PAGE 20, WHITY FREE PiIESSà WEDNESDAY, JULY 3,1991 Is»idelFairvie .Lodge 1' s * 1 *1 Photos lby FAIRVIEW LODGE bas been a busy place^ recently. Evrents included a plcnic lunch- eon for residents and. familles (photo, top Ieft), Young and old came together durlng the dayIL young Adam Guida, 3, and, grandfRath&er .Homer Courville (photo, top ht. Falrvlew also held ceremonles to ofllally acknowledge the completlon of renovatlons. The same day, a dedîcatlon of a wlng was held to recognîze the work of past aîdmînîstrator Taslyne Green. And past emplo s of the lodge gathered for a reunflon (photo at right) and shared memrodes. à -' à 'à i r 1 4 , ît ý 1