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Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1991, p. 19

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WB nB U REPUoS%, WEDNESDAY, JUJLY 24,, 91, PAGE 19 Junior J Comebal Derok'Siater bit a' two-rum haine rui=ta cap a Bix-run corne- back i the final inning as- Whitbýy shaved Peterborough9=7 ta remaiunbeaten im. tEOIB junior basobail. Jer"my Harnesa, startig pit- cher for Witby, was rocked for fieruns in the flrst inning of tbe July 18 gaine. Darrin 'e caine in and allowed only tbree bits and two runs in seven -inigs, enabling WJhitby ta corne back. In the, final inngs, trailing 7-3, -two walks and an error bail, effort Lstreak the bases. Mike Macapa- aw another walk ta drive in Jef Hardy bit a tieta' the bases and tte Siater thi. provided the win- -ngmarmn-Ge Yetman pit- cbhed the last i=ig togethe victoryforWhitb. On Juýyly 16 ardy pitcbed a four-bitter and sêtrucki out 12'in a 12-0 ,romp'over Belleville. Harness bad four bhits wbile Brad Harnuin drove in tbree .,runs. 'Wbitby is two wins away froin an undefeated.regulàr season. Banams .take t.ournament Whitby won ail five .gaines ta capturabantaun base il -tour-, nainin Oakvile ecentlyr. -- Adan Thonipson drove borne the winning* win in extra.ininge. asWitqrsqueezedgasGer- final. Brad 1Newpo hdeig hits i five Égaies and was _thw- ing pri. t. in one game ta earn bonours as taurnainent most valuablo player..,- Whitby ýdefeated Pickerhig 5-2, Cobourg 92, York 9-ý2 and Ger- Setown 13-5 before aanmeet- îngGCeorgetawn 'inthé.-f'Mal. Dan, Van Der Werf and, Ken Caway eachIiad two v-ictories on the niound. ChrisMac. provided solid relief pitciig., Calay lsocontributed 12 b.,its wbile Blair'Hardy and Josh Miller.each.bad sjix ini the tour- nanient. Jereiny Scbott had five bits, Pbaure five bits, Dave -Partlow, Mace, Van, Der Werf and Thomp- son eacii had four, Jerzy. Arono'icz and Dan Stephenson two each. R0 dinen clinch first Brooklin Redmen won tbree close gaines ovor the past week, ta ý;eclic firat place in Ontario, mai«,fsSôr Vlacrosse. Bfil CaUÀýn scored twice and Major/senior, lacrosse W L T Ã"I GA PM:. &ookfln Bmmptui Owm Saoul P.tsboeoogli largua Il 2 0 87 0 7 a10 es60 1,130 144 i110 147 143 lu9 118 109 91, s89158 * Top 10uwe * GaP GO AmS plu Pa*k.Enochn il 33 18 si Bob Hmmijr, F«9» 14 14 84 48 jobmluPoBtoahidi il 12. 84'48 Guy WWIkar. Brmptom 14- 20 21 41 Mark ochrmn%.O. 50058 12 16 23 38 Gor Vaun Ecke BtooklI 10 23 12 36 M&kaMowuudan Btmmp. s17 18 1 36 Edr1cP!fIIBiookli 12 14 20 34 Jeffahrdil. Pettaiucgh 10 8 25 33 Wlly Arnoldd. O md il 17 15 32 had three assists in an 11-9 ,victary over second p ace Bramp-,-ý tan, ExcelsiorsonJuy18 It was the llth v& n of the sêeason,,for the defending Mann Cup chaminpons. Other* *Redinen goalacorers, were Peter ýPark.,iGreégI Van-, Sickie, Jaon Richards Jiay Lee., John Fuýsco, ýWayne f1mor qutte, Dean, Vanderline,,Doug, Clby and L'ric Perroi. Fsoscored with- 35 -seconds left -ta giv.e Redmen another, cone.-rm-behind. victor,10-9 over Owon Sound, earlier last It was Fuisstbird goai of the gaine. Retdinen trailed-.8-6 after two perid Parke., leading scoôrer. in the loque, scred. four goals in the gainewbile Richards hgd two and Bll 'Passfleld ion.. On Julj 131, Redunen got byPtrou Quakers 7-5.- wcwhl Van Sickle scoredtwcwhl Janes, Park. Momibourquette, Garlin and ColbY bad singles. Rednxen play, Bramipton on Thursday nigbt at Luther ,Vipond Arena in Brooklin. Windover paces Ontario SAnne Windover scored 24 goals forthe Ontario teain that partici- pated i the Manitoba inter- national women's field lacrosse tournamentJuly 19-21. Wmndover addd 20 assista ta lead Ontarié scmers. Kerri Har- diii, of Peterborough scored 15 goals and had 14 assista. Stephanie Sorichetti of Wib alsob ad a goal for Ontario, winners of five gaines in the round-robin of the senior women's division. The Ontario team wiii partici- pate in the 1991 Canadien' chani- ons 'i inVancouver, B.C., ASHLEIGR CROWDER led thi. Whltby, l2th place, fiWoni uteatandingsa -gop rvlnclh Crowder .is shwI practie at amp S inacl nrth Oshai Seniors tied Whitby bas moved int aafirt- p lace 'tie witb Peterborough in EOBA senior basebali. Day. Inieson smashed' two home runsincluding a grand, slani, asW'iitby outlasted Little Britain for a 15-10 victary on &ewngave Whitby il wins against three lasses for the. ses- son, the saine record as Peter- borouifb. Whitby had moved dloser ta fret àflaith an exciting 5-4 over Ketrboroughon July 8. 