BEST AVAI LABLE CONV Wgfl'Y FME PRESS. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 26, 191, PAGE 19 By Mike Kowaloid Councillor Joe Drumm is demandinig a replica building to replace an historic Whitby schoolhouse demolished ini error. Drumm will ask Town council te order Markborough Properties torpace the 111-year-ýold Dry- den .soolhouse .'tom "' down by mistake two weeksago.e wThe 'hït dietter have kept the bri*cks, 'aid, a: 11-fi&iO'u s». Druin,- %çice nséd»* 4hât .ýthe od col housewas lvéllwith'out per- miss-'ion from. the ýmun"'iipahit "I want a replica bît',Idnt care what it costs," said ý-br;umm,. «Our traditions are beiý buffet-, ted fromîevery directin.x- A MrkborougbhJpqîkegman, will entertain <any reasonable request", but would not,.couimit thé, firm building a replace*--, ment at:,thist m . -ner, cf ïhiekion rd*-ÃU.q.- N.'and. Co-,.. ,umbus Rd.,'the sholwas, rlnmdpfter the'Dryden family, a ronent namae iWityshie- ýierural . .intersection had been a sclýbol 'site since the 1850s. The building that was demoished was bmi t -in 1880 and functioned as a school until 1967. Four generations of Drydens farmed on property east cf the school. SITE 0F DRYDEN Sel John Dryden was Ontaries minister of agriculture frein 1890-1905. His grandson John, a formner Whitby tewnship reeve, aeld the farm. in 1965. According te Markboreugh vice-president Peter Langer cempany officIaIs were surpr*seà te learxi of the building% demoli- tien. As he explained, the school- bouse was beingused as a pri- vate residence, but Markborougb was forced te evict the tenant. «We were under some prèessure frein the Town te get it cleaned up, the tenant bad diacarded junk and rubble around tbe pro- perty,» said Langer. <'ek we went througb legal, channels and terminated bis lease." A local contracter was hrdte dlean up the site and apply for a demolition permit, said Langer. But due to a «isunderstand- ing" the building Àras demolished without a permit being issued, said Langer. «We had no reason te demolish it at this time, it had no bearing on our plans» said Langer. While a decision has yet te be made, Lager expecta the site to eventuallybe a residential deve- * opinent. Aso7r Drumm's 'demnand, "%e ire,' -pr epared, te censider' any reasonable.request by LACAC or' the Y.Pown,» sad aner Orp hilosopgh is te-ý work' with-the at,.Ica' a nequvocai1yT-atwe wiflg ahead, but we wiliconsider'it.». . Druxnm, however, conhtends that building a facsimile is 'rea- sonable. * Notwithstanding our bylaws theiè should be a penalty," said -rumin. M.arkborough or wboever is reponsble should- build another LAà CAC spokesman Rick Worr soda letter was sent te council iireferred not te divulge ita lthough he did acknowjedgeý t*ewas "some mention, cf domng something, similiar» on the '~e are less than pleased with the way this corporation treated the bylaws and a heritage build- v,-said Worr. ARCHIVAL WPOTOý of Dtien chool " wa demolished two weeks aode~ built in 1880, a teNE crero a 'miunderstandinV .-ydeve1oper Thickson and-,. m 8ls,~hih Mrkoogh rpri Residents.. i Éioehe. combat rising burglary ra te thanl00 buildings in Wbitby A By Mfke Koïvalak worth perserving. Ony 36 have AIeceýSnt sPate cf burglaries in received an histerical designa- north Whitby has prompt ed Wen am tb uiij tyrural residents te take action. tienfron th muici > ae<i If enough homeowners are wil- LACnaC bsldeiin bat tlcan- hng te participate, a Neighbor- net -be =uc Iuntil counicil bpro arntd n WmitYoon approves a deoition permt. rural communities. ly Eanlier this month the Whitby Northern Ratpayers' Association held a meeting te, discuss what bas become an lncreasing pro- blein net only in rural areas, but acrosa Durhami Region. ~ ~" , -According te spokesman Rick Worr, the association docu- mented 14 different burgiaries which occurred in an eight-week Serlod and waa aware of at least three more incidents. «With ail thia information we felt it was beat to have an open forum and discuas the problem," «'We invited the police te, corne and give a