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Whitby Free Press, 18 Sep 1991, p. 6

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4~G.6, WMTBYPM PàESS ENSDY iý39 i r- The ont>' Whltby Newspaper owned and oeae by Whitby resdents for Whitby residents!tn Published every Weclnesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brook St. N., -Whiby, Ontario LI N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 To'ronto LUne- 427-1834 Doug Anderson" Pubfish er. Mauno e Pifher.- Editor Alexandra Martîn'- Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal. Reg istratio n $05351 Cindlerella and Prnoe Charming - the Mulroney reign By Barbare Block When Canada was an the brink af a tatal Canada Post shutdown, Mr. Mulroney and spause Mil1e were off ta, Kennybunkpart ta enjoy another American weakend vacation. Apwenlywhile Moscaw, the Krem Inand M~r. Garbschov wated far the 'Angel ai Death' ta descen, President Bush, was et this saie sum mer retreet, flshing, anW ta mast anlaakersitapp ru as i! a dead, snared fish was af Mare impartance than a snared, palhtlcely deed flsh lik.k. Gabechev. And ta tap off the Kremlin coliase.. the Bush indifference nd the, Mulroney q>athy, thora was bungling B8braMacaougéli, Canadas Farelgn Minuster, offening Canada's millions ta the Kremlin. 1, él'This lee littie excursion of the rayai Mulraney family ta the U. presldentlel palace, anc. again com Canadians aboat $150.000ta put the Mulroney jet, Inta fllght. Afhugh they were guets of Gearge and, Badbea, there are ather expenses-ta cansider -- like Mla werdmbem for the weekend ta keep up her Image as CanadWs princess. The lest turne Iia eocompanied Bnan ta, the First, Ministers Conference ln Britain, her four-day, weakend wardrabe cost $250,000, and the gawn she wore ta the farmnai- balilfar these ministers cast $10500. As ane Canadien columnist expounded tongua-in-cheek, 'W. Canadiens just don't appreciie aur princess Mile and it toak Britains ta recognize Canadas radiant 'princesi and her elegent couturier loaka' 1 guess, came ta think aofiH, we Canadiens heven't had the Intestinai fortitude ta recognlze lae as an expensively, well-dressed adomment ta, her spouse Brian. For when it cames ta aur own persanal adomment, we are stymied by a GST of seven per cent added ta the PST of eight per cent an every place af apparal we purchase. Thet $10,500 would buy each ane ai us clathing for etileest liv. yeror passlblytan,. and it aculyinfuriated Canadiens ta watch this pompous parade Brian and la idsplayed. Mrs. Diefenbaker and Mrm Pearson alweys apae modernly, .but tastefully ettired and did not leech an ta their pime-mînister husbands st every OPrtunity for eaIres ride.'Even M arrt Trudeau, Pierre's flawer-child- bride, in her cottan f rocks and sandals a dawn-to-earth woman, was greeted mare fevourably than Bisprincess. B3rlans chariot, instead of four white horses, displeys four jet engines. The cost af his princs Miles wardrobe and gown, 1 amn sure, was ten times thet ai any Cinderefla of the nineties, including Princeos Diana- Canadiens try ta hold 1f. and l1mb tagether peying taxes and tithas bayond the oeil ai duty, whilethe lait fewwaeks alon., Mr. Mulroney plannad ta hand the Soviets a couple ai millior. H. wated $2.6 million on a use" scams et a time when such statisics were unnecessary. Hae has aiiowed us ta ba lnundated wth e netlon-wide pastal strike that WlIlUely bring about e 50 cet stamp, while ha stamped araund Kennybunkport. Hopeflly, Mr. Mulronay's caach wiIl tumn inta a pumpkin, and Mile wlll laie her glass sllpper wliile boarding the Mulroney t. Aller the next a laction, and MCr. Mulronoy's- exit, Mila wiIl be relagated ta mocassins by Maher instead af Amaffis by Louis Jordan. Opinbns expressed ae those of the author. e bs * Onis iIn -childcar"SUbsd Ta the, editor: Capy of latter ta Réglonal Chelrman Gerry Harrema. Dear Mr. ,Herreme: The .Association ai Early