grou p co<SAfly SieRoom Double Dresser ........219.00 Mirror..... ......107.00 5 D)r a werÏ Cheëst*.'.*'...209.00 Bookoase Headboard ....79.00 Mates Bed.........*21 9.00 Nite Table ..............79.00 Single dresser .........269.00 Large Hutch ...........149.00 Single Desk ............169.00 3 Drawer Chest ........159.00 Small Hutch .............. 119.0o 5 Peà Oak Diniing RooM 42" round Pedestal Tablé wthLion'à Claw* legs& 4 Bow-back-Chairs & a t a $649 nsséibe 149.00 UnassEmbbIed 5 PC SOUD WOOD MAPLE FINISH $é~ TABLE CHAIR DINEETE SET V~'~'U SWIVEL ROCKER CHAIRS $19 'STRATHROY" Custom OrderOf Dining Room, Bedroom& Coffee Tables 4001off BRENTWOOD SWIVEL 6 ROCKER CHAIRkfM BRAEMORE- 2 PIECE SAL$ SOFA AND 'CHMIRcountyStyle> 79 , M o I J Envi"ronmentalists St art Hem j ý ,, ' À A citizens' board adrninisters the Crinie Stoppers prograrn of which there are now over 850 in Nort-h Arnerica. The reward rnoney is raised through tax dedLJCtible donations whicli inay be sent to Durham Regional Crime StoiD[--ýers. P.O. Box 5-4. Oshawa, Ontario Ll H 7K8. 1 1 1 1 m

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