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Whitby Free Press, 17 Jul 1991, p. 8

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PAG~WIfrY l~E P8S~E~NEBiA <~LYil~i~ By Chrie Boyi Wbitby's reputation as 'Home of the 'Marigold was beauti- fully enhancea t tbis year's Natioa Sunburst Pageant. A bubbly 3-yýear-old from Whitby,, Sarah Burnham, wearing a colorfi Inpd outfit~ was firet among 40 entrants i the costume competitio n. "I juat cOuldn'tý believe 'ite" said Tr-acy Burnbam, Sarah's mother, when the judges' decision was announced. Sarah was alopn second runner-iip1.i portswear and fourth in the beauty catogoly, while bier'brother, Jeffrey, 2, was the cosumelcigdressedi a galactic nuclear spacosuit, repre- senting a nuclear power station. To make the natonas held at the Merriott Hotel in Toronto, both lmfeyadSaa ad to enter preliminary paansat the 0shawa Centre and the Pickering Town entre. "They both have the option te enter the international event, but the boys pagaent ends at 4 y"earo age and the girls can enter up ti1127' Tracy says. %th Sarah and Jeffrey placed last year hi Abe national contest. Last year, when the. Burnham family was living in Bowmaznville, Sarab was an apple blossom i the costume event. Tracy's sisters were both involved.in* Sunburst pageants on the weekend. Mary Bass was the best' sponsorsbip centrefold. She finisbed third i modeling, second i costume. and fourth in the beauty category. Corinne Bass won overail costume with ber giant loonie' coin suit. She also finiahed econd i modeling., All four will be heading te, Georgia hi Auguat nert.year for the international pageant Attersley receieves accolades for - ff @- s 0A centennalBuilding projectl aelceddeputy-clerkMichael Dav toread-a letterfrmanficaOr MarkbrubPoetS. schoolhous t hcko R.N. ana. columbus Rd. was Mistak-ý enly demùolishied'b~y iacontrac Ètor I Markborough's employ.) Accrdingtothe.le r read by Davy , Markborough'intendB to mna a ubstanitial contribu tion"ý to the Centennial fundris- ixigcampaign. By MikeKowalsld C MaLyor Bob Attersl yWas ce- dited Monday witb beýing the «driving force» behind -the pro- ~edred e enft of WhitbY's .Attersley, was commended by his Town council colleagues for bis initiative i aymng the foun- dation for a > plan aimed at refur- bishing the former courthouse. Counciliors were especially coinplimleitary about bis rolei raismng funds for the $52 million Proect (ee stry on page 1). 9I anyone deserv.-es acclades, you certainly do," said Drumin, prior to, council's approval of the propos ai. «You are to b. commended, air, and I applaud your foresighti sticking to it." Councillor Tom Edwards sharedDIrumm'fi opinion. "TMe press wanted to know if I thought the. mayor had overstep- pd his authority and I assured tem this was not the case," said Edwards. "You let us know what you were going to do and you 'ot Our approval.i1 support it entuias- tically."ý' EdWards; urged---council, to endors. Attersley's efforts by supporting the the recommenda- tion. "Tus is a challenge to not only council but to everyone mn this community. It deserves the sup- port of this coundil and com- munity, » said Edwards. Prior to speaking, Attersley "'rhisis an ongoin~ project~ evey ffort ýýWil bMade over the sumeÀ)t increase these funde"said Atrly Aècording to Attersley, the Centenial campainw kept que oasnot to:afect7f:Àdraxs-T igfrexpansion of Wbitby «Now that Ws" coming to a close,, thïi will b. stepped Up,' promisedAtteraley. Ill health causes public works direct or to retire By Mike Kowalskl 111 health bas forced Wbitby's public works director te retire. Dick Kuwahara will end bis 17-year association with the municipality oniFriday. He bas been bead of the works department since arriving i Whitby in 1974-.. Mayor Bob Attersley simoun- ced uwahara's retirement dur- ing Monday's Town touncil'meet- *Dick bas- don. a great Job in eiigién*erinfâtters for the com- munity," said Attersley. 1ý The mayor praised Kuwabara asùcï ýt-upportanew $7 -million worlcsfacilityr onTIaunten Rd. ,«You deserve a lot of credit for centre, you'll have te, cone and inspect it when it's done," said Atterle. Kuwahara teld The Free Pres that Wib was a community of aibout 23,000 people when he assumed bis new job.1 'Tv. seen a lot of changes throughl the years, the tovWs grwnquitabit'since I camne. ber.," saidKuwahara. .."Itl' cbanged from ae amal tewn to abig city..T mgon Attersley said san announce- ment on -<uwahara7p successor will be maàde in the near future.! He did not indicatei on will aeedveirtise thé- ýposi"tion or. promote somenefrom within the department. p *tbybuenes BNRY ST. bridge repaire anc ramp at Brock St. are expectM the end of JuIy and early Aum and guard-rail work roA..inE«7' Both the bridge