19,191 Work beg ins on ýclearing park By MikeKowalski Work bas begun at clearing trees for a controversial park in northwes3tWhitby Residents of tMhe DF subdivi- sion awoke ýMonday morning te, the buzzing of chainsaws being used te, clear* an areafor a amaîl park or «parketter behind Kapus- cinski Ct. Although park opponents were planniung te, voice their displea- sure at Monday's meeting of Town council's operations com- mittee, their efforts may be too late. Parka and recreation director Larry Morrow confirmed that work had started at clearing a "sufficient area te, instali play- ground equipment.» Althou h council only made its decision last- week, an outside cn tr acrter was able te start work Monday. SAs Morrow explained, the Town obtains prices from various contractera early in the year for a variety of jobs. Therefore, staff had no diffi- culty finding a firm te begin workso soon. "They started today (Monday),» said Joe, Virio of Whitburn St. «We were teld they would save the good trees, but they marked only four. 1 guesa they're trying te, get it done before anyone a yhng4-3 margin, council voted te, commence work immediately oni a parkette behind Kapus- cinski Ct. .In so doig, council rejected the. advice of both its operations comnittee and Town staff that the parkette be built at the west end oDf Briargreen Ct. a Instead, council opted for a compromise" solution proposed by councillor Joe Bugelli Ithat a park be built on Kapuscinski. The majority of council feit that since the Kapuscinski site has alwaya been designated for a park it should go there. The Briargreen location, opposed by 14 Woodhaven Ores. and Briargreen residents whose homes bac k onto the recommen- ded site, was neyer intended for apar k, claimed the majority. Trhey feit that residents would accept the Kapuscinski com- promise as long as a park is But in a 140-name petition filed with the Town clerk s of fice, the majority éf subdivision resi- dents apparently disagree. «We did it on the weekend, it's not a good sampling because a lot *of people were not home, we could have had more," said Virio. Thepetition cites eight reasons whi Kapuscinski is not suitable adwhy Briargreeft must be reconsidered. Opponents arque that about 200-250 trees will be destroyed in order te clear an approxi- mately one-acre site for the par- kette. They dlaimi problemns with the area's high water table will affect the parkette's design and cost. Estimates from two indepen- dent contracteira were submitted te, the Town which put the cost of à reparing the site to be at least 75 000. <kÎ last week's council meet- mg, Morrow could hot provide an estunate for the job but he teld ROBERT HALL points to where park wl o the Free Press one would be available at Monday's comniittee meeting. (Bugelli, however, estiniates the.entire coat, with playground equipment te be around $60, 000. (A paricette on the pre- dominantly open-space Briar- green site would only coat $45 000 according te Town staff. .(wt this figure does not in- clude fencing along Cochrane St. or behind abutting backyards which the committee had reques- ted.) Park opponents also note that the Kapusc naki site is heavily infete withB mosquites and that the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority (CLOCA) considers it te be an environmen-. tally sensitive area. In an earlier interview, Robert, Hall of 10 Kapuscinaki Ct. said residents cannot understand council's decision. "My- 10-year-old child asked me why they're cuttig down the trees,"said Hall, w hose yard backs onte the site. «I.think the people of Whitby should ask Joe Bugelli and (Mayor) Bob Atteraley te answer the same question.» In addition te, being a haven for. mosquites, Hall said the moty srband tree-covered area is home te, a variety of birds and animaIs. nThere's no logical method of explaining their decision,» said Hall. "They say ita always- been designated as a park but the officiaI plan designates it as open spaoe and hasard banda.» Hall aaid the official plan atates that no buildings or struc- tures must be constructed on hasard land unleas for flood con- trol purposea. HOURS: Mon.