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Whitby Free Press, 14 Aug 1991, p. 26

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PAGE 26, WH1TBFPM PREMS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1991' I ' s y~1r IPYCHIC ADVISORI Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 430--l328I BAHA'IS BEUEVE: Turn ail your thoughts toward bring joy to hearte.* For, information and discussion, cali 668-8665. WOMEN IN ABUSIVE relation-' ships. For hetp, cali the Denise I-buse for Women and Chlldren. Tati free 1-800-263-3725 or 728-7311.- Confidentiality assured. (Formeriy Auberge.) IF YOU WANT TO DRINfKý thst's your business. #f yeu want ta stop, 1that's Ours. Caii ALCOHOUICS ANONYMOUS Ldcoshore Districts <416) 728-1020i 1-~*' %uwrns éj HAMBLY - Paul and Patsy nee Jacobs) are tiokled p ink to announce the safe arrivai of their first child, a ciaughter, Brenna Ann, born on Monday, July 15, 1991, at 5:47am' weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces. Ve'ry proud randparents are Harry and Anna acos of Whitby and Bill and, Jane. Hambly of Oshawa. Our specia i thanks to Dr. Lai, Dr. Norman, and Dr. Halam, Andres, and the nursing staff on the 4th & 5th floors of Oshawa General Hospital. Aoeiimtions are ivhsd for 9ilions as EloctionOfficiaisfor the.1991 A'IIipal EIOOIIOto bh.d n TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1991. Positions are avallble for pemSns who are 1Sysavaof age or older b wo*as»: DEPUTY RETURNING OFFICIERS POLL CLERKS or ELEOTION ASSISTANTS 1150 125 $125 Application forma are avale from the. Cierks Office. Complefad ~ osshould b. submitted tu, ho Doputy Clark net latr #a MIKHAL D. DAVY DEPIJTY CLERK AND A9ITANT REI1JRNI OFFICER THE CORPORATION OF 1THE TOWN OF WHITDY M7 ROSSLAD ROAD EAST WHITBY, ON4TARIO LIN2M TELEPHONE: (418) 0088-03 f:0 ~CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY Trownof Whitby Officiai Pla'n Revlew and U pate Study OPEN HOUSE AND PUBU C MEETING You are kwited to attend anî Open Houe.and a Publigeeno . Plngand -Devolopmnent Cemmitfte regadng Phase 111 of "Z. own 0f WOfica Plan -Riew and Updatle Study. Th eset o f dm Ph i aseRpoit marks diecornplotion of thé analysi cf developm stategy. Thtfidl lvelbasod onlb nuy tens kotÈe in :M Cid input mreeed fro eh rpn oafhtd n ne 190 199 . lb. Phase 111 Report wlI serve oema&sfrd atOlWPln. The. Open Houa. MIibe froni5:00 pan- 700p.m Th. Public Mqelfrg wil begin at7*G pn. on the folowhg date: Momb,2O M ial Wlte5= ueVgLy Vour participat ion fmhipshape WNhy's fuure. For more kîformation, cal, the Town of Whutby, Pkiang Doprtoat (416) 668-580. DONALD WARBURTON Donald Brian Warburton died at Whitby General H -ton Saturday,, August 3,.1991. He was 55. He was the beloved son of Fr-ed and Ada Warburton, grandson of the late Tom and Adà Jubb and 1Cri and Elsie Warburton, mephew of Abert and Phyllia Jubbof Oshawa, EdwardWi0Lkin of Whitby. Ho is aise survived by many cousman. Mr., Warburton rosted at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel in Whlitby. Funeral services were held in the. chapel, intorment at Grovesido cemetery iWhitby. Hospital ]Rheumatology Research Fund or the Heart & Stroke Foundation. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust e Family Monuments, e Granite or Bronze Markers a Cemetery Lettering 0 Sanidblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 666-1513 Home appointment8 gladly arranged Elevators to be installed at Whîtby GO' SO Tansit hbasstarted a, rormwhich will se. by ealy 19,anotwork- of selected station arrois its rail system acesble te people who -use Swheelchairs. By that time,' 30 cf GOYs 51 current stations will .-be accessible, with .the re mainder being, modified ai, part of an o inretrofit program. Sr U, 4Ã" bii-level carswillbe altered te ýailow rol-on accei and suitable *riding '<affreas fo wheelchaire. On. suùch car will b. included ieach trai.- *1 Elevators wil ha installed at Oakile, Ajax and, Whitby by next April, whilo Port Credit and Pickering willhave elevaters hy- the end of 1992. Ajax and Whitby Moeat t6o-nson Iimited-service Unes are either already accessible oraeailyb. made readily accessible. Tese wll ail b. wheelchair-accessible from- the beginning. <A study te deterznine how te make Union Station accessible is te, be completed'tbis fail, and a ichedufle for, that work wil b. laid out then. Phone number for health card mb 1h. Ministiy of Health bas'set up a 1-800 phone number te answer questions abopt the new health card that bas %eplaced the OHIIP number, Héalthà Minister Frances Lankin aiinounced recently. For information 'on the health card, eaUl 1-800-268-1154 between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., Monday te Friday Quetions about botcards, new carde, turning 65- and travelling adobtaini* <tretMuent; outaido Ontaio L%ý b ansered. Th. information limes- provide servie in Englisb, French and seaven additional languages.' Patients. need the new card te show eligibility for Ontario health carebnet, and provders can no longer bu for services under the old OHIIP number. More - than 98 per cent (9.7 million) of oligile Ontarians- now have their carda and about another 95ý,000 applicants have been approved andt will b. getting their'cardas hortly. 'Theoministiy hmas been recoiving many calis about :the card,".Lannsaid. 'ii. spe"ia phonoelinewifl ,enable anyono Who basn'registered or basn't received a card te get information and advice quickly.ft Ontario ridents whfo ,do mot, necess1 ifration te bil the zinistry for the service rovded. 'Th. patient fiUs- out the' second part of the form' and senda it ta'. the ministiy te aply for a card. The ministry is sending a notice te doctors and other health cars providers. that -it is inappropriate té, deny acceas or assesecharges for treatment te, eligible residents who do mot, yet'have a health nubiber.'Th.'procem ini itdb~y the- ...itrguarantees payment, Please check yeur advertlsement for errera on the, first day of publication, mhe Whltby Fr.e Press wiIi net b. hiable for failure te publlsh an ad, or for typographic errers ln publication beyond the oot of the space occupied by the errer up ta a maximum cest of the Insertion. The. Whltby Fre. Press reserves the. rlght te classify or reJect ail advertlsements. PRE»PNID <Cash, VISA, choeque recelved before deadilne) $5.00 for 20 words; ($5.35 includes G.S.T.) 120 each additional word; (130 -inCludes G.S.T.), BILLED $7.50 for 20 words; 150 each additional word AUCTIONSIANNOUNCEMENTS 810 per 'agate line (14 agate lunes per inch) minimum charge: $5. prepaid, $7.50 billed DISPLAY ADS IN CLASSIFIEDS <Ads with borders, pictures or graphies) Regular display rates apply - 860 per agate line Minimum size 1 column Inch $1 2.04 (14 agate linos per inch) I PLUS 7% G.S.T. DEADLINE Monday noon prior to Wednesday publication., 668-0594 0 Obituary

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