and ramp $38,OOO contract between th Construction.. Drunimapologi2 Wîhitby councillor Jo. Drumin bas3 publicly apoloized for bis recnt commenta about fellow councillorJSeBu@elli. Rising on a pit of privilege Drrmteld 1oncouàcil Mn- day he erred in criticizing, de Bi Community Care Wbitby Communit Car. needs volunteer 1drivers for "ee heurs.per week.to pro- thi Satellte dis h industry to have say. By Mke Kwalld mnt urpoes."Unlesa there are- some really There wllb. to é awre lt t&Inâbisown ae, Lagly ants good reasons for us te e ivl ngtelevsionate iesih i nsalaecddsh is ved I don't-thinkwe. need te." Wbiby ithiltinpt. romthe combined home and business'te A;though'e admïiýtte]h po provde a"dat lin' eadblea are'not, nunérous," pian- Two local businessmen were ofc nMneoa igdirco Bob Short said given this assurance last week -But since- the ýproposed rules there'bave -been "«periodice com- duiga public 'meeting before limit- dishes teo n. er ain plaints" from residents. Town9 council's planning and building, be would net rable t. Most -involve - dishes rttn developmentcomnlittee. do it. over a" neigbbours yard wben The. meeting was beld te dis- A data link requires a different channiels arW e b.i canged or cusapoposal te mnclude satel- type of antenna and the. one be the .equiprnentas general litedishes in the, municipal bas now is strictly for entertain- appearance, said Short. bylaw governing "accessoryn ment, said Langîley. «Tul 1'e point, is not t over-rega- buildings. Regulatingdciabes for prylate but te bhave omtig in Accessery building include esthetic reasons is wrong, Lang. pacefor tbese strcue, said storge sedaplayouses or ley said. ~ot Councillor 'J'> DîÏum agre ~~~ ~similar structures detacbed from "Its all i tbe eye of the. u ewne saft ics tue main building. bebolder. I personally think an bth atd.tf o'fm off-air antenna is far uglier than thprosdgielnswb - Plannin departmient staff are astlieds, adLnly dustry representatives before recommenIng a number of mea- show »rn ai.ove-round cOoming back to committee with a . . . .. . . .. .sures aimed at restrc nting e poolsrandshdsthat look wome.»" draft bylaw., sizelocation and beigbt Of p mne adbscmay Safae ecommendin5egh d work on the new 401 diae permitted on prilatePro- as. installed more than 600 measurea ,;te govern dshes. ;ed to be completed by perty. g -e1 t -disbes in Durham ]Rego during Tues. in9lude: gust. OnlIm But efore cuncil veit the past 13 years and has always * dishès sbould not b.* permit- jon the andsrcîn approval, dilus il ;f be beld followed local bylaws. ted Wn' front or exterior aide projects nmake u a welihbng wer the ra ingyplrin He said that before customera Yarun' ie province and Blr dihe icesigypoua are soîd a dish, tbhey areeîd'to *,/&-sh locations should b. Beloradvis. their neigbbours of their highly regulated where roof in- WhtyrsietMrk odegphoy plans and find solutions te anysWations are permýitted in resi- bas eenin ue bsinss or otential problema, b.fore the. ential, commercial and indus- almst 2 yara aish is installed. 'trial areas While b. supports some mea- As a resnît, «90 Per cent of the *diabes sliouüldbe limited in À. ~ j l sures, such as- reqinmg a build- ýinstallations w. do in Witb ize, particularly'in residential ges toB rg0çm i ing prmt before 9 dish is istal- you don't sSe tbem, said Bra- areas wbere roof mounts may b. bled Lp=gley was net thrilled ton. necesaary: wit the entire package. "Itfs a TV antenna, not1ýng * heigi~ regulationeshaould b. içelis ol.in astmonha ie isagreç witb a maximum more, nothig lesa,» h. addeç. a a maximum 4.6, metres as cision te build. a parkette on1 baigt lmibf 4.5 metrea for CuclrMrclB>nle mesedfothcnrefte iicisi t dishes. i said the. issue came at anoppor- # adg cmitted W5 a codin te Langley, some tune time for hum irsoally. h'u nme of dishes for Fiee Pi~~55 order t6;obtain a "clear lin. of in* aoud for on. bu I doretaoudbrstitdeonpr igelfli'forgiveness. gsit7 te orbiting satellites, bave pockéesde p nough tomain building;, You'cant do it fr-om a ground afford it,"qipe r»nle advetisiii!g a commercial au~ny.~i location, there's interference But mn a serious vein, Brunelle establishmient or, business on a SseBeks d ve s fronv trees and buildings," b. said h. did notpe ive satellite -dish sihouldboproblbiited. elained. dishes -te b. a ma;rconcern- hn Tue proposed rules wilI b. e Whitby-Brooklin area. Lanoeley claimed .,tue general- Whitb4y.-,ci"rculated'-for., comment, from ~ulC'ias mc onois about «I have difficulty ge tn invol- vareu o" vernment- and public Cali 686223 te becop a. eve ihregulating.l iebn n foçmn akt th- â-at does not appèàt té'b. 'a ie<teiéii nda tio. fro taff t -Proposed bylaw 1 '

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