£ b'i'F 1' k ý ', ild1il'. .t AE8,wiIJTY-FRE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24. ffll A Summer Contest -of, Archi t-ctural 'Identification I spy with my little eye somethingx that is^ historical4 Each week the Witby Free Plress will be= pusiiapiteof an architectural detail in hiby,~roklnAsbburn or Myrtle A. correct 'identification will be ente*ed irito- a weekly'draw. to win either a historical book or two ticketsý for a tour of historical homes in Whitby This bouse tout will be held on Heritage Daey, Setnber 14, 1991. In. addition, ýthere will be a grand prize drawn from n 'ilentries submitted. The winner's name and correct identification wilbcu1blished ini the following wcek's issue of h itby Free Press, alonà g with another architectural detail. This contest is sponsored by Whitby's Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Com mittee (L.A.CA.C.) to encourage an awareness of our local archtectral eritage. whitbybusnes ,Wrking with children at the GordonStreet Children's -Da Care, Centre atWhitby Pgychi-- atric Hospital, arah Naeem says she's having fun while- learning a lot from, her summer job. That lind of work experience is just one of the aims of the Work 'Orientation *Workshop (WOW) sponsored by Durham Youth Employment Centre Ser- vices. "It's a ýlot"of fun, but it'. also bard work sometimes,» says Naeem, 15, who will enter grade il at Anderson CVI ths iafar Whitby WOW co-ordinator Gerri alon and assistant co- ordinator Tammy Drury say the 12 Whitby students i the pro- grmi addition to working.a four-Aay. week, participate in workhop evry *da. Studentswho alo had pre- employment training, also work at such locations as an art gai- lery, grr store, sports store, âlclic and othier day care centres. . The employers are great, the kids are great," says Walton, third-yrear student- at ý tbe University of Ottawa wbo is i lier second year witb the WOW program. 1A totalof 70 students, aged 14 te 16, were referred b schools for the- program, and 40 were interviewied to determinie the 12 chosen for the programn. "W. try te pick tbose wbo we feel will benefit from the pro- gram," says Walton.-' Students. alobear guest Fae rs .andgoon field trip' For example, students visited the MuchMusic 'studio and got, a »WEEK'ýS WINNER Cynthia Bfrd WHITBY: The Donald Wilson House,*, 5 19 Dundas- St. E. This house was builf i 1928 by Donald Wilson, a wealthy gentleman whotook an active part in the community lifc. This classic -brick 'house is a - oiDnto orI U l tUI l IoJAanic ngs L-iLrageiNvivÇAA -J y y %e stylés, and the utilitarian Amreican, craftsmnan style. Themneping alesandstle is C lzig.fisThefolwn rtcel y future prospects for even the Mad~orle Green of Durham bnigbtest child arm grim. The RegioncDtion Committe. ' ranks of unemployed, * weil-educated white-coilar p rofe s- .1111L Dgsionals are swelling, and largely It is a sad fact that, as an because todaysparents fail toseS :industriai nation,' Canadas future the value in learning skilied : doesn't look very'bright. trades. Mé I' due -ta, somnething called « SUIlS shortage.' And, altbough For some reason, students in : we may often read or hear t;bat tecbnical courses , have always phrase, most Canadians dont been seen ta ho acadeniically, if : eem ta either care or understand not even sociaily, inferior., : juet what those words mean. Technical echools bave- often been * Whether we know it or not, we looked down on - as places wbere : who are the parents and kids go when they can7t master guardians of taday's youth are the tougher courses of academia. unwittingly causing tomorrow's .We've al heard of 'Coco.nut :problemis., College.' Well, MW' case 3rou haven't It seems we are determined ta noticed, hose smart 'coconuts' *: have only the very best for aur even now are having the last If you can identify this picture, submit, children - and that does not laugh. theenty blowto he hity Fee res, : include work in a skilled trade. TraditionaQy, Canada bas theenty blowto he hity Fee re: Ask any inother or father of a always looked outward ta flnd its : 131 Brock Street N., Whitby LIN 5S1. u mail child just what theymse as skliled tradesmen. they have been The winner will be selected next a future occupation for that child imported .froxp other countries, Tuesday a 10:00 a.m.: and the answer wil ho and yes, they have always been at : predictabie: university education, male. But'evolution bas a way of a job in one of the white-collar changing the status-qua. ~ ~ e doppe of at e : professionE, and of course, a buge Entres ray lso be roped of atthesalarY. W. want ta program:aur S Downtown branches of the Bank of