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Whitby Free Press, 12 Jun 1991, p. 8

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PAGES8, WHTBMREaSS. WEDNESDAY, JUNJP,;2, 194; A Sûmmr Conest o Arcumuumumauueuuuuma Ide uMmmuo nt to I M ihm iteee oehn hti tïatcet o -tu f -hsoicl msi A Summpn edrw rotest ofrie Archwitnecturial Inordentification th WlibywFeekPes, Pr ih nesswl brhetualhingaictr fa.rhietrldti LocaltbyArchkiecAsurCnsrvti. Advcorc ènicton wiLl be enered toa w akl rcwtewtureitheahsocabokr twouticketsafor aorofst»forlhomesai Whitb . house tour e do Hrtg : ~ThewIner's nameatnd crreientfiato : wilalwaeandlised inthe fCllowingw»ae's itseo the uity tFcnre. Press, talgt atinoter Thuie. tis construs sooe d Witbayfin : amLeoalheArhitecturlCosevatioW'àtng encorag.ie wadn awarnss n o usr cals an eoav rcitetrlheiae NamM kPn Name *une 4~Çie4 h m tb busnes By Mike Kowabsi Forcing stores to close Sundays will inconvience some shoppers but the general public wilI bene- fit claixns MPP Druznmond The Durhamn Centre represen- tative ,w0lcomes Iast week's Ontario government initiative to designate Sunday as a ucommon pause" day.and prohibit wide- Open shopping acrose the pro-, vmoce. While he acknowldes that ýundaVy shoppingisadifficult issue White feelsthe roposed legisfation. will please most Ontario residents. Employees,. especially, wil support Provisions enabling them to -refuse Sunday or holiday work without fear of repercussion, says White. «In some respects it'. a sacri- fice for people Who lose tho con- venience, to shop when they want » said Whito. "But their convenience i. somoone oe'. sacrif-ice. Wo've livod up to Our commitment irogarding workers' need for a common pause day.» Sol.icitor Genoral Mike Farnan last Tuosday introduced amend- monts to thé controversial Rétai) Business Holiday. Adt (RBHA). The. RBHA now roquiros most rotai) uins. in Ontario to close On statutorYholiday. and But Farnan' amendmonts wull provido an oxonmpionmochan- tam for tourium-dendnt busi- ness and communitis Th. tourism exemption will b. adminstoro by muncirnlitios in aoeordance with rogu on.;ý undor the Act. lb... rogulations will ostabi- ish provmnco-wido criteria for tourjsm oxomptions that must b. complied with b.fore any munici- pal bylaws can b. enacted which grant exemption statue. Tho amendments provide that one or more rotai) businesses or representative retailer groupe can apply for exemption to their municipal council. Although critice contend this wil againi make municipal coun- cils repnsible for Sunday shop- ping h thefr communities and create the same problems as previous rules, the governmnent disagrees. lie. proposed %"osm exemp- tion» amendinent replaces the section of the. RBHA which pran- ted virtuallY unrestricted powers to municipAlities in 1989, the goverment clame. 'TMe 1989 amendments crea- ted the. potential for an unwork- abl. situation"'» said Farnan in a prepared statement. "Our new proposais ensure consistency and fairness through the manc atory application of =rvice-wide standards,» h. White concurs. "It's not being left entfrely te, municipalities, we have estabi- ished criteria where municipali- ties can eay it's a'touriet area,» said White. "It won't b. the case where tieY'll be fighting each other, it's a much fairer way.n municipalities wide powers to, ruate shopping on holidays., Following a constitutional challenge of the act by large retailers, the Supreine Court. of Ontario now the Ontario Court (generaf division), declared it fo b. invalid. Tii. key factor was that the provision for a 'common pause. day had been undermined by and was inconeistent with the 1989 transfer of authority te munici- palities. As a result of the, court ruling store door were flung open wid. ecrose the pro*ce* and Sunday shpen was RegI for several But lest March the Ontario Court of Appeal reversed the Juerulin&. Frnan immediat.ly. decla edtIRBHA te b. in, effect. Ronald Karîstetter, manager of Whitby's Woolco departmient store, referred commente on the p roposed legislation to the Toronto head office. But Karletter did say Woolco han always> oppoeed Sunday Ztýoihtiie Whitby store did open Sundays, tus wae only te retain ite share of the. market, said Karîstettor. "If the economy i.le ,we b.nefit on Sundaye,» saidKe- stetter. «But if it'a not:good, what you ganon Sunday you los. on gaturdayr , added. Tom Woushmanagr cf tii. bickso B d. A&Pgrcr store, aIs edferred comment to hie hoad office. But ho did say hie store had ne noticeable incroasein business during tii. mentis it was open 8undaXs. "Itjst av people an extra day te get out," said Walshi. AI Kent, owner of the, Mercan- tile department store on. Brock St. S., supported the. govern- ment's latest measures. "]Pm glad they're inally doig somethung, someébody has got te tae.tiie bull bytii.horns, efaid Kent. "A common pause day is great, w. do, need it, regardless of what proponents ( of Sunday shopping) say.» Kient'. store was neyer open Sundays during the monthe lead- ing Up to tiie court of appeal decision. "That's our family day,» pro- claimed Kent.> "Most of* our customers expressed i;the past year that they don't need us te open on Sundays. "With tii. number of heure we're open during tii. we.k tiiere'. enough time te do shop- gihough Kent said.there ae somne dotai). the._province muât still work outi "et least it'a a stop he righ direction.» Another rpedamendment to the. RBi&Aesabisiies a miniu- mnum fine for breachos of the. act. Otiier ameudments will ellow retail workers te refuse Sunday or holiday work and guarantee 36 continucus hours of rest lu overy seven-dayperiod. ¶boôusands c'f rotailwok. wil) have- the- absolut. gtét refuase unday or holidlay work without foar cf louing tb.fr jobs or flacing ddýi ii mon naid Labour Minuoter Bob Maék- onzie in a pred statsnmonté., «I boliaeom la an important stop toward imprvn the qua- ly of hf. in Ontano," added Mackonizie. . BIENRY STREET High Sehool held an environ-' ment poster and essaycntest hic u0 tonwt Dupont Canada of Whty. Jennifer RYan (second from left) won the essay portion while Greg Brohm (third from left) had the best poester. Henry teacher Victor Fuke is at left, ýElizâbeth Thomp- son, poster coordinator for Dupont, at right- Fr..Pr.photo

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