-FrI. 8-8 Sat. 8-6 Sun. 10-5 DISCOVE R' SATISFACTION T!tlýAT reý* ROSES INSTANT ROSE GARDEN Large Beautîful Fi owering IBushes ÀtÉtà 3 FOR GARDEn I CUATRS LTD.ý POIND KITS& FOUNTAINS 20%'OFF of recirculating *~ swater fountains. JuStplug in for an instant fountain. siea tucuesidHll Hall contenda the parkette will receive little use. «Kida won't play there in the winter anid in t he spring and summer the bugs are at their peak. "Unleas they're prepared to clear it te, Taunton Rd. they will have groblems, itfs too dense te spray. <Hall aaid residents neyer demanded a park, regardless of location. "People said they didn't want a Lark only, they wanted it on riargreen Ct. «Atteraley and Bugelli have te, be held accountable but they've got nothing te, lose. We have 250 trees te lose, th«ts our bass.»>" Hall also sà id Kapuscinaki homeowners should have been geven the same courtesy of addresainoe council as their neighbors te, the west. We neyer had an opportunity te, talk about it, our concerna are just as valid." Bugelli, however, diaputed this §point. «TMe public had imput througha the pub lic meeting procesa»" said Bugelli. B iut according te, Bugelli this would have beeni futile. <'We will not change the desig- nation of the park., A park has been designated since day one." Bugelli dismisaed the cost esti- mates provided by the contrac- tors as meaningleas. He said neither the contractora nor reaidents 'had knowledge of the parkette's design or size. "[-put the coat at leas than $60,000 comglete that's my beat gueatimatea aiâiBugelli. According te, Bugelli few trees" will be saïcrificed for the par- kette. He aaid the site is primarily covered by cedar bushes. «Cedara are not considered trees, they're considered scrub. In any tree preseration bylaw you don't see cedar under that classification.» Bugelli said CLOCA will not ob>iect te the Town's plans. I can assure you CLOCA bas no concern about the removal of scrub," sâld Bugelli. " It 'W11 be much smaller than what CLOCA allowed te be removed for their bouses.» Bugelli termed oppposition te the parkette a "classic case 'of N B(ot In My Back Yard).» «When the site was not being, ,considered there was no> problem. «You've heard of a tempeat in a teapot? This is a hurricane m ia demùi-asse.» Virio vehemently disaprees. He believes most Wlutby. resi- dents would be appailed by, coun-, cil's deciaxon but concedeés the odds areagainat opponents over- turningit. "If we can get enough publicity and show- these guys up it'sou only chance." BRIARGREEN CT., where most reaidents believe park should go. Cd oI ht Drumm critical Of decision ITON RD. W. OSHAWA WALL~.' PIECE 2O20 OFF GREAT SELECTION Sale does flot include glazed pots Corne In & See Our Flowerîng Fence Special No wooden or chainlink fence can match the beauty of a natural flowering fence. Colourful flowers & leaves, privacy, reduces noise and air - pollution!, 12 VARIETIES TO CHOOSE FROM (1 shrub wilI cover abut 4-5 feet I rkes.GT.iark&ded iiiepr!cpsýiOTirckdei i de-,Sýncué na FROM PAGE 1 knowledgye of it until five minutes before t he meeting.» Voting in favour of Bugelli's3 motion were councillors ]Rosa Batten and Marcel Brunelle and Mayor, Bob Atteraley. Councillor Lynda Buffett joined Drumm and Fox in oppos- ing it. Councillor Tom Edwards was absent. Drumm said council erred in its decision. «What council bas done is taken aides in a neighborhood argument, we should neyer take aides,» said Drumm. "The (staff) reporta are there, they're honeat and forthright. "As far as P'm concerned the whole aystem we have in'place, which bas been good, is i jeo- pardy. That's my real reason for bingupset.» While terming Bugelli a «good councillor,» Drumm said he made an «enormous mistake.» «I don't know bis reasons, but ]Pm Most' upset with councillor Bugelli and council for ignoring the reports in front of themf.» Bugel li prefer7red 'not te ras- pond te DU mm's commenta. "Dees council alwaLys. accept committee recommenidations?"» asked Bugelli. .ýi When told "no," Bugelli regIied, «I guess I reat my Case."» I don't want te pt.dawZr% inte ----qqk6. JF à .......... MWF 1%