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Whitby Free Press, 24 Jul 1991, p. 24

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pAt~4:mffrR~Ru~Nn~ SARTICLES il ARTPCLI*: P@RÎSALE ~] FOR $AL~ HANDYMAN WITH DUMP truckc.. tailgate lift. Furniture &, appflance removal. Clean yards., basements, maages.. Cut 'trees, etc. Cali 655-3004 anytîme. GRAN4DMAS COMPANY. Green cleans (no chemIcals. Homes and offices. W. offer -. "Mther-lin-law cleanq ready for, 'InspetlonQ). AIl emplayees are. police-securlty checkod, banded& lnsured. Member af Whitby- Chamnber of cammerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). KLEEN-KUT 'UPHOLSTERY re-upholstery of antiques. AIl kinds Of rocovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimfates.. Over 40 years experienco. 430-7568, Whitby.< REC ROOMS,ý BASEMENTS, drywall- tapinq and finishing. Trimnwork, painting, gênerai repars. Fencing and docks. Cal 416576-7503. LAWNMOWER, LUBE. Change oilI, 'dean' and relubrîcate carburetar linkago and-sharen blade.,Ony$25. NO GST.P ST onîy. 430-196 RETAINING WALLS, inter- locking brick, patios, docks, fonces and sodding. Good rates. Cali MacNeil Landscaping, 430-3339. PAINTERS PLUS. Service and quality are not an accident. For 10 per cent off and no GST, oeil Bill or-Geri, 430-6057 atter 5. p.m., 13EST WISHES for a Happy Birthday or Anniversary. The dlassifieds are a special way to send greetingsl ÇaI 668-611il ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE gett.ing auto Insurance becaus. of age, poair. drivlng. record, or sseson of licenso? Porhaps we cnep.Phone 666-2090. "LEAVE VOUR-CARES at home with us.7 Prof essional pot/home sitters are, fuîly bondod and insurod. Custom Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. 3 bedrooms, 'fuîly fumnished, air- conditionod homes. Pools, hot tub, near boaches, attractions. Children welcame. (Less. than motel.) 683-5503. MATTRESSESand box'sprng at haif p rice. McKeen Fur hnltr 524 Slmcoe St. S., Osbhawa. Phon 725-5181. BED, CRAFTMATIC- elec tricai, adjustabie. 3 years aid. Sie rails. 39 x 75. New $2,900. Best offer. 655-4636. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats, sectionals, less than haif rice. Large selection. McKoen Fumture, 524, Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. MODERN WOOD 3-glass-door buffet with 4 glass shelves, 3 doors on bottom, gold trim. (2) coffee tables to match r<ass tops). Asking. $600 o esaffr 435-0138. Sewing Machine Repairs. AghbMkes Comnplote.Tune-up $39.95 Reonditionod Sewing Machines ftrm $590 [TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400 Kling St. W. Oshawa St. JonAmbulance The need never changes. PRivATrE MORTGAGES - the place ta go when your bank says *N0. Servlng Whitby slnce 1973. 668-7200. ANUBS INVESTMVENTS. ERROL'S APPUANCE SALES. New coin washers and dryers. Ropairs. to, refrigeratars and appliances. Cleaning. & servicing of window and central air conditioning systems. 432-7734. HANK'S APPUIANCES. New 2-door fridges, $460 & up. Used ao t. fridgo & stove sets, $375 & p Febulit timers, $55. Bar fridges, $210 & up, and BBQ, bumers. 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6,, Oshawa. 728-4043. Appiance Timers From $35.00 g RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT for, sale. Al in excellent condition., Phono 668-5553. For holp ln. placlng, your ad,, cail Joanne at The Whtby Free Press, 668-6111. CORNUNGWARE TOP STOVE, CROSS CANADA ýýMARKETPLACE' irs FAST - IT'S EASY! ONE CAIL, 'ONE BI'LL DOES'IT ALL. THINK BIG - CAL THIS bNEW'SPAPER FOR DETAILS COMING EVENTS GOLDEN HORSESHOE STEAM SHOW: Gas Era Village, antique'cars, sawmill, fiddllng, Calliope, horsepuils, antique tractor pulls, threshing, parades, crafts, Sawyer-Massey display. Calèdonia, August 2-5. VACATIONS/RESORTS SOUTH CAROLINA - MYRILE Beach Resort. Oceanfront Condbs, Housekeeping lncîuded. Indoor Pools, Whirîpools, Saunas, Tennis, Puttin g Gréen, Golf Package/Winter Rentais Avai lable. Free Brochure: 1-800-448-5653. