PAGE, 6, »WIEIMyBYMFEEpRESS, WDNFS DAY AU GU T,28.1099 1 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operatèd by Whitby residents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesdayby 677209 Ontarlo mnc. at 131 Brook St. N., Whltby, Ontario L1 N 5S1 Phone 668-$111 Toronto LUne 427-1834, Doug Anderson - PubliËher Maurice Piher - Editor, Aie nandm Martin - Production Manager~ 2nd GlassPostal Registra on>#05351 To theedor We are the problem To, the Edltor: Re: ichael Wycks 'comment. column, Aug..W91% Whitby Fiee I PresAfthaugh the GST is a typical gperen-ddgedmess, ind ta my1 concern. that 1 must i upril rnil i esti tax Somehow we must psy for the paying over $40 billion a year in interoat an its etadl barrowing over $30 -billion a year ta stay afloat, something is wrong. Bath the Canadian and U.S. governiments have been living' beyond their mneans for a long' I timne. Our govemment is doîng somnething abut il - the U.S. is not,. sa their taxes are lower. Our. govemnment has attempted ta cul i back on much of its operatianal expense, has attempted ta redcuce waste, excess staff, etc. i But like, everything else, someone's ox gels gored and the screaming begins: ; teeut staff by about 1,300, they attempt ta contrat, wage gains adwe are faced with a major strike; *they attempt ta contrat OAS increases,1 they get a mjor seniors revoit; etheyonider cutting forelgn V air--wht an uproar; ethy add atax --GST - all hoîl breaks baôse. As 1 see -il, 'we have the lollowing choice -- give up aur inflatod»- expectatians re goverrnent, services, etc., psy aur debt and begin ta psy aur way; or continue, as we are until aur government can na longer afford ta, barraw, ai which time RIl ai As a businessman, Mr. Wycks muet reatize this. Our need is flot that governments wadmit that high taxes are apati the probiem ... 7 but that the9 people admit that they are the prablem. We can no longer aflord expanding bureaucracies, limitless foreign aid, a constantly- expanding universal social service netwark, off icial bilingual policies in their present form, and much mare. Nl wo want ta rid ourselves of the GST, we must support aur federai government's efforts ta reduco .,and contrat aperatianal, expenses, contrat sacialist pragrams, reduce the debt and encourage them ta find botter ways ta get the lunds they need. Above, ail, each and every one af us muet begin ta accept responssbility for aur actions and. affairs. There is nobig daddy -- he is W.J. Galgor Whltby Toteedtr. Doing what cornes natu'all To the Editor: Re: Dags poaplng wkhtn view of George Mech's dlntng romr windaw, leter, Aug. .1491 Whkby Fr. Pross. When people buy a house backlng on ta a groenbett, many fbel they're entitled ta, an uosrcted view of pleasantly landscaped greenory malntained by the taxpayers. However, greenb.ft la for the use af att. In greenbets, one f inds podestriants, cyclists and maybu even snowmobiles. Kids are ýIaying, screaining anid fighting. hors are teens, some ai thomn breaking saplings, having sex and doing drugs. Soccer.and basebali f ieds are. alive with noise and lights, plus the onsuing traffic. Perhaps a vagarant «or two make camp in same conveniont bushes. Why, there's even the occasionai murder in at greonbeft ares. And yes, there are dogs. And cals, 1 presume. Not ta, mention squirrels, racoans and skunks, shough this wildilo la is- apanpsince the subdivisons fùtlofswîmîng pool and barbecue paly 'noiss, have invaded their peaceful enviranment. Dogs, juet- like Wk. Mach, have ta do what comes naturally. Sedontary Ide leads ta al sorts ai health .,prabloms, inctuding constipation, for any living b.lng. Sa dags' muet b. walkod. They reslly shouid rmn and jump, but in populaied aroas, this la no langer allowed. Nowsdays, we have a leash -law and staop-and-scaop, rogulalions. Il would b. upIlfting, indoed, if al laws and bytaws wore closely observed and diligontly .abeyld Alas, aven In fairy tales, ail is not perfect. Mr. Mech's major comptait appars ta b. the unappetizing viow ofiddags defecating while he is esting. 1. suppose ail dag owners, including- those who faliow the bylaw ta the loUter, 6-ft. ýloash, and scoop in hand, should check first with ail homeowners along the groenbelt as ta their dinnor haur. What la needed here la more tolorance. Indeed, the offocts of stress and nervous tension cause more medical problems than any amount af dog feces ever wilL. 1 therefore sUggest thai MW. Mech and -his oqually.aggravalod neighbours .avail thomsolves ai pul-dwnblndprvacy fences and cassettes ai saathing- music - rather than stand at their w indows, gnashing toeth andl gettlng ealy' ,ulcers. Furthermare, as unpleasant and smelly as dog excrement may b., *its only, health -hazard is piaastic Infection, which acocurs by, ingestion.,ai the infectod maternai -an unlikely avent ta say ta oasat. Simitarly,, parasitic Infection msy rosuit tram Ingestion of just plain aId dirt, a4imuch mare.,lkely hpeing. Cleanlinoss is next ta Godliness: any mother, worth her sait will check where she puIs hor toddler dopwn ta play. Known hazards, such as ta aven the very youn gôsarpeni thoir sense ai observation.AMeded,ý, s keen sense of observation is a very definite asetthroughout lufe -- the eariler i's acquirod,, the, botter.