J1éisIy'ètrinent sae prace agenda Monday,June.17,1991 Plannrng aind <"Developme nt o Comitte That an application f rom Mike Volpe Holdings Ltd. 'toam rend Whitby's and Durhamn Regilon's officiai plans to permit a banquet and convention facilty at the northeast corner of Brook St. and Tauntoni Rd. be -approved, subjeotto, -conditions imposed by the planning department. The f irst phasecfthe 100,000 -sq;ft. cenitre will feature a 1 ,00.eatbanuetand- .weddirà g hall;.a 300-seat hall;, a1 50-seat hall, smaleôr rooms and a 200-seat restaurant. The main hall cou 'Id handie Uùp to 2,000 pe9ople for conventions. There wili b. parking for 1,000 vehicies. Recomm eto couneil That a revised plan of subdivision from the Herity. .Corp. (formýeriysubmtltted.as Whftby1Garà ens-Inc.) for a mlxed residential subdivision on 74 acres at the southwest '-corner o! Taunton Rd. and *Brock St. N., b. approved,. subject to conditions im"posed by the planning _deparI:ment. Herty'had sought permission for 570 housing units, but' staff lowered this figure to, 507 unîts. Parkland and open space wiiFaà ccount for almost I 5aà cres. A pâllie elemnentary school wil bé bult on another six acres. The area is now r rimarily vacant farmiand. It Isdesignated residential and hazard lands ln both Whftby's and Durham Reglon's officiai ~Ieommeunded to council That planning staff report back to commiftee at a later date wlth a recommandation concernlng an officiai plan amendment application from Gay Property Management for three, three-storey apartment buildings on Brook St. N., north of Clear Spring, Rd. The application wili be circuiated f or comment f rom varlous public and govern- ment.jagencies. Reterr-ed to Pl~4 dep)artm-enit- Operationis CommitteeýI- That the monthiy progress report from Whftby Transit be received for information. Last month, Whtby Transit buses carried 53,543 passengers whlch represents a 26.7 per cent increase over May 1 990's total of 42,251. Passenger revenue to the end of May was $230,81 5. Revenue proJected In the 1991 budget was $218.718. Recounmended to council That a*proposai from the Whtby Rotary Club to develop a natural park ln the Pringle Creek Valley at the southwest corner of Rossland Rd. and Anderson St. be approved. Th. project will cost $217,325 but, no' municipa funds will b. used topayforthegà rk.. cuni By Mie Kowalski Altbough Whitby's mayoralty candidates may not share many beliefs, they are unanimôus on on Int. Magree, that Mayor Bob Attersley's decision not te seek re-election on Nov. 12 bas tbrown the mayor's race wide open. But councillors Lynda Buffett and Tom Edwards, along witb former councillor Gerry Emm, disagre. on who will benefit most from Attersley's decision. 1Attersley stunned feilow Town councillors, last. week by announcing tbat afler il years ini the jo, be will not seek another term as maýyor. Attersley's decision was espe- cially surprising i that-be lhad beeni one of the first te file papers enablinig bim te accept campaign donations. "I think it will make the race mucb more excitingr» said centre ward councillor Bu et. '«We're now dealing witb tbree inclividuals wbo al bave their own eualifications te put for- ward. Althougb Buffett said this year's contest guaranteed height- ened voter interest "eitber way, n sbe feit ,Atterslev's witbdrawal will prompt careful exainination of the candidates. "Voters are scrutinizing politi- ciens at ail levels, tbey will pay close attention te wbat we bave te offer.» Buffett does not believe Atters- ley's electoral support wili be spiit equally among the candi- dates. Depending on their reasons for supporting him, Buffett feels she may capture most of Attersley's vote. "'If tbey voted for bim because of bis business background,' I think I would geta lot Of it,» said the insuranoe consultant. «But then again, l'il have te be judged on what I have te offer.» Emm, a long-time councillor Who loat, teAttersiey i 1988, was not taken aback by Atters- le/'s decision. "I was sur prised he chose te, do it at this timne, but I thougbt it would be fortbcoming,» said Emni. .The Ashburn egg farmer based bis remarks on voter commenta Celebration for chu.rch's 145th year' St. Johns Anglican. Church, the oldest church building in continuai use in Whitby, ls 145 years old. -Everyone in the community is invited te clebrate the anniversary on Sunday, June 