Childhoad Educetion,' Ontaria- North Shore Brench is a prafassianal organizatian rapra- sentlng early childhaad educatars wha work in child car. centres acrosi ,Durham Ragian. ft was recently ýraught ta the attention af the exécutive cammitte. by members ai the cammunity thet there W- a child care- subsidy crisis in Durharn Ragian. teise Upan inquiry, about te'0 we obtainad the followlng figures fram Durham Raglan Social Services. On. year ega, there were 500 people an a waiting ist for child car. subsidy and 1,500 receiving subsidy. This year, the weltîng lust hes growyn ta 860, while the numbar receiving subsidy remains at 1,500. This represents a 72 per cent increase in those walting -for subsldlzed child care spaces. W. understand that wthln the lest yeer, the Ministry ai Cammunlty enc Social Services was prepared ta increase the subaldy budget. ..Regloal cauncil, however, was not prepared ta provide their requiréd 20 per, cent. As a result, the budget, orchId care subsidy was increased only by an amount ta eflact the annuel inflation'rate. As a',professional organizetion concemed about the- wefare ai children. and their families, we ask yau, aur elected represntatives of regioal counicil, whetyou, plan ta, do about the current child, cere subsidy crisis?. S 1The situation h aone that must b. deait with expedenty as meny of th e 366 people waltingfor chlld care1 subsidy aw-e students who desire ta' return to schoalthls feil We trust'thet you, wIll gIve this Issue priority amd ,respand ýta this crisis as soon as passibe. Carol Andersan, president Asoclatlan af EarW Chlldhod EdÈcucatian Ontarlo North Shore .Branch Public input wan ted To the edItor: 'Are they preparad ta, lis Thet was the haadlinei very importent sub-ie-1,ù 'Viepait,~an article ln. Freae resiSept. 11ledition. Canada hs about ta entei seriaus debete about thg future .aofaur country. poverninent will son b. re is canstitutionalprps discussion and Candes ta respond becatuse !t Wil thein ail. As yaur Memnber ai Pari 1 arn charged 'with responslblity 'ta b. rapresentative. I arn i constitutionai expert but I w ta make a deasian and hr Support is appreciated To the Edltar: On bahaiffaf the Canada Emplovient Centres for Students inôDurhamn Raglan, 1 would like ta thuik yaou for helpio ur centre thié;s suner in Res actvities ta gain cornmunty exposure. Each year, aur centres register a large number afi tudents eegffer ta wark for the summer ojntha, à-d wa 'apprecieite y aur lminvleent in and support of aur ~faia ta find thase individuels Our abi ta fulfil aur mandate ta help stuenta find summer jobs and employers fil1 temporary vracancEs eadta a large dagreei on the assistance we roceive from mambers of the cammunitv. Vour contribtion ta noer Whihv im .ntrâ wm a m cnfic.ad the contftuents-afOtriarIdn. iten?' How I wlll do thalIsa.ôhallenge.ý nd the In the nextfew Weeks,l1plan to ct af set theprc lssnmotionsgothat Whitby the conituents aiOntarla riding cen participate .In discussons r a very about the future af ther. country'. I ie very will establish a pracesai dialogue, The educatuon, ý. diete m neasing, communication thet -wvilI hopefully ais for aid in a suifu"l, resolution. vii want Théeaim will c4e"rlbesothtl il affect cen listen, undertand other points Of vlew, M find solutions tht fît If lament, we ai enter this -cantitutiana i the proces with the saine Ie Our your Constitution will serve-us »eIl. not a diI have à daing Rafle Sat.ns on. and, once again. we extend IN PHOTO< AT LEYR, iUck McDonnefll . grandpizwnertsyrwa au tans.(rigit), chairmain of Whitby LACAC, Wanda Lomer of Whltby.ý At'riglt, a presents Fre. Pre pufliaher Doug wood-carvucg demntration, aniother, JIsnnfer Latham Andei'on wth a plaque ta ogae Of the. Héritage Day activities on Supevls8r th nespaper's cotrbution of f spae atirdaY. CEC-S, in Ron n d, tim t he U. W - oiest. The

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