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Whitby Free Press, 31 Jul 1991, p. 13

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WEW PUY FEPRESS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31, 1991o PAGE- la DURHIAM Region's Toxie Taxi is in Wht»y unuil the, end of Sptember to prvde disposai of pesticides, solvents, unneeded paînt, carbatteries and other hazardous wastes. Above, driver Bert Miles and chemist Susan Huckan mike a pick-up in north Whitby. By Mike Kowalski Almost 1il montha aothe Ontario political scene was tur- ned virtually upside down.. After years as the, perennial third party,- Bob Rae's New Democrats swept to victory in a stunning upset of David Peter-. son's Iàberala. By capturmg a majority of se nte- eg siature, the NDP formed ýthe ,first democratic socialiat government in Ontario's history. Although occasionally serving as the officiai. Opposition (a posi- tion it held prior to the Sept. 6 vote), the NDP war4 not expected to win it ail when Peterson called the election only three years into his mandate. But by being in the right place at the right- timie, the party benefited from an anti-govern- ment mood as the votera sent 73 New Democrats to Queen's Park. One of those was a 40-year-old social worker from Whitby mak- ighis firat attempt at public office. Drummond White defeated in- cumbent Liberal Allan Furlong Vobecome the second MPP for Durham Centre*riding. (Creoated in the 1987 election, Durham Centre'includea Whitby south of Taunton RM and large portion of northwest Oshawa.) As - he approaches the first anniversar~ of his election, White =time recently Vo reflect on the trials and Ubula- tions of a rookie legislaVor. Typical of the mgjority of government MPPs, White had no previous political experence1 . But even those Who. served an, apprentioeshi at the municipal, lev'e inothave a true, uictiire of wht th.Position entails, in-- sists White. "I don't think anyone realI. knew what it would be like,», says White. "It'sbe-en exciting, a year with a great deal of change, both for the Peo ple of Ontario and for me personally.-» For Whaite,, one of the Most rewardingc parts- of the job is having input into, legisiation that benenits his constituents. : What, I enjoy moat are the aspects of community life that' can be enhanced by what we do at Queen's Park,» says White. «Whether it's social issues, environmental issues, it gîves me pleasure in having input into the decision-making. "I feel that- I can speak for my community and what will work for Whitby and Oshawa.»' As one of five New Democrat MPPs from Durham Region, White says the group is actively working at promoting a «Durham vision" at Queen's Park. White saya that both collec- tively and individually MPPs push, as often as possible, the Region's needs: '1rie kind of things we need in order to grow as a community, the infrastruc- ture of roads, GO trains, educa-- tion...while at the same time maintaining a concern foi the environment.» Although he does not enjov the DRUMMOND WI= «unpredictability. of hours and the travelling time,» White accepta this «as part of the job." However, White does complain about what he deacribea as an «idealog'cal attack on'the pro- vinoe of Ontario, the government and our peoJple.» <Accordin to White, this «attack» is being led by the federal goernentand, its sup- porters in the business com- munity. He refera Vo laat month's diemnnstraEtion ofBay St. wor- kera againat, the record deficit contained in the government's SE PAGE15 Prices effec tive thru Saturday 4â August 3. 1991off each -,,, ANAt>A A Reguilar 9$ We, eseVé te rght o lmitPay-One-Price Spend Less! 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