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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24. VaW FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUlgr 14,1991 ___ r ..-...... E Q)D RIVI NO Q1SOHOOL 17 '2 Kkg StE. Sub i#301 Oshawa - 728-091 REGISTERED & APPROVED BY THE ONTARIO SAFEIY LEAGUE *PRI VA TE LESSONS* O Aug. l2ih-iSth O Aug . lth-Sept. 51h Iclusive 4 day course, 4 week course >Mondayto Thurday Tuesday & Thursday 0 Sept. 1bih-Oct. 3rd O'Sept. 14th4Oct. th 4 week course 4 week course Tueeday & Thursday Saiurdays je 'J WILL Do TYPING in mny home. Accurate & reasonable rates. Oel 666-0746 for more Information. BEST WISHES for a Happy Birthday or Anniversfary] The classifieds are a specla way to send greetingsl Cal 668-6111 -KLEEN-KUT UPHOLSTIERY - re-upholstery of antiques. Ail kinds of recovering. Your fabric or mine. Free estimates. Over, 40 years exporience. 430-7568, Whitby. HANDYMAN SERVICES - Maintenance, house repair, yard dlean-up, remnoval Of trees. 655-3004 anytime. REC ROOMS, BASEMENTS, drywall - tapinq and fînîshîng. Triîmwork, painting, igeneral repairs. Foncing andck els. Cati (416) 576-7503. GRANDMAs cOMPANY. Green cleans (no chemicais). Homes and offices. We offer -NMother-in-law -cleaf (roadY for Inspectioni). Ail employées are police-securit ch"ékd, bonded. & insurJï Momber of Whitby Chamber of Commerce. 725-9177 (24 hour answering). BASEMENTS -- APARTMENT sp1i120 ft. by 30 ft. $5,500. Also additions, bathrooms, kitchon trim, fonces, decks and framing. Written.quarafltee. Free estimates HA14DYMAN Services - repairs, renovations, odd o bs, chimnoy sweop, eavestrough. o job too small. Ask for Art. 427-1674. PAINTERS PLUS. Service and quality are not an accident. For 10 por cent off and no GST, oeil Bill or Geri, 430-6057 after 5 pm. ARE YOU HAVINO TROUBLE gettlng auto insuranco because of age, poor driving record, or suspension of liconse?.Perhaps wo, dan holp. Phono 666-2090. PRIVATrE MORTGAGES - the laco to go when your bank says «NO.7 Sorving Whitby sinco 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMENTS. o -----.. ---- CENTrRAL WHITBY - dean, quiet, furnished 'room. hicludes p arking, TV, kitchen use and iephon. Shift workers & smokors weicome. Avallablo im edity. 668-3640. ROOM. FOR RENTr. centrai Whitbyt close to laundry, shopping, on bus route. Share common room with two older mon. $250. per month. Cail 666-8366 leave message. QLuaty comRct for Home and BusIes *Bathrooms -Kitchens .Custom trim -Decks -Gazebos Additions, etc. Zinti aahung sto- Protoct Youàr Invoutmoflt Wlth Qualfty Repaîrs and ImprovomOnts Basement Apartmonta Roc. Rooms - Painting Skylites - French Doors Water Pofing Kitchens - Bathrooms FmRE STIÂTS 666,2827 OFFERS: *BEDFORD COMPUTERIZED BOOKKEEPING, for Small Busînesses at REASONABLE RATES *PRIVATE MAILBOX RENTAL FAX & PHOTOCOPY SERVICE For more Information, please cali: 666-8711« 2 BEDROOM BASEMENT APT. Appliances, parking, carpeting, ceramnic kitchen. Clean, quiet area. No'pets. $675, inclusive. Couples prof erred. 655-3004.. WHITBY- CLEAN threo bedroom main f loor of house. Fridgo, stove, bllnds, 'carpot, parking. JuIy 1. 430-7298' evenings, days 379-7082 (pager). BRAND NEW 1,250 sq. ft. iuxury 2-bedroomr apartmont. Central location. Hugo kitchon & iivinp room. Ensuite laundry, 4 -appli ances. Complote pruvacy. $6951 -month. 430-1418. 1 BEDROOM CONDO for rent - Cloarwator, Florida, with pool. Close to beach. Avalable Aug.