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Whitby Free Press, 3 Jul 1991, p. 27

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DAYTIME KINDERGYM gym- DAY, GARE AVAILABLE- for HANDYMAN WITH DUMPtruck, nastios coach needed, ages»3 ta 6. sohoot' summer holidays. tailgat, tift. Furniture &ë tianc Do 'y ou like children and keeping' Experienced mother wilt provide a removat. Cloan yards. basemonts., fit? Part-time job availabto for you, safe 'environment for your chitd. garages. Cut trses, etc. ýCati- starting in September. No training Futilol ar-tm. NarQay 5-04ntio - no probtem, we'Il train you. Start Bonacord. Cai 430-6825. _____________ training Juty 9th. Cai 430-1313. ______________ MIDDLE EAST EMPLOYMENT. $100 billion estimated for Kuwait recovery work prol ects.*Ail trades and occupations. Seriaus inquiries ont yi 1-504-641-7778, ,ext. W1421 24 h ours. TRANSPORT DRIVERS needed. Now is the time to train for-your Glass AZ' licence., For pre-screeninq, interview and Job C lcement information, contact erv Orr's Transport Driver Training. 1-800-265-3559. DO YOU HAVE A FLAIR for decorating? Woutd you tike to have your own business but don't know how ta get started? Cati Decorating-Den at 666-0361. YAMAHA PIANOS,. o rgans, ýýclnOftvas Saiés'ý réitats, lteassÀ1 leasons..Encore Music 837-2243 PRIVATE SWIMMING tessons in your, owon backyard, taught by a certif ied- instructar. $10 per h af hour tesson'. Cati_ Harmony at 430-0837. For ait types of atterattons, renovations or repairs Cali AL 666-1657. Spectng ln: Plaster mouldirngs, drywoll taplng, deslgried celllngs. recrecillon rooris (416) 564-3143- 1 -800-668-SOIL (7645) Triple mi x soli Screened soli Unscreened soli B&D Fencîng 1& Decks eWnrk (uararnteed *Garden Sheds - Post Set DECK SPECIAL starting aI $7.25 sq. ft. including railing & steps PHONE 668-7951 Toit-f ree pager 1-416-559-670O31 TWO MEN with cube van, 12 ft. box,.wiIl do moving. $50 Per hour.. 430-7450. GRANDMAS COMPANY..Green' cleans (no chemicats'. Homes and offices We offer 'W4other-in-taw Ctean- (ready for inspectiont). Ail omptoyées are poltce-security chécked, borided & insured. M'ember of, Whtby,. Chamber of Commerc 75977-,<24 bour. ansWering). BEST WISHES for a Happy Birthday or Anniversary. The dlassifieds are a speciai way to send greetingsi Oeil 668-6111 for ail types of renovations & repairs Specaimsts on ider homes Speciai price on decks &fonces 43--51 The Mutual Gr HERB TRAN cail for quotation 725-6564 poup RR:IFs - ANNI IES m GIC s - R R P. I LANDSCAPING D by- - jUNIVERSITY WERKS Pr since 1980- - witi Quallty Construction & Pro fessional Design -Interlocking Brick drives, patios, walks Retaining walls k Wood Fenicing - Wood Decks Free Competitive EstimatesÉ K 666-9690 FE DAY TIME BABYSITTER ru ired ln aur home for 8 month Non-amoker. 'References required. Starting in September. Bradley/Manning area. 430-6692. MOTHER OFFERING ioving home day care. Reasonable rates. Excellent location, close to Hwy. #12, WhitLby GO train and school. An y age, Pone Gwen after 5. p.m. 668-2564.i BROOKUN, CHILD -CARE avaitabte in toving, -home environ- ment. Any- age. fiso available for lunch- time -& '-âfter. schot care. Certiffied infant-CPR. 655-3742. LANDSCAPJNG, LAWN mainten- ance, pruning,'seedinq, sodding. Spring clean- ups, .plant ing, gardon renovationis, roçkenes.,CJd jobs. Fre. . ,estimfates (416)649-,3183. Dutchway Landscaplng' RETAINING. 'WALLSV, 'Inter- iocking brick, pat ios, decks, fonces and sodding. Good rates. Cati Macei Landscaping, 430-â33.. PAINTERS PLUS. Service and quality are.not an accident.. For 10 per cent off and no. GST. oeil Bilt or Geri, 430-6057 after 5pý.m. REC ROONS, BASEMENTS, drywatt - ,tapinp and, ftnlshing, triumwork,, ceramic titing, 'palnting, genera rprs, fencing and docks. KLEEN-KUT UPHOLSTERY - Reupholstery of antiques, att kinds of recoverin g. Your fabric or mine. Frees estimates. Over 40 years experience. 430-7568, Whitt*. ARE' YOU HAVINQ TROUBLE, gettlng auto insurance because of m drivlng record. or1 n locense? Poîhapwe - cars hgP. Phono 666-2090. ~1 ..... ..................nd y o FfIa~ 9:0 r t :0 p n * ax $~ 0 9 n Q 0DRI VINO I~,SCHOOL 172 Kig St. E. Suit #301 Oshawa - 728-0091*> REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE ONTARIO SAFEIY LEAGUE .,PRIVA TE LESSONS* eiJly th - 11lth, Inclusive 4 day course, Mo1Thurs.. ElJuly 16, 4 week course, Tues. & Thurs. OAugust l2th - 151h, inclusive 4 day course, Mon. to Thurs. I i t Ploase check your advertisement for errors on the first day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not b. hiable for faiture ta, pubhish'an ad, or for typographic errors'in publication beyo nd the cost ai the spaco occupied by the error up ta a maximum cost of the insertion. The Whitby Froe Press roserves, the right-.ta ctassify or rject ail advertisoments. PRE-PAID <Cash, VISA, choque received 1beforoe-ýadlIine) $5.00 for 20 words; ($5.35 includes G.S.T.) 120 each additional word; (130 includes G.S.T.) BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCE 'ME NTS 810 per agate line (14 agate Unes perinch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 bilIed DUSPLAY ADS IN CL ASSIFIEDS (Ads with-borders, pictures'or graphies)' Regular display rates apply - 860 per agate uine Minimum size 1 column inch'$12,04 (14 agate linos per, inch) I.PLUS 7% G.S.T.j DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication. 668'-05941 INY'S GENERAL CONTRACTORS otoct Your Invostment th Quallty Ropairs and Improvemonts oasemnt Apariments !ec. Rooms - Painting 'yiftes- French Doors Water ProofÎng Cichens - Bathrooms ESTIMATES 666*282 a a :Wb de> qp qp qp le>

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