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide to home-study correspondence* <Dipoma courses: Accounting, Airconditioning, Bookkeeping, Business, Cosmetology, Electronics, Legal/Medical Secretary, Psychology, Travel. Granton (5A) 263 Adelaide West; Toronto, 1-800- 950-1972. IS TRUCKING FOR YOU. L et's discuss It. Introducing extended programs and- Credit Courses. Cail William at 1-800-265-7173. Markel Training Systems. TRAIN TO'MANAGE an apartmentlcondominium building. Many, jobs available. Write for f re birochure: RMTI, 1801 - 1 Yonge, St. Toronto, Ont. M5E 1W7. HELP WANTED AREA DISTRIBUTOR For Baitworms and Environméntal Products. Early Bird Ecoîogy, RR#1, Smithville, Ontario LOR 2A0, Phono (416)643-4252. NEED EXTRA $$$$ C&M Gifts needs Démonstrators toi soîl toys and gifts at Home Parties. No invostment or expérience required. Establishéd company. Caîl today (519)258-7905. SALES HELP WANTED 6-FIGURE INCOME International Music and Vidéo Company expanding Into Canada. Need highly motivated commissionéd salés people and distributors Part-tlme or fuil-timé 1-519-944-2800 24 hr. line. HEARING AIDS ACCESSORIES PREMIUM ZINC AIR BATTERIES $2.99/pkg. Minimum 10 packages $34.90 lncluding S &, H. Visa, Mastercard. City Hearlng Aid Centre, 244 Charlotte St., Peterborough K9J 2V1 (705)743-1861. MORTGAGES MORTOAGE MONEY AVAILABLE for Homeownersî Pay off Bills, Crédit Cardsl Examplé: Borrow 10,000, Repay $185 monthlyl No Ouaîifying Hasselsî Caîl Intransicon (416)650-9455 (Toîlfrée) 1-800-268-1429. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES EXPERIENCED RE PORTE RS/Photographérs wated for Yellowknife, N.W.T. newspapers. Saiary $20,000 to $25,000. DOE. Contact Annelies Pool, Managing Editor, NorthernNéws Services, fax (403)873-8507. phono (403)873-4031. STEEL BUILDINGS, STEEL BUILDINGS - ýFactory Direct Must lîquldate excess' inventory. 25"x26' $2,1 12ý; 30'x36' $3,465. Other siesavailable. Ploneer/Econospan 1- 800-668-5422 (24 Hrs.) BEST BUILDING PRICES. - Steel Straitwaîl TypJe - flot quonset - 32k48 $5665; 40x64 $8188; 50x96 $14,671 - non.expandable end(s), other. s'izes available - Iimited steel - P.aragon - 24 Hours 1- 800-263-8499. STEEL. BUILDINGS: Summer,"Seîllebration" o Quonsets,,S. Series and ConventIonal. ýPayments, Léase or Purchase, we have a plan'for everyone. Caîl Future 1-800-668-8653. Fax (416)477-3661 or Toronto Lino (416)477-1894. FOR SALE, LATE MODELKITCHEN and FURNITURE 'SHOR,. Medium size ln reasonablerented promises., Central Southern -Ontario. Less than -113- original*' cost.. Immediate occupancy. Phono (51 9)352-9629.. YOUR DOG WONT STAY HOME! We have the". curel Amazirig Electronic device.- Its humane, It works, FREE Détails:, CAN. U.K., FR1,,Bancroft,, Ont. KOL'l CO, Fa;x (613)33.2-1375. COKE PEPSI 7UP CLUB. SODA.. Compact under, counter pop machine dispenses aIlifilavours for Iess. than 10 cents per glass. Summer. Special. $9,95. 1Caîl Acton Assemiblies 1-800-465-5006. GLOW IN THE DARK NECKLACES. Buy direct from Rogd. National Wholesaler. Youve seen them at concerts, festivals, and special evening eventsý everywhere. High profit margins. (4116)338-2422 K evi n. Also available, 40 colours bandanas/sunglasses. JOIN THE RECYCLING MOVEMENT - attractive' Canadian-made t-shirts in blue, gray, burgundy, recycling logo I"Read, Thon Recycle Your Community Newspaper". Sizes S, M, L, XL. Only $6.95 plus $2.50 shipplng. Order for whole famiîy., Send cheque/Money Order., T-Shirts, Box 45.1, Oakviîîe, Ont. L6J 5A8. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES' SELL STAINLESS STEEL DISTILLERS for.purest .drinking water«and earn extra income. Wholesale pricesi Contact Water Purity'Systems, 5312 Walkers Lino, RR#2, Milton, Ont. L9T 2X6, (416)3316-<7950. EXTRA INCOMEI Grow. baîtworms ln your basemnent or garage.'Odorless operation. Low investm ent. Market guaranteedî1 Free information. Early Bird Ecology, R.R.#i, Smithvilîe. Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416)643-4252. MEDICAL SERVICES WANT TO FEEL BETTER? Paul Jaconello, M.D.,, Weîîness Medicine. Nutrition and Weight, Reduction. Caîll (416)463-2911. Write: 751 Pape Ave. Ste. 20 1, Toronito, Ont. M4K 3T1.- Vour ad cauld appear ln community newspapers in Ontario, or rlght across Canada, or any Indîvidual Province. Space is Llmted, so Cal This Newspaper Taday! BLANKET-ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLA CE"U To reach a wider market, advertise throughout theregional membership of the Ontario and Canadian Community Newspaper Associations Onai 5newspapérs - $160 for 25 words - Ail Ontario 171,newspapers - $350 for 25 words~ (Cetra. Otara ~ Ail Canad 7 ésaes-$974 for 25 words For further Information please caîl the Whltby Free Press Classlfîeds w 668-0594_ I - . . - --------- - -. .- .-. .~ -. -J

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