- Dec. $25OIweok or- $760/month. 668-2677. TRIPLEX. BROOK STREET. 2-bodroom. Remodelod, walk to GO train, lan 'alacs $800 lncludung uiRi&4 8689. BROOKUN'i BEDROOM APT. Close to all amoenities. availablo now $495. per month ail inclusive. Call 432-4023. LANDSCAPING by UNIVERSITY. WERKS -since 1980 - Quallty Construction & Prolessional Design z 'lnterfocking Brick drives, patios, waiks *Retaining milîs Wood Fencing - Wood Decks Free Competitive Estimates É 666-969*0 KITCHENS LTD. 605' Brook St. N. Whitby, Ont. Li N 4J3 le____________ E st. 3 5yr S. The Mtual Group HEFRB TRAN cal orquotation I725-6564 RRIFs ANNUT WHITBY -2 BEDROON .MImain floor brick bungalow,- $850 Inclusive, parkingwaik to GO,, WH ITBY - CLEAN thre bedroomr main floor of' houso.- Fridqe, stove, blinds, carpot, parking. $895. 430-7298 evonings,,, days 379-7082 (pager)., RUA...... WHITBY - LEGAL DUPLEX. Go for ti Build your R.E. empire. 2 largo 3- bedroom units. Plus 2-bodroom* in basomont. Sop. motors. .2 gas_ furnaces. Large piochapeýd ot. Ovr '$28,00 yearly income. Ron BJs, Associato Broker, 434-1255/ 434-5629 ros. Canada Trust Roalty mc. SELUINO? BUYING? Oel ilUlian North, sales roprosontative, mombor of Toronto & Oshawa Roal Estate Boards. ReMax Summit Reaty <1991) Ltd., Reator, 668-3800. R-2000 ;NEW - BRIGHTON: 166 sq.ft. bugalow. ,Al brick, thres. bodrooms, :vaultod cellînqs 2-car grae, deck. 4pc., ensuite, bath with wilpomain floor laundry, ý oak 1 itchen, * french- do.ors, 'upgradled trim.' Full town servies ,iný new subdivision. Heat. fo prox. $35Ofyear, taxes under $,0.Direct tram builder. Roeduced $25,000 '- now $194,000, No GST.-- Gordon, Toboy Deveiopments Ltd., 613-475-0618. MUST BE SOLD - -$99,000. Clean two-bedroom, dotached.ý Dining room, Sun porch, private backyard. Make an offor. 728-4455. OSHAWA - $1119900 - 2-storeys dotached homo. Fuly fenced yard. Private. For more information, cali 725-1415. UNIQUE COMMERCIAL spacoe availabie. 300 - 500 sq. ft. Noi GST. Gail 668-5092. CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE UTs FAST- TS EASYI ONE cALL., ONE BILL DOES IT ALL THUNK BIG - CAIL THIS NEWSPAPER FOR DETAILS. COMING EVENTS CRAFT SHOW AND SALE: Saîurday, Auguat 24. 9am.Spm. Sunday. August 25. 10am-5pm. Adults. $250. An arena fuit ai craftiat At Si. Jacobs Arena, faltow Hwy. 86, norh ai KtchenerWatrloo. VACATIONS CHULOREN FREEI Kids Program. housekeeping units. two crystal clear takes.,whirtpaools sauna,' recreational tacitities, live theatre, tow Augustand Fait rates. Remember us by Harit Hart Ladge. Minden (705) 286-1738. RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHMEN & BONAUR CAMPING. Traiters. Hardlap-Faldawn. Filth-Wheel, Travel, Park- Modela, Truck-Campers. Parts-accessoules. New- Used. Fibretine & Leer Fibergia sa &.Atuminumn Truck-Caps. Consignments Wecomýe. Royal Traiter & R.V. Centre In Tevintdaie, Ont. (519) 343-2122. MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVALABLE for Hamnewnersl Pay ail Bitta, Credit CardsU Example: Barrow $10,000. Repay $185 monthtyl Na Ouatiiying Hasseist Cati intransican 416) 650-9455. <Talra) 1-800-268-1429. ADOPTION UNSELFUSH LOVE. Our clilidren are precious. Ut youre pregnant. trying iô make a decisian for the future ai your unborn child, perhaps we can talk. Adoption may be the answer. RuthylDanny <613) 825-9339 cllect). PERSONAL WOULD YOU LIKE ta correspond with unaitached Christian people across Canada: ail denaminations,. ail