WB1TBYYREE PRESS# WEDNESDAY,'JULY 24,1991, PAGE 27 Une1swi ochester I WsoI6IMer t(SIS WamuLent UMNouqumwr zuaSms Fich Brian Creafea Anron Paboe Durham PiinUng, BrandomFowler Ibma Tutale 2 Micbad oGmma . Roy IIchol Braolln LG.A. L. Bowles MAJOR SQUIRP EILCIafPalnt' NIChols HeReIy3 Kyle Murdoch Cadardak Slaven Porco 3 Mike Wesallng 2 Richard BBm DeviDe Produco Se PAbrRed 2 Damilola Amurawà te 2 Païul Stiannon, ' BarsCoyna -p.,M July 19 Jaguars Michael Norman Cameron Stewart '- l w Paul Alola 2 Nam u cWlllams 2 Lases 8 Caran Thompoan 4 Corrie Mater 2.> Wliam Cochrane Jared Ml r Balu 'sn Matlhmw Bacs JÂma maithw Pé Bluïayaj cousimr *. Chachers Tleyr Sceo IKylarrn *,LueaNyo CALCA Breut Desit 38 Strln 1c- Kk Vaniioo 3 O Titans DovluIO'Haama2 EUaWfttà MarkRasai xoequ17 JulYl OpUtinl'Club Paul Gray8a 2 Matthew B» 2 ebephm Fftnubarson2 Dominion K.nlttng.ý 4 Wldtby CflnlePL. Timxntg«ys ,,uauin comin NuIlThoem n~ Juati hWmre n2 * Dadeftnltdw Andsruvm lvs2 4 staplumfIMAM" Matthow Auderon 2 Hshmvm Bo]aM Mautthe wedsa Evia Bombma EdeCtfimua 2 NothokRckl Micla Juanke steplunla Donrar 3Torato Bagusrd P. Pauu.u2 a -canadlanLehai .7ý Celtlc Andraflynos 4 IbuGranvilhe BrymnEugslag MaxkEpgulag2 soutas Kin-au nClub 1 GuanlheDp 4 K.W.C. paiceta Jonathan labrio" Grahams Nicholson 2 'Brady Mata oJanle Bayer Bobby Scott 2 o obrt ClR Olhazn Athec Da~Cousina2 DatasCouina Hardlmmn&MIOUntl Sse IMkvi2 MA" Moinar ltab Rud 4 1 Abadean i haGunIvifi 6 &C.MID il EdmnonLan Brlkma 2 MIkeHaey 2 2 Ramille Steekers 2 Wravonzsn il Dwideied 8 Dmalewell ake Crama2 Stpeinard 3 HèrLa LIam Raidox 4 nmn Mohainmed 2 Lfrepool 7 Chamse DsaWagnefl 3 K7le Murisy 2, Nurse Chev-Olds o 'hane Rattan-MorlUa 2 Kyle Douglaa2 0 Gboure Plurbn ChrsHley 8 Maure Degennar2 Everton 10 'SeSireen cohintafor *2 Tottenhum Hotepr Mark Alexande 10 Whitby's underr18 girls' -soccer team won gold at a tournanient ini Rochester, N.Y. over the week- Whià tby defeated Greece 3-0 in the fina of the- Gates annual aoccer tournainent. G k J ' 8*ith Jne azdk and thy owe -scored for Whitby whiie Michel le deVries eandthe shutôut. *In the flst game against the hst tearpNWlutby won 5-0. ýAngela Bail score4 twice ýwith singi sbyKrsti Poupard, Smith- and Nicola Mitchell. Whitby and- Chili ý-N.Y. then Played to a 2-2 tie. §imith scored on a corner kick and Howe found the net an a pealykik Premier team,- in tournament Whitby Brooklin IGA under-lO, rep A.teani had a win and a tie. in four games at the Kingston invitational mini-saccer tourna- ment recently. Whitby lost 3-0 ta Kingston Township and 3-1 to Gloucester Hornets- on Saturday, Brett Allan getting the Whitby goal on a penalty shot. OnSuay Whitby defeated South Nepea 8-1 and tied Glou- cester Hrnemts 2-2., Michael Schleifferý scored four goals, Bart-Louis Barrera had three, with .singles .lw Matthew. McGrady, Stafan Nicota -and Andy Methven. In premier leRLne play, Whitby completed- their seasoný with -a 1-1 tie against Malvern and a 4-3 ioss to Pickering 1Scorers in tthe gamesý were Barrera, McGrady, Colin.Jones and Ryan Ireland. Wbitby iroquois soccer HOUSE Là EAGUE off each /1WDA- Regular Pay-One-Pric Look... Spend Less, during ou.. BONANZA S'PLIT