23 at 3 p.m. Weatber permitting, the anniversary service will be beld outdoors on the churcb grounds. SThe Whitby Brass Band will be on hand te provide the music, and the service wiil be followed by a 'Strawberry Tea' reception, courtesy the Anglican Church Wonien (ACW). This year, the guest speaker wili be Bey.. Raymond Carder, formner--rector of this parisb (1969 te 1978:), wb9 ise currently serving in the parish of St. George's, Ailandale in Barrie. St. John's is located at- the northeast corner of Brock St. S. and Victeria St. E. (the Baseline), one block south of the Whitby GO train station. The- historic building, com- ple ted in 1846, le made frorn lestone quarried by prisoners at the penitentiary in Kingston. The Kiney Foundation Of Ca da . . 4,od- made to him in recent weeks. urPve received strong support in the last few weeks that would have been at bisexpense,» said Emm. "I was- drawing on bis support from the asat election." WMIle ho feels the race is wide open, Enmis pleased with early voter response to bis candidacy. "I won t know until victory is won, but Pm pleased with the way my campaign is goin. 1 " got 47 per cent of the vote three years ago, a lot of people Youth charged with weapons offence A 16-year-oid young offender bas been cbarged by police foi- lowing an incident with a toy gun last week. Last Thursday afternoon, Dur- ham Regionai Police responded te, a report of a person pointing and discharging adu romù a vehicle trvlig along Byron St. Police stopped the vebicle and seized a toy cap pistol from the driver. The youth, who cannot b identified, was charged with pos- session of a dangerous weapon and breach of probation. Hangîng BasketsN Fatunng Sunshine limpatiens and other annuals. Reg. $14.99. 4" Geraniums Marîgolds are watching.» Edwards said that whibe Attersley's decision wibb malce the race ««no boss interesting or eventful "» it will mnake a dif- ference. <'Ho had a sizeablo section cf the commumitr that supported him, they wr go elsewhere,» said Edwards. The veteran councilbor was not overly surpised by the decision. Although Edwards said Atters- bey was hi the mayor's office moat days, ho féels the latters varlous bsiness interosts made' this difficult at times., Edwards praised Attorsley as a «rogressive mayor who wïorked ilentyon behalf of the Town.» Hepointed te Attersley's aggressive marketing skills and * Pino * Divina Friday, June 21, Saturday, June 22, Sunday, June 23, ,abuity ýte .attract business and industry te the municipality., <"a resui.t the Town of Whitby is a naine well-estabi- ishod througbout the world,» said- Edwards. .But with rapid growth has alo corne pirobbeuis, said Edwards. "It doesn't please everybody, y ou'have te strike, a balance between expansion' and holding down growth.» Attersbey's decision bas no bearing o n 'councilbor .Jde DrmdiNovember plans. Drumin intends to ý seek re- election as aýregiongl councillor. Councillor' Marcel Brunelbe, who bas also registered' for regional council bad no comment on whether tAis changes- bis thinkig. By Jax * Rouie 10:00am -l10pm 1 0:Oam - 5pm 10:00am - 5Pm [U10 :OC .I O UT UNIT li 18,i:iiPICKEIN[G 1 (Ju~~e e stsuho40)1 OLDGOLD .JUNIPER: AS Speading juniper wth brigt golden foliage. Reg. Price $1 6.96 NOW ONLV $709)5 WEIGELA:, :Beautiful dark pink tubulair flowers on this f lowering shrub'. Reg. Price $14.95 NOW .ONLYS59.99' UMBRELLA CATALPA: A beautif ul tree 'with a globe-shaped top. Oten used for lining driveways. Reg' *$59.95 NOW ONLY $495 SKYROCKET JUNIPER: Avýer popular upright juniper with a silver grey fou age. Reg., Price $59.95 NO OLY$4&.95 DEBORAH MAPLE: A schwedier variety, new growth red, chang ing to green. Reg. $99.95 NOW ONLY $99 Thousands of G'orgeous Flowering Roses to Choose From. I. Galfgreen Weed & Foed 18 kg. Reg. $3499 Peatmass 4 eu. tt. Reg. $899 GOLFCREM & jno wm NOWON . LY $6?9 110W ONLY *21 I - - - -# AJOHN BROU WER, GARDEN-Hhw LIAND LANDSCAPING. CENTRE cHy. 401 o 650 Lakeridge Road South, Ajax, Ontario LiS 4S7X Ba Iy St. E. & TELEPHONE: 686-15,45 or 686-1680 6pmma - -S Professional Custom Landscape- Designs for a $50.00 Fee. Foe ref unded with the pur(chase oâf $400.00 wodh of plants. e We Are An Authorized Unilock Dealer e Huge Selection 0f Quality Plant, Material For Summer Planting, ) <1 i BLOVWOUT SALE 3 DAYS ONLY e 30-70Z OFF QUALITY DESIGNE.R LADIES FASHIONS,'-