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Whitby Free Press, 11 Sep 1991, p. 3

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WHITBY FRE PREMSWEjDNESDANY, SETMBRl, 1991, PAGE a F axmachine, taken, Items'from Whitby .Council agend a(s) Septembert9,1991 Romnato from Oerations Committee That a grant af about $750 be given to the Whitby Iroquois >Swim Club for their participation ln the Western, Cup championship swlm meet ln Wnnipeg, Man. The evenIt was held JuIy 2&.28. Funding af $4000 have been aliocatéd ln the. 1991 parks and recreation* budget ta provide travel assistance. Suficient funds rerminin the current budget to provide the grant. That the iaw tendertfor the supply af sodium échioride In the amaunt af $297,235 tram Canadian Sait Camipany Ltd. be accepted; that the tender for the deliveiy of 'sodium chioride ln the amnount af $14.374tram T.H. ,Forsythe- Haulage Ltd. be accepted. subjecta bath expenditures being eligibie for subsidy tram the Minlstry 0f Transportation; and that cuneil approve an over-expenditurnfromthe currenlt budget ln thetotal aanaf$52,1 00, broken' down as$46.200 for the-' supply portion and $5,900 far the delivery af sodium chiaride.> Carried That a bylaw be braught Iorward ta appoint Cathie Sipsan as a municipal iaw enforcement afficer ta, enforce the parking provisions of -the Town's trafflc bylaw. She was hlred ta flli avacant position ofi part-time9 parking meter attendant. Recommenldations from Planning and - agrant underthe programas the owneoe are prerving the histarca and architecturai signicance i the bouse. Under the guidelines for the grant progirm, LASCO wilI be rnimbursed by the Tawn for W per cent ai thecoost ai the proJect up ta $3.000 based on the recelpts and Invalces for ail eligible work. The estimated costaof the proJect is about $8,600. Carried Abo ut .$4,000 worth of items were stolen after a break and enter a lt 1621 McEwen Dr., Whitby last week, according t Durhani Regional Police. P-ntryý was gained at the unit 6 buildin«, Batten Business Group, by. forcng, the back door, say police. Electronie equipment icu- ing' a Tooshiba fax macie. and two cellular phones, were s3tolen.ý steéreo equipment stolen, Damage te Dise and Date was estimatod .at $300 durig* recent break ýnter ancitet Tho bro4cin at- the music store, loca t ý 1614 Dundas St. E., occurreda t about 3:30 &m.' on Sent. 6. ýaccording te Durhamn PEPI SCHAZANpresidnt of the. Liederhort Tosters, brought geetina to -hitbyfrom M yo Wilfred Berchtold of Feldkfrch, Austria. Feldkfrceh and. Whitby became twln towns* after. the County Town Singer. visited Autria for a concert. From left ame SchatzmnnMayor 1 Bob Atteriey ,.and Irma Whitby youthdies when hi*t by train By Marlo Boucher A Wihitby boy was killed- last week when he was bit by a tramn. Stephen Buke:r, 12 was wear- ing bis walkmn wken ho cut across the tracks at Centre St. N. Durham Régional Police specu- lated that the boy did not hear the CPR freight train, that tried ini vain testop. tuker was on a dangerouis crossing used by people living in the area. The Crossing, near Wil- lis Avé. and CentreS t. N., is an illegal crossing. Buker was, on hmi way home from E.A Fairman public sehool at the time of the accident. He was thrown inte the ditch nearby aprxmtely 50 motres from wVérrérhe was struck at the tracks* Parts of bis walkman- was found on the tracks by Durham Regional Police. According to Sgt. Bey Graha of 18 division of urham Regional Police, the train 'crew was not aware cf -anybody on the tracks until the boy was struck. "The train did not wbistle, nor is it required in that areeÇ' ho said. T,'hore fi& oly a fence onth north side cf -the. croming, ho said. According .toMaâyor Bob Attersley, the. area of the cross- ing is tco lare ta put fonces evérywhere. "You couldn't fenoe the. whole ares,3 h. said. Atersley blames the unfor- tunate dea±h on the walkman "t's too bad that ho was wear- ins th h"eet hesaid. 'ýRiwill feature a safety pcrmcalled Rail Safety Day. at the PîCI<OrIII GO Transit station on Sept. 26. A CP Rail spokesman said the program may Oelp te botter edu- cate the public and prevent more traic deaths at illegal cràsià s The r. d 7 student lived with hié4 . ~dh<Mr gart Buker, only three houses frm the tracks. Funeral services were held asat friday. Regional Police. <Police found the front w 1ndovvý' and teglass dcorsmashed. Stereos1 and compact dise, p1ayoris were stolen. There was no estimate'cf thr -value cof the stolen item s. OF F AL.L' NuRISERY ,STrOCK ail unilock Interlociig FreeDo.tYOU SeI Se iflar Sat. Sept. 211'91 iO:-OOA.M. free D-it-Yureel Seme JOHN BROU WER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE' 650 L akorldgs Rd.,S.. Ajax, Ont. Tel.: (416) 686-1545 or 686-1680 OPEN: Mmn-Fr. u am. Sat 8m ID6pm. Su: 9am Io 5pm CuI IIg3NA i C401IIwy

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