< Perbapo, then, we should view this mnatter as naturos'sown' educational tbal. And a gaad and peacof ui day ta ail. Maris Tobraak Whtby. Viwon Who pays the bill for this madness By Mathsw 8mai Most Ontanans were surprlsed. to say the toast, when Premier Raes govemnment unveiled its budget, if kt is fit to b. known as such. The news media gave a great deat of attention ta the possible effects of a deficit. lndeed, one of the most immediate consequences. was the downgrading of the pmovlce's credit rating. However., this seemed a rather abstract probtem ta most, and ittie dispFessur was expressed otside ai te business cammunity. For a you~ persan such as myself,thus bdet, and the entire agenda of Mr.Rae's government, is going-to have a much _greater direct consequence. The New Democratic Party government has ptedged ta eliminate is mainstrous budget deficit within seven ta eight yearst Nonetheless, ,aur provines leiaiers vii bu spending up ta $9 billion -morthan they tae in as revenue. This suppased fiscal balance wii not bu achieved by spending contrats. lnstead, the gavemment plans ta buas taxes tramn their already prahibitive level ta coxnpensate for its ttie spending spree. Thot Is bitions upan bilions af dallars, rqily eamning interost waiting ta bu paid back ta prlmarily farein bankçs and tenders. C. Rae wauld lead us ta believe that privste industry, large and small, 15slsmplyralling In cash and can bu taxe ta make up the difeérence. Unfartunatdely, this simply isn't sa; fsced with the unhappy spectre af yet higher taxes, strapped businesses will simply teave far mare haspitabte ternitavy, iLe. Western New Yark, Tennessee or North Caralina. That debt wil have ta be paid back eventually. and the 'people who MiI service il will, be yaur children. Those of my generatian will eventusily suifer for the baby-baamer society's habit af livng beyand its means, aven in a Furihermare, the lass af aur 50-year-old tripleA credit rsting means aur society witl bu paying hundreds ai thousands, possibty millions, more in interest upon aur, naw vast debt. èW. Rae and treasurer Floyd Laughren simply shrug and Iaiugh. Apparently. they have develaped an affinity for spendimgthe funds of the public reckIessY. regardtess af the outcome. The government justifies ils "pnding by claiming that k is gaing ta spend us otio the recessian. Thog recession appears ta b. nsaring ifs end, if rat over, but 1 have littIe faith that Mr. Rie- will cul hla dot icit. lndeed, by rushing ln ta save us f rom aur relatively minor recessian, he willl anly haston the development af a greater ane. By hldlng b.htnd outmaded Keynesian economics (long ago discarded bv more economically advanced nations, such as Germany, Japan snd France), ho delsys the inevitabte arrivai ai global market realities ln Ontario. Raisin taxe and spending- uncontroa-lby, w'ill certainty rat booet Ontario's competitiveness againet such prospective competitors as Malaysia and Mexico. Business-bullying, assuredly, wil not advance aur standard ai living. Mr. Rie alwsys points ta Sweden as his model for a socialist ulopia. 1 amn sad ta break the news thal the honeymaon is over ln Stockholm; spiralling inflation and grovwng unempioyment have ?orcod Swoden ta ro-examine ils economic policy, and apply. for memb.rship in th. decidedly pro-business European Cammunity. Wr. Ras and his followers suifer fram the dolusion that monoy comes from banks, and that 1h. banks somehow magicaily grow money ln some hidden backramO. By spending i n such great volumes, ho promotes inflation, the devaluation ai the Canadien dollar and the erosian of our sponding power. Foeral NDPer Steven Lsngdan's solution: prit more money. On. country that has experimenled wif h this policy Is Argentins, a country remarkably similar ta Canada. il has a resource-based ecaramy, and ifs society hie an appraximately, equal level af lilerscy. A prolonged bout ai soclalist spending in the seventios reduced that economy ta- a global joke, and inflation is running et about 1,200 per cent annually. When Mr. Rie meddles with what hie, for a century been Canada's ecaramic engine, ho is plsying wit h tire. Il happened ln Argentina, and yes, il could happen in Canada. Our province and aur country are ad a crucial juncture. Besides a canstitutional crisis, w. face an increasingly gloomy economic future, unless something is done ta remedy the situation. 1, and many, of My universily-bound friends, speak solemnty of the future. Many consider the unpteasant but increasingly necossary. prospect cf hving ta move to the Uited States. Why s"4Wld1st udy and try ta oxcet in school f any mne 1 stand ta gain as a result is tloing ta b. taken away in taxesý Does Canada oven offer us the career* optio ns wo look for? Sadly, in more and more cases, the answerý la no. We slroady have s largo eough public deM ai the fèderai lavel. Why- do the, New Domnocrats wat ta give us yet another ane in whai was once a soivent provincial gover mont? 1 am just 17, and 1 am warried. Doos no anseolse care? Thla govemment hie a five-year mandate, and thal's onough time ta seriausly damae things. ,Ploase, voterS, lelt hM government know you don't wanl your kids ta pspy the prico for a government spending spree. Evovyane stands ta lose, ospecialy younger peopgosolet DuhmCentre MPPDrummond, White know you woWt let kt thapp1n.chalengeoMW. White ta et jusl who will b. paying the bill for h la parl's inýdulgent madns s n 8.7ho~,osd avil and wealthy corporalte magnats who wlD sy;ilwlbu your children.