nationalties, for companionsip or marriage? ASHGROVE. P.O. Box 205B, Chase, B.C.. VOE 1 MO., SERVICES GREAT PERMANENT. hisioricai record/resource. This newspaper and mosi ai Ontarios weekty newspapers. reproduced regularty in microfiche torm. Duplicate copies availabte by cailing ONA, (416> 844-0184. FOR SALE YOUR DOG WILL STAY.HOMEI No leashes, chains or fences. lis Eiectronic, Invisible, amazing and sale. FREE Details: Can. U.K. ARCI. Bancroft. Ont. KOL 100O. Fax (613)332-1375. HELP WANTED WEST COAST OPPORTiJNITY: The North Shore News, North Vancouver, . 8. . interviewing for a ciassiiied depariment day supervisor. Please fax reaurne ta Val Stephenson <604) 985-3227. NEED EXTRA $$S C&M Gifla needs Demonsiratars ta seli toys and gits ai Home Established company. Cali today 519)258-7905. INTERESTING OPPORTUNITY taostablsh an sales wing far a progressive niewspaper arganization. Succestul persan must b. a self > starter with a 'n entrepreneurial spirit. Slrong background ln advertising sales essentila. nterested ln.iaarning more about thîs unique enterprise? Send a brief description ai yaur career, tao Stot G. P.O. Box 451, Oakvllle. Ontario; L6J1, 5A8 in arder ta arrange an Interview. SALES HELP WANTED *6.FIGURE INCOME * International Music and Videa Company expandlng inb Canada. Need hlghiy maiivated commisslaned sales people and distributars Part-lime or fuilt-ime 1-519-9'44-2800 24 hr. line. CAREER TRAINING FREE career guide taI home.study correspondence Dîplama courses: Accounllng. Aircondlîionlng. BacepnBusiness., Casmetology. -"Eiectrontcs. Legai/Medicai Secretary. Psychoiogy, Traveil. Grantan <SA) 263, Adetaide Wat, Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. US TRUCKING FOR YOU. Let's discuss i.* Introducing extended programs and Credit Courses. Cali William ai 1-800-265-7173. MarkeU. Training Systema. TRUCK DRIVER TRAI~N ai Ontarla's top schooU AZ & DZ, Air Bralce. P.D.t.C.. Dangeraus Gooda. Lag Book. One on One, Tax Deductibte. Days, NIglits Weekends. Rodgers Schaot 1-800- 668-0031. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GLOW IN THE DARK Necktacea. Buy direct iromf reg*d Nataonal Whoiesaier. Yau've seen them at concerta, festivals, and speciaU eventng events everywhere. High profit margina. 416) 338-2422. Christina. Alsa avaitable* 40 cataurs bandannasisulnglasses. STEEL BUILDINGS ROCK BOTTOM PRUCES Direct tram iactory. Free overhead door ta tiraiten ta purchase aur 25x30 steel building for $2.711. Other slze.s avaitabte ai similar savinga. Planeer/Econospan 1-8068-42 BEST BUILDING PRICES - Stael StraitwaU Type- nai quanset - 32x48 $5920: 40x64 $8556; 50x96 $15.331; 60a120 $21.270 -, nan-expandable end(s). other sîzos avaitabte - imited steel Paragan - 24 Haurs 1-800263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS. GUONSETS. S Modela Straightwaiîs. Many sizes ta choose tram, for Value. Quaiity and Integrity, one phone oeil 1.800- 668-8653. Future Steel Buildings. Your ad could appear ln c ommuniy newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada, I or any Individuai province. Space la Lîmted, so Caîl This Newspaper Todayl BAKT rAcha idrAREl, dveWis"CROSShul1hCAgNADAmeMbREsh L ai he -Ontrio and Canadian Community Newspapor Associations Ail Canada 572 newspapers - $974 tar 25 words For further Information please cali the Whîtby Free Press ClassIieds - 668-0594 wý mmwmmý r- 11 .--à 9- L- 4 '. ý- 01

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