WIffMBYFRE PRESS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1991, PAGE Whitby, Osha1wa taxes amotequa By Mike Kowalski Oshawa's propert;y taxes are slightly les. t han Whitby's. According to a report from the Town's treasury department, taxes ini the two municipalities are almost equai. On two -identical homes, the property taxesý paid in Wihitby woulcl be less than one per cent higher than Oshawas. Prepared in resîponse te recent newspaper atonies .comparing taxes' in Oshawa and WVhitby, Town staff did their own analy- sis. Using information supplied by the Ontario Ministry of Revenue, taxes on a saxnple home Were calculated. The sampie prope tywgsaa two-story, single-family dweliing with four bedroomsg- 1/2 bath- rooms, a fîrepiace and attached double-car garage. Made of brickand aluminum, the 2,142 sq. ft. building sits on a 50 by 120 ft. lot. If 'located ini Whitby the 1991 propert. txes for sucèh a house wouid b 35.l sawa, taxes are $3,0A7. Taxes on* the home would be *Roast Prime Beef (Canada Grade A). *NewYork Steak and Sbrimps Broiled Seafood Plate jý-Open 7 daya a week* Banquet Facil ities Avalabe $31.21 (0.4 per cent) higher in Whitby than in Oshawa. Aithough assessments and miii rates differ, Mayor' Bob Attersiey told iast week's operations com- mittée meeting that neither municipality can, truthfiilly boast of havir g lower taxes. (In Whitby the house is assessed at $7,165 with a miii rate of 425.80. In Oshawa the figures are $13,810 and 219.96 respectiveiy.) Councillor Tom Edwards said the comparison does not include the cs of such services as snow poing or parking.' plT2ake those into account and it makes us even better, said Edwards. CLASs BISTRO & BILLIARD SPORTS BAR Just a gentie reinder:., If you haven't sent in your reader survey, please do it soon - you will stili be entered ini our draw for a weekend for two at Ste. Anne's Resort in Graf ton If you need another paper, we have some extra copies'.. Your help is greatly appreciated. In the weeks to corne we will be analysing your responses and implementing your suggestions. The resuit will be a better paper. rIzruMSJAU HERITAGE HOUSE ltcf.