demonstration on measures te prevent break-ina. "They gave us an excellent presentation and teld us how te ioolafte deoliton.set up a Neighbourhood Watch.» hoëlafte demlitin.0f the more than 100 p~eo in attendance, 75 signed-up for in- Former reeve John Dryden formation on the burglary pre- dechined comment on the acheol'a vention programn famniliar te destruction. many urban homeowners, said But Dryden did savr he had ne Worr. indication cf the building's fate «It'sjust in its infancy now but beforehand. we hope te, facilitate a Neigh- Town archivist and historian beurhood Watch programn,» said Brian Wmnter said that with the Worr.t Dryden schoolls demise, only four The association plans te target ldrural achocibouses are stili «four or -five» communities, said standing in Whitby. Worr, those being Ahburn, Myr- These buildings are: tle, (possibly) M yel Station, * the Spencer achool on Conc. 7 p us Raglan and Columbus in west cf Brookin, built in 1877; Oshawa. *the Ashburn community Worr,,aaid the burglaries centre, originally a achool, ciresa wbich appear te have originateA 1861;' in nertb Oshawa and apread te * the Bagottsville school on Whitby, ail involved bouses. Taunton Rd., west of Cullen Gar- There have been. few cases cf dens, built xi 1925 te, replace a vandaiim and ne resident bas scbool destroyed by fire;- been harmed by the burglar(s)., * tbe Sinclair achool on Taun- However, one person did. con- t9i4.*.e.noAW. Nsed ýtb o4ffces-f pM - br xhnxV.aMi and. sterage by the Durhami axe an à o ut téener théemas Boiard of Edlucation. home, Worr noted. Whilebe did net have specific information on the investigation, S. Sgt. Bey Grahain of Durbamn Regional Police' Wbitby .detach- mient aaid detectives are.pursu- ing the matter. "It' a difficult crime te. solve, a lot cf leg work is- involved,» aaid Grahamn. «Arrests9 are made on an on- goingbasis3.» Graham said the rash of bu-r- glaies' are not peculiar te «Break-is seem te be on the increase in the Region it's'not just that area. A lot cf breà k-ins occur li the daylight in rural areas.» ASHBURN CANADA DAY CELEBRATION The annual. Canada Day celebration starts at noon Monday in the Ashburn Comxnunity Park. Hotdogs, baniburga, gaines, clowns, entertainnient. Be *art of the hunian maple leJ and wish Canada a Happy Birtbday. BROOKLIN LIBRARY SUDMR PROGRAMS Brookin branch library suin- mer programa and park visita begin July 2. Mo vie Turne will be held on Tueadays, 2 te 3 pm., and Funi Heur will be beld Wednesdays, 21 te 3 p.m*. Park visita will be bheld on Thuradays;, 10 te 10:30 alm. as the Ashburn community centre, 10:45 te 11:15 a.m. at Mrle Park, and on Fiays 10 te 3 a.m. at MacednianVill e Park.- Anyone age 5 and eoder can join Capt*n book and tbe Book- aneers. BEEF 1BARBCUE Myrtle United Church, Myrtle Station, will held a beef berbecue on Saturday, July 13, in aid cf their 'furnace fund.' The cost is $10 for adults, $5 for childrep,. 'ýunder 'ae' 12'.' F6'*tIckétO tâl 655-3023 or 655>8034.1 OPTIMSS JUNIOR GOLF TOURNAMENT The Optimiat Club cf Brookin will hast theý third annual Junior Golf Tournament at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club in Aahburn on Thursday, June 27. The teurnament is open ,te yeuths aged 9 ýte 17. Last year over 60 yeuths cf aIl levels cf experience teck part in the teurnament. Optimist president Keith Wick says, "There is smething for everyene.9" The- $10-regiatration fee covers green fees, barbeque and prizes. Reistration forma are,-available at the Vidéo Image in Brooklin, or by calling Keitb or Bilan Wick at 655-4434. STRAWBERRIES IN GRASS PARK Brooklin United Church Women wil hold 'Stawberries ln Grass Park'li Brooklin on ITuraday June 27,7 tc 9 p.m.. Thie UféW wlll 'serve bernies. There will be live entertaininent by the Stop liTilme Cloggers, Whitby Brass Band and-the Gol- den'Shppers. Cost la $4 for adults,, $2 for children aged 12 and under, fre -Fortickets Çal 655-4141 ô-r 655-4276. Phone 668-6111 Dr.mmwantsrela of Dryden sehoothouse COMING EVENTS- 4,YU <de.,->,;ý,eýl si rm *ýi, t, ")