Fres h Chioken B reast 5.49kg lb>2.49i SAVE '1.0 ON 2 kg' or MORE WITH COUPON BELOW WITH THIS SAVE1 iCO When you buy 2 kg ormoefSpi $.0Fresh Chicken Breastl IOFF, at 5A9/kg -2Z491lb I II: >akgo per coupon. UMIT. 2 coupons per customor. Offer va Juy 22 - JuIy 27, 1991. L Feature mica wllhout couion Aika -2.49- Ibi O.. #6i FROZEN, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Very Special b$Ie Creamn 2 LITRE CONTAINER POWDERED, FREE, WITH BLEACH OR Tide Ultra. (&Deterge'nt 4 LITRE BOX WITH COUPON BELOW -< WITH COUPON BELOW - TWITH THIS SAVE IWITH THIS SAIVEl COUPON . COUPON i m FROZEN, ASSORTED FLAVOURS 70 PWDERED, FREE, WITH BLEACH OR10I JVery Special opnsprideUltra 1LIMIT. 1container parcoupon. 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LIMIt 2 coupn a utmr IWITHTHIS SAVE IHIS-Tw-iTHTHI__ COPN AVIWITH THIS 7-1I AV COUPON SAVE 1COUPON SAVE OUPN SAVTE 1,0 COUPON ($1.00 - I ,ASSORTED VARIETIES e *-REGULAR OR CHEESE WHITE ONLY 4mi. SQUEEZE BOTTLE ~ 500 g AG __~ PACKAGE 0F 12 1200 g JARI lHeiriz« 399 'à Garfield 4 9 Royale ClAmoe 99 'B 8. Suce ~ t Chps ~ Bathroom Tissue I nstant CoffeeD IUMIt 1 bol0 prcopn. UIT.2 coupons parcoer . 1I ibag prcup m It2cuosprcstmo. Mt ckagf ,o e pn. UMlr2couposprcutne. UMI.si r .r cupo.U t2poonsper custom«. __ 27,ffrvalduIyI- UIyZ .2 cu rc Offsrva!k IIdJui 9 _J ly 2Tl22 .UM opn Offer viid Ju12.JuW2,191.. ýiougnW , , GPfC.#or jvcaf i out "' G/1SCOffervaIJuy2JuIy 2z. pn (F"m w112 &V%ïZ.& M41Lv .#L n4) ý/ .. 6&(eteWfu WMmVC 3 Whltby OpIMIat LaWddinglam JohnBb Ger" KM 3 BroohllnOptlmiat 4 Adamloebkla a mitchelllnuuum 4 Curtlsflmo A" mMR"h -0 Donut Pft Ad"inhinidema 3 2 amooCity John Hait -David Gr"as, 4 Yellow/Whlte 0 OD Bonda Davld Morrlaon2 6 Petr he lue '2 rotr m iumi- isAluns Ju*tin Bellvemu CaMvn irwln .ill wtbojstlt oWa0., oki Ian Watson Prices effective t hru Saturday JuIy 27, -1991 We reserve the right ta lmit quantities to normal family requirements. Coupon items limited to two. Poupard esred bath goas in a 2-0 win aver BristolValle. Ie work by the Bristol gaalkee er kept the score -iow as Wihitby, domninated and moved, intoAkte final. Other.Whitby team imembers are Laura'WeckmLani, Carvie Van Veqhele Aýngél SeSto »Ariene Quinn, .Dawn .Mceod, ,8Sandra Ma~o AlsonGoodman, Andrea GibbensKrista. Duignan. Mary Beth Calloner coachEBd lin and manager BAiVan Veghel., UnderalOs unbeaten Whitby IGA remains the strangest, teani in thé- area under-l10 rep s fôccer league after four. more' easy victories in the past weelcS.. Whitby defeated Ajax 10-0 on Jly East York 9-0 on ýJuiy 9,, Oshiawa Turul, 14-.oinJuiy 2 and Whitby. Bs 8-0 *on June 25. The Whitby team has scored 83 goals and alloWed, only three to go unbeaten in 10 league games.. InUp Leée' l on uly b5 ydfet est Rouge 6-1 to advanoe ta thé semni-finais. Celtie edged ini Cup Oshawa- City scored'in the irt overtime periad ta defeat Dur- ham Ceitic 1-O in 'John. -Barnes Cupmen's. soccer play..on Sun- day On Juiy 18, Ceitic and Oshawa Turul,.each in first place i their respectiive 'divisions in local legeplay, played ta a scoreless Mike Vieira' ot the ehutout for Celtic, still unbetn ths season ini regiular, league play. a COU.PoN