JUDY MCJNTOSUM head librarian at the Rossland branch of the Whitby Peùblic Library, -rmead a story to children iii Foreat HIE Park, 'near St. Mathew schooL The branch je out and about in the com-uity to make children aware of the library and its services. h boIe photo Someprogr. s on Csa waterfont pla By Mike KoçWWlki Ontario gveuent concern over a. major developmnt plannedfor hty abur hasprompted -further ostudy of ýeTe ýpoelanerswill soon meet their provincial éounterparts tb determixie if a proposed $150-inil1lion residential. complex chn conform to government guidelines, for waterfront development. Failure te reacli an agreement may resuit in the pr ovince;es-* ing ahead with a nat ~ cipal Board (0MB) challenge cf the ect. Futer scrutiny cf -Coscan I D Development Corp.'s liHarbour Isle complextitems from a recent meeting f municipal and provin- David Crombie, chairman f a roalcmmission into_ thé futu re. cf the reter Toronto area's wae (rnalsattenïded. Karen,,Smi*th, s'enaior ,planner with the Minisy of Municipal Affagr . reported som-e progresa" was made during ,the sesilon-. Whitby -officiais'indicated a. wvillingness te take another look at Habour Ie and incorporate, ,a few more public values inte the proposai," said, Smith~ "The Town is now'in the pro- cess of discuising what they can do. Our planners, and theu9s will then meet to discusi what can be, done." Earlier this year the ministry' notified Whitby of its. intention te challenge a bylaw approvng. the development unleus its'objections are resolved. Specifically, the ministry is concerned that Harbour Ile con- fluets with'«pr*iciples» contained in Crombie s 'report on water- front development. The report maket numerous recommendations -that -Queen's Park intends te 'implement, in-, cluding full public, access te lake> Ontario. Asnow proposed, liarbour ileA hO will spread acrosi the foot- of 111Meat Brock St. S., coverine 16 acres. of gj.ë fair' land on the west aide and' six ME PAGE 2pai Priest "anounces candidacy, for. regional sea By 111k.Kowahki A Town council "watcg wants te becomep<ne of the decision-makers. 1James Priest cf Anderson St. will be acandidate in the Nov. 12 municipal election. lie i.seekidngeélection as a Whitby rpeenaieon Durham Region council. A veteran observer cf- council and comrittee meet- ings, Priest said lie will- bring «a more responsive, persnahzed and common sense, approach" teoca .polities. Priest says Wbitby's «soaring tax burden7 will be ýa mN9Týissue in the election campaign- Wiesupporta contiinued growth, Priest says it should etmprgwith «'a greater degree of environ- mental and ecological respoïsibi1ity." lies other concerne include preservation cf Whitby'i waterfront and historically uigiicantbuldingiL -Married with two chidren, Priest ha. lived i Whitby for .18years. In addition to the Mayor, Whitby voter. elect three other representaiest Dram PRegion council. EBarlieri this year incumbents Joe Drumm and, Marcel Brunelle filed papers for re-election as regional councilors. VWtbys hidregonal councillo, Tom Edwards, ie runningfor Mayor. lwever, incuznbent north ward councilor Ross Batten intends te seek a regional seat. The Mayor and r~n1 cudlosit on both JA E ~ET Town and Durham egon -council. . WhitbY's- foýur ward councillors ait on Town coimcil only. TH UONIIO PGNIvImq1 Storytim' e in the park