The onfy Whîtby Newspaper owned and operated by Witby residents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday by' 677209 Ontario Imc., at .131 Brock St. N., WhItby, O0ntarlo LI N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Lîn'e 427-1834 .. .. ?. Doug ndersn - Pblisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Maunco ither, - Editor Alexandra, Martin - 'Production Manager-*.. 2,nd Class Postal Registration #053,51 Editoria- l . In honour of Ontalosfine, youth They're out t here. Plentyof them, in tact. Ontanio s foelt o oses an abundance of1 young people f illed ith energy and vision,who ses what. needs to b. done and don't sit back waitlng for somneone aise to do Rt. Thes.e are the young people who deserve .consideration for the Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Awards. Jointly sponsored by the Ontario Cammunity Newspapers Association and- Cancdian AMrines International, the 0naoJno Ciien ofthe -Year'program, has, since. 1981, paidtiu.t xmlr Wnividuals or groups af young people between ages 6 and 18.> Junior Citizenis represent aî broad cross-section of Ontario's fine youth. Borne are honoured for their tremendous attitudeý in coping with Iiesor handicap. Borne have ldentlfled a local need, and have taken a - leadership rale by devoting an amazlng amount of time- and energy towards community service and betterment.. Stili athers have been selected for'responding ýInstantly in a moment ai crisis, or for the way ln which they have, shown klndness and Those chosen ta receive the award, alonq wtli their families, are guests of honour at a luncheon in Toronto dunng the annuai convention ai the Ontairo Community Newspapers Assocation. (OGNA). Award wiinnsrs are joined by Ontario's Lieutenant Govemor for a family portrait at Queen's Park. and are presented with $200 and a Junior Citizen pin. Many young people in our community are worthy of the attention and encouragement provided through the OntarioJunior Citizen of the Year program. Evsry nomninee will receive a certif icate stating that they' were considored for this distinct honoran aecnrbtd'greatly to theur community. Say 'thank yau' ta. the special young people ln aur community by filling out a Junior Citizen ai the Year nomination farm -- available now' tram this OCNA member newspaper. To the Edtor: The plan for the Centennial Building is and will bu a great point ai interest ta Whitby residents in the future. Back-slapping. has alrecidy commenced, poltical positioning has begun, millilons ai dollars.are part ai the rhstoric used. Was R not the same body ai slected representatives who shelved, postponed or referred the building ai the new, seniors' centre? The Centenniai plan, cails for: $350,'000. for museum -exhlbisý which, I bulieve, -are,>mei«,t t remind us af the past ai this reat country ai ý,Canada., and ln particular, the Whltby, area. Though l'm not- against culture,- surely a -strong case can bu made for those human..buings who created this society, with their contribution ta that culture, history and their sacrifice. <Is there a waiting time. betore. these contributions by' thase residents c*an bu acknow1edf ed? ýMust ýthey bu burisd before we prlethem, must théy dis ýbeiore a new centre is built?< Please, Mr. Mayor adiina cansider msklng aur seniors a preserved specles now. and hous them wîth the samieesteem as artifacts ai the past, In their own aeut pace, before those now allve *"become memoles oai the A. R. Nstherott Whftby Viwon Restaurants:. Here's the beef(Iess) By Edie Gomille Pizza is a fine standby, whether just plain, cheese and tomato Eating auît s a. welcame idea ta sauce or wth toppings ai most coaks when the weather is mushraomg, olives, green peppers hot. Given the fac! that there is an or pineapples. i neyer get what is increased interest in vegetarian called the. vegetarian pizza cuisine generally, and in the because kt has onions.ý But, ta each Oshawa-Whftby area specitically, 1 his own. Pizza,,Pizza deser'/es thought ,'d provide some sp sciai mention hors: a vqetarian suggestions ta the growing siice was int roduced. recent ly. number ai those ai us who, for If you fancy Mexican flavours, enironmental. ethical or health Taco Bell is your choice. In reasons, are loaking for vegetarian addition ta buan burritos and fare.1 pintas and cheese, remembur that Whati oliows . i by -no means a y u can ask them ta substitute complets listing; please share your buans for any ai the meat discoveries by writing ta me in concoctions. care aof this nswspaper. Those with a craving for Indian Most of the standard fast-food food can satisiy themsîves very outlets 'have a vegetarian option, economically ad The Delhi Palace, the most basic ai which is the Oshawa. Dan't bu intimidated by poata -- that deceptively the label 'appetizer.' I aten select plain-looking appîs ai the earthseverai appetizers ta make a meal that is s0 packed with nutrients in a restaurant that lacks thet k provided the, diet ary vegetaria n entrées, although the mainstay, In a Swedish study Dehi' has plenty ai excellent reparted -In National Geographic meatesas entrées. about 15 years aga. Meatesas Chinese food is an aid Wendy's, Arby's and the and welcame option platters ai Pickwick'sý wagon (el the Sunday mushroom iried rice, chop suey Pickering Flea Market) have gaad (vegetable). and vegetable chow baked potatqsa with a variety ai mein, or speciaty vegetable tappings. But asic them ta hoId the stir-fied dushes. IL vexes me, bacon bits -- unless it's as though, that 'mare Chines. good-tasting soy'bacon' imitation. restaurants don't off or The best tare in this category good-tasting totu (bean curd) was a potata with mushroam dishes. since Toi u la an oriental sauce, courtesy ai the Potata, Man, food with a long histary. lust recently available «a! the My tavourite in the restaurant Waolo MaIl, but who has catogory la The Purple Onion. kt is mysteriously and suddenîy the awareness ai chning eating- vanshd.T1he sauce broth was habits that has made kt my local ok ad:tom O *: i~tAJ~. i b~~à o Egan and Dave Quarrington. provide mushroom caps, garlic bread, golden f ries, potata skins (hold the bacon), veggies and dip, and sautéed eggplant. Mloreoý#er, the menu is being revamped ta provide even greater chaice; for exaînple, marinated vegetable, salad will bu ofiered. True, there isn't, ta my knowledge, a single3 vegetarian restaurant' in the area. What's worse, some restaurants, like related conceins. i's stupid; and Cultures and Bellamy's, aifer pasta, consldering the bottom line -- salads -- oniy ta stuif the pasta economics ;,- it's bad business. with Mead, including the f inny kind. . What's 1 the proý -blem? They obviously don't have, an Cookboaks are plentifuli. The increasingly vegetarian clientele in restaurant business is'competitive, mind. Given the fact that so let's get with it, -iolks. When,' restaurants are in thé hospitality not seeing a meatless.entrée, I1 ask business, that's puzzling and for something meatless, 'i don't insuting; given that tjhe- populace want ta bu oftered a lettuce salad. at large is much mare SEE PAGE 15 sophisticated about dietary and THE wHrITBY Day Car Centre now gratubited by Whilby regiona coun- bas 'new ,playgroundeuire éMclor',Tom Edwards. whjeGr after a donation by theé hty uitRgon iodai services com- Kiwani-"Club. Above Kiwanis pre- msnead dy, care chldren aiden Jery Jun (midle)im 1%- lok on To th edior.s Senior'nedras eutateto 8