r---w r * ..PAGE'SE VEN, Wïth Ou ~'or C~iadiauBio=nYlist t4ets rs aef s hedefiitvejourn ltsnda T s, in he crreniseyouaiit find discussins a ou î6rit ftoics. You onuhl ernof or lstace thatnétorb t * Despiteà dia report ain e, coeme asi soiers baie nhositl flos th90 tecournaltabuthinators. The stnotheoriginail ssuAetyu illnternaia scu then mait ore. erorts bas sin cessued a ittloerd press release in which it admits the story does not stand up. The author' of -the 'content' article, pbiloeophy p!ùofessor RandyMarlin of Carleton University, dlaims the ________________________________ str rwout of the'nee for western nationals te whip up support. '7n the modernworld, etsays Marlin, "the peoplemust apprv, seially if the infrastructure o mass killing and brtty is te De sustained over time."' *Battles over mdia coverage of Meech Lake sti echo acros the land. Journalist Randy Boswell details a shouting match in which a CBC employee defends the corortionl against accusations of bias. Was Brian Muroey's only agenda item his desire to out-perform on the constitution? Read ail about it. *The current recession bas bit newspapers several times barder than the recession of 1981-82. Back then, revenues feil on average 3 te 4 per cent for daly newspapers; this, past year, revenues have spiralled downward. Averag výolumie d lineage (amount <f advertising space sold) bas d ropped by 13 per cent. The'IToronte Star, recoding 'a drop'<f 27 per cent of lineage, bas seen ita profit plunîmet from $91.4 million i 1989 te 4.1 millionf in 1990. e. Ad,.lineage for commumity* newsaprsacrasel the Ontaiobhasfallen W little more tban half that of dailies. Tbe' veage drop recorded stands at 10 per cent. Metrçland newspapers (owned by Tortar, owners <f the Tofto Star) reporta drop <f32 per cent. * anadig dtoso an daily newspapers will not meet- this year. Plan fo'their annual conference set for Vancouver have been axed because <f the recession, È coupled with Personnel problems. .The annuel meeting fell vlictim to the falhng econo.ny in 1982 as well. *Anyone who wants te, get a 12-hour head-start on the news <f the day can do so by subscribing te fax summarnes offeredby se9veral news agencies. The cSt $50 QUEEN VKCTORIA'SDJA0 N UBJEK E PARADE ON]BRK SREET, te $176a month. AUE j, 189 *Le Droit, an Ottawa-based French newspaper, bas Ii iwi olignrhfo h oiinBn ttesuhes onr< rc n become' the, firet,*paperless newspaper in North America.Thsve slodg ot rmheD innBa a heou-atcrerfBrkad Thepar bs liinaedits cmpsin ro wbchD un dao Streets . The .Wl 2hitb Croni cie cailed tbe Queen's Jubileea the greatest even t in worl d asebes the pages>. Now, the entire newapaper isitwsnetecoig< ~ hit assenibled on computers b~y editors and transmitted Wlyral.P1< electronically te the printing plant five miles away. It gs 10L TZARS AGO from reporter te printing plant without once appeaning on fr-om the Wednesday, June. 17,-1981 edition of the paper. 0 course, whà t cornes off the printing press is still WRITE! FIMEP E a newspaper sunilarte the one you are holding. * The Mayos Tasik Force for the Disabled wanta te know how many disabled'people live in These steries represent the cross-section <f wbat you hty will find in 'content' six times a year. For the pat few e* iby At Station Galler Director Linda Paulocik bas been elected te the board <f thé years, the magazine bas been- publishedby ' nd of OWtaiotb scaono ArtG eis content' workrng out: <f the journahs department of* Broolin reuidents attended Durham Region council te ask for sowirsfor the village. Carleton University. -* Rev. John M. Smith in retiring as minister <f St. Marise United Churcli, after 217years <f The magzn was founde in 1970 in Montreal b~y service. Dick MacDonald, then a reporter for a Montreal newspaper. In the, mid-70s, the publication feU on bard times and temporariy ceased nublication. It- found 25 TZARS ASO * emoai hms tRyrsn(o a1eat IL ad fafcnteTusaJn 616 dto fh *1 . ~ . *., *. ..,.. . . . .I " i .j