Nova: Scotia, children for succes - at almootý eS Bank of Montrealand the Brooklin brandi of the an cost. CIBC. This detail icturje and ones for uporiQ Y MacGregor, in bis book, M iveks are on display at these locations.QUIttTm ale<f'wr to W h i*tb y 9' : as tasay tbat the pos-ar baby. Whitby-based Noranco Manu- boom generation is a breed of facturingLtd. recently received a "Parents wbo *eei a deserte pat on the back, from a band - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- : need ta contrai every siution, etndn from -Lincoln, LOCATION Telex bIc., located in the cor- N Sawodl, the anuthnMargosnbusker state, needed ,the ser- wadsi alto apret ices of Noracacmpany tbat today's business world. Witb tbe uraduces bracketing fo eec __________________ c amryseçSnmy .capable -of t is o ic : Addrss : a dating où u 50 omany Telex was hitroducn e _____________________________ : yuca Presf<>r>slime and needed the work donsi -- even in boom times - the odds, short order. s ou Phone No.__________ ___ar stacked rather .eriousy NoranCO president DougNor againat any yoimg persan ton aims bis company didnt'do M.- m or WJ .1 tl"w ..Mre.tà , "ê firt-band,. look at bow much job site.and student reguIlry, aêý, work is involved, behind the their work.' - entails iûônitorig scenes oftbo production. and nypblem-iolving that Student's arimes are pa$d by may benéeesspry Canada Epl>yet and Iqiig "ts -an .excellent prowrm ration. -therei a $16 onsfor says Drury aCeteml CllGe students Who attend ail work- aduateL"e e tbe,>.kid shopa. Cnfifrmit, s ebéfiting Walton and Drury v~isit eacb .from it » Agst to be 'Environment' ,Month'. at Dupont Canada The environment will be tbe focus of Whitby's Dupont Canada. Inc. employees during Afurt. Througbiout the mont,. van- ous activities will be beld bath in and outaide tbe plant on South Blair St. Recyling is already a big part of operations at tbe plant, but events and demonstrations' will. show bow mucb more can be done., «It will rais. awareness of tbe environment,» saysý Bon Pïllman, production .supervisor in the polyetbylene 'division 'of the plaânt. He and Chuck Wozniak, polyetbylene films1 technician, are two of an eigbt-member team co-ordinating the e-vents. OnA .1, eacb f the plant's 30employees- will receive a sSetcb pinetree. .Durham Region's texic tani, in Whitby for July, .August and Septeùmr, will:beat- upnton Au% .8, 15, 22 and 29. ds e toxc .taiprovides ds posaI of pesticides,ý solvents, un-, needed'paint, car >baties 7and otberbhazardous wastes. Ang. 14 will be 'dIean-up day', along the trail previously; estabi-- isbed for the, employees' fitness, prograrn.,The trail goes near tbe: waterfront area. around Heyden- shore pavion. Poplar trees will be planted on' Dupont' property,, andý a bird-, bhousedesigned, ta attract p'urple martins, Will- be plated nea r existing trees on the property.. Family Day, for employees and. their failies, will Die« on Aug .24,. A plant tourtand, colouring con-' test are among activýities plan-' ned. SAlso planned is a .'demônst- ration b.'the 'Iemergencyërà -, pnetamn from Duponts -Mait-, Andtbrugbut, the m1onithj emplyee wii1b.brigng milk bgtthe plantfo6ir ecycling., . <'e!6re owt teprove tlhat -we can 'do ýthesetb igs,» saysPilI-;' man. Pnw>'P.r ngrpntlrne. Are vn'ou ,-tu.I1tv? With -Canada no longer a place of great oôpportunity, silled tradesmen are finding tbey can do botter at borne., Shortages are alreasdy being felt in theý auto industry -- soutbern 'Ontario's largest industry. Skilled lauto body mecbanics are baà rd.tufind. Experienced machà idis, tool and die,. pattern makers and carpenters: canoften nm hi prIce. Necessity 'is -even, opening doors previouslyclosed, ta young women. The smartest 'thing. forward- thinkIng parent cmn do: today is educate, themseives and learn what life islike eut:there hin the real world, and allow tbe child ta se hat choiceas well. .'Power parenting' often only, pushes a young persan towarddisiilusion- ment and closed doors. The next time you .oeil in a plumber or repairman and'gasp as you. pay bis (or ber) bill, -you might -giv it soème extra tbougbt. Maybe those ýskIlled trades aendt s0 bâd after ail. ays thanks s, Noranco Bob Stal~ prident of tbe receved a=oilfrom Te'lex.ý "ey wea e sp1eased," Stan- eysys, httey wanted us teý elp -donometbn or tbe An employees of Noranco, leca- ted on Burna St.S., were treated to, a fre. luncbÉ and -a prese- >tà tion was made by Staùtey. on' bebalfof Telex. On tbe, plaque, ýapart ftom a statement ofappremiatiorà . w gidiHcation Qt it -wasnot the r- fioobusnosa. (e MuIl ------------ rnmimvteîe% 14nerlich ( MIFncrin WAVIVAI IMI dF fhà à i