1Pitcher Tom Kemp had a per- fect game and a 2-0 lead for Peterboroug4 until the seventh inning whien Whitby scored three runs ta take the. lead. Peterborough caine back witii two runs ta take a .4-3 lead but Whitby got two in theii.nth ta' steal victary as jan Parsons flow home froin third base on a short Steve Dormor was solid on the Bachiohifirst<at egion met W hitbyes JB's' Jason Baoebio- chi, and Jaaikmley, flnished one-two in the llOrn hurdies at the recent Royal Canadian '-egionprovincial track and field charpionshplii Windsor. Baccbioci comifh back from adisqualificaýtion in the national junior champioushiPs, had a ti)ne olf 13.4 seconds ta dIaim gol i Brumi, thid atnationals, Anotor.WthYMmb&of the .Duram -lie AdianWoodfBeyP w s fourth in triple junip. niound, for distance. It ýwas ti Whitby ove three years. Peterboroi and Wbitby win over lit Against L also bit a bc Begshad fc 'Jty m.L £lALA5mUf5 EOBA representative in <' di sion of the Ontario Basei Asociation ecbanpio)nsbips ta held, overthe Labour Day we end.*' The B finals are in Sarnia. Peterborough, Orillia and P Hope will compote for'A' divis representation. b. 'art on Ratb Saffery and Nac Tinari wero top finshers in-tiL.maie and femanle divisiô onepctvl of the Wh tby TigesCaad Trust 5000 road race lst W edneoâaye-. Tii.race aend'Fun ,Wa]k for the Enviroumen leattracted Mare theni 200 participantsdespite the hothid wiýa7or. afery wias aneasy winner with a ture of 15 minutes,, 14 - seconds forthe distan~ce. Tinari had a turne of 17 -minutes 14 seScndsfor the rôuto, beginming and endigat ,j rouis Park arena. Jo hn> Clark. was'fastest Ln amnong Whitbir 'Tigers a Ruing- in- Clubmiembers with ,a tinie of 16 - ~ miutes40 seconds. Kat Laiviraof T1gers hd a timeoof 19 miniutes, 60 seconds. Swimmer .ra kie-d' Ahleigh Crowder is Califor- nia-boud. Tihe Whitby Swim Club em ber won gOldý in bath the 100mn and ,200mîi backstroke evonts- at the recont age group provinciale in Nepean, Ottawa?~ 18-h. is now ranked firsti Canada among girls aged il and 12. Crowder and, 25 other swim- Merswill make up à team that will swim in Concobrd, California Ju1y28'to Aug. 6. ... Three other Whitby swimmers earned medals ta bel p the club, place l2th out of,64-clubs at the provincials. Tara Arnotte -was second in 100m and 200mq breaststroké for girls aged 10 and under. Robyn -McCulloch 'was second i the 50Oin and .-O10m butterfly -and third i.'OOrn, and*200mn backstroke and 200m freestyle, also for girls :10 and ,inder. Sarah- Lo, hni theè',same division, was*tIhird in 50rnifly. hIail, 20 simesfrom the Whitby. club lqualified for the provincials. Kathryn. McBurney 'of the Whitbyý club will compe te' in the senior natonals on Juleýy '28 in Vancouver'-. She is ranked, in -the top 20 in Canadain open competition. TWkeS. capture< tournamieflt in Mississaug«a Whitby bounoed. back from a losa hi round-robin to win the chanpionsbip of, a tyke ,lacrosse .Swim Club to. a tournament in Missiissauga' tthe recent age recontl.eetdSrcs Whit ydéae imm7-4, Il above. durmlg hIa. closely-contestedtinl. WL Whitby apened the tournanient CbrbBove poto with a. 19-0 decision over Pel- In. the -next gaine against Spîtr- taWhitby do miated but was thwatobý fine goalkepin and. A,9-4 victory over Bea&he or lst dwgapotý, the , ,JShColèy.,had '15 points.im Whitby and went the, tbe four1 gainesl,, Kye Wailes. had ý,,12,':Shawn Stephens and Ry.an the f=rtVictory'.by ,Ramnseylo0each. «r1 Peterboroughin Branidon ,McBride had ,sevon pointa, Michael -Calanan,, Alln uh tben bast ta Ajax, Wasn, and Ryan Haber five tîed for firt*with a eacb, Robert. 0 anefour Brett ttle Britain-. Van Heimen -tbiree, Ândrew Ittle Britain Donner Greenen, Micbaël Van SantVoortv men runwbe Trevor and Michael' Crroll two each rour bits. and Rrîan McMicbael., Geof vi11 play ScRSborough Bobyk, oel Whitmàrsh -and Eric b4 M èdIfrnmine the Smale one eacb.

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