WH]TBYl FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1991, PA:GE 3 Whitby's new reratu com- plexlis gettingin*shape open Much of the work should be completed by Aug. 29, while the ofilci'al opemng is slated for Sept. The $1.5-million recreation complex is located just west of the Town hall on Rosland Rd..E. While the complex is open, gymnasium outlined ini the on- some minor work *11l continue. iai pIan. "Wre tryingt minimizethe gt ~alwaXs been the plan to work after the opening,» says phase them in, Morrow says. Town - parkas and nec. director .However, 'phase one'for te Larry Morrow. compflex does include a 25-metre ,«We're really pressing to get pool with an 80-ft. waterslide, a everylhingfiihed.». wading> pool with whirlpool, The complex will not yet.iii- meeting rooms, cafeteria and fit- élude- the squash. courts and ness and exercise rooms. WHITY'Snew recreation cornple located just. west of the mumincipâ bulding, is scheduled to open Sept. 23. Fr.. Pr. photo 286-16 LAPTOP lMeg of ram Exp to 5 meg 42 Meg bard disk VGA super twist back lite dlsplay 2 serial, 1 parallel Built ini saeen saver MS-DOS 4.01 1.44 Meg floppy Supports External VGA monitor Many more features Back to School special $1649.95 MW MonOu O eoi vc'afiffe -, A A Sý --------71 LAPTOPI L---- -OPTELJ