vo- -aré Mde <ât Veerans,, seniors aedgrade To the Editor I think we should have a day 0f mourning and wear black armbands ýuntil. the 'degrading 0f our veterans and senior citizen. inta second lan citizens bas been addressed. These pioneers 0f this great compassionate land have paid with honour, for. maybe 5 years their federal 'taxes , UIC, Medicare, Canada 'and. private pensions'ý preniiums, gas,lilquor, tobaco taxes,, provincil taxes property, water, vehicle, drivdes, manufacturers and every tax governments have thrown at them. ® Ministry of Correctional 'Services Ontario Now this Trygovernment begrudges !them a cup of coffee and donut hole whilst allowing the affluent business omiety ta call a banquet and maybe reclaim the whole in their many, many tax breaks. That, I consider an abomination, and it has, created two- classe of, citizens - incidentally- helped along by 200 desk-banginig., jyfuly elated Tory MPs and Tor Senators as they passedtheobnwxious BilI that even taxed the donut hole. The hint that -the tax mnay be reduced -i. like saying "We wil still kîck yu in the teeth but flot so hardd it rnay keep loù Ministere, des Services correctionnels *INVITATION TO TENDER Sealed tenders mnarked as follows will be received at the Ministry of Correctional Services,ý Purchasing Section, 200 First Avenue West, North Bay, Ontario Pl B 3B9 up to 4:30 p.m. local time on, October 22, 1991, for the design and construction of a new administration. addition. (Addition size approximately 390 m2). WHITBY JAIL 200 VICTORIA STREET WEST WHITBY, ONTARIO L.1N 6G PROJECT NO. CS-FDP-713. TENDER NO. T-9169 Officiai tender documents may be obtained on the 3rd floor, 200 First Avenue West, North Bay, Ontario or by contacting the Chief Purchasing, Offi 'ber, telephone number' 705-494-3162 or 1-800-461-605. Potential bidders wiII be obliged to attend A MANDATORY SITE MEETING to be held at the Whitby Jail, 200 Victoria Street West, Whitby, Ontario at 10:30 a.m. on ,Tuesday, October 1, 1991., Failure to attend wiII resuit in disqualification from.bidding on the projeot. The lowest or any tender not neoessarily accepted. HapyHour ONE BURGER WIT H ANY PURCHASE* Mon,-Fri. tiii 7 p.m. 'Excludlng The Uttlmate Burger We treat you rsght! Avalabte at Whtby location only ~19O Q 4#§Tsir ,j668-53412 quiet e and get you off the tycoons?' back." < The Reform Party (the voice 0 f Canadians ,,to Ottawa). bas decided to ignorethvican keep this monstrosity called GST' in place. lhey have now become 'politicians,' a disgraeful word today. Hardd Emilden Nanoose Bay, B.C. Volunteer." s needed'at Fair*view Lodge Fairview Lodge needs volunteers to help with travelling, refreshment cart, tuckshop and Alzheimer's day prograrn. Anyone who'can give two hours a week and would like toassst with these programa, oeil Heather Mim at 668-5851 (ext. 49). Training sessions are provided for aIl volunteer opportunities. SEPTEMBER 29-OCTOBE.R 6, 1991 Waste"RedûctIon Week* oilectct'e~e~.c Extending .the ý blue' box proramto inclucle, fleibleý plastics, such as grocery bags and xnlk pouches, 18 feasbe and relatively iniexpenive, according to a piot study by the Ministry of the- Environmnent- and the Environment and" Plastics Institute of Canada (EPIC). -.' 'Xxnding Ontario's recycling efforts is, a positive step in reducing the amount cf waste that goes to landfill," says Environment-,Minister Ruth Grier. >The six-month demonstration project,- conducted last year with' the .help 0f the City 0of Peterrborough, involved almodet 3,000 households. About haif 0f the. residents were asked to collect polehen filmns such as shopping bags, bread bags, milk pouches and outer bags. The second group collected all types 0f plastic film, including food stretch wrap and snack wrappers. S The average amount 0f acceptable plastic film recovered- each week was appiroximately -42 to 48 grams- per household, or the equivalent 0f five- or six plastic Scotia Tire Services, FiFr0fl1280 SlmcooStN.,O0"»w 436-730 ENTRANCE MATTING. KEEPS WINTERS DIRT OUT UN THE COLD Sanitati' on industry figures'show that 'it costs over $60.00 a pound to remove tracked in dirt fror a-'building. That dirt 'causes a deteniorization of your floor finish, premature wear and soiling' of your carpets and dust accumulations an your fumiture, watts and in your air filtration systems. It makes gaod financial sense to trap, the dirt at the doaor befare it enters your buildinig. At SWish we stock ail kînds of entrance mats rang ing -from pure rubber outdaar slush and snow mats *ta attractive colaur co-ordinated vinyl backed carpet mats.ý Avaitable in a wide variety af'sizes and colours, ail are desig ned ta, keep winters grit in the mat and ta look good daing it. They're easy ta dcean toal - Just shake, vacuum or hase them dawn, Came an in ta apur Clean-It Centre. We're open Manday ta, Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. MAINTENANCE LTD. grocery'. bags. Ab6ut- 90 to 95 per cent of> the . plastic was polyethylene, and onily about five :'pr cent was deemed unsuitýble,- for ding. Ofe2,950. households in the study area, . 77' per cent' participated in regular Blue Box collections. 0f those participant%. over 92 per cent included plastic film- as part 0f their. recycli ng efforts -at least: once 'during the four-week study period. The plastic, was sorted and' .baled aà t Scott PilisRecydling.in Peterborough and .then shipped to Resource Plastics Corporation in Brantford, wýhere 'it was made into polyethylene pelleta.< The pelleta were sent ta, several laborâtories, who deterniined tbat they could be used to manufacture new flexible plastic film. The 'study's .consultant, Proctor & Redfern, commented that the recycled resin eçwll have accesa ta a very large exisdng market and can replace, virgin' resin sales in smM>e cases. Peterborough' will begin city-wide, collection 0f flexible plastics in October. The sétudy estimated that a similar prQject could' be . implemented 'iiiother cities at an, annual cost 0f about: 57 centspe household. Copies 0f-thereport, entitlad 'Peterb6orough Démonstration' Project.' Collection 0f Plastic in the Blue Box (PIBS 1660)~' be obtained frm the ministry's ~ublic information centre at. 135 9t. Clair Ave. W., Toronto, Qiit. ýM4V ]P%, or caIl (416) 323-4321, Toronto.- Use the- PIBS n;umber when.à plcigan. oedr.fo prompt, efcetsrie Obituary- Ethel ,ýMay. Slater died aý"t Whitby' General-Ho spital. ,on Sep- tember,3, '19 '91.She was'89.. She ws on hi Maiposa Townshi, Victoria .County on Marchl8, 1902, daughter of Wi- liam and Flora Jane (Wilson) Copeland. 8he. married'Willard Slater on June4, 1927. She was a member, of, Peniel United 'Church iWoodville from 1932 ta 1942, Trinity United Church in Cannington, Ont. where she lived from 1942 until 1986 when she moved ta Toronto. She lived i Whitby since 1990, and was a member of theWhitby Seniors' Activity-,Centre, She is survived by daughter Kathleen (Mrsà ..George Martin), grandchildren' Sharon, Steven, Bruce and Deborah (and. her husband David- Lennox),- great- .randchildren Clarissa and She was predeceased by her husband Willard, sister Gertrude fralick, brothers Elmer 'and Harold Copelapd, daughter'Aud- rey and. sons. Ross, Earl a.nd Gordon. 3181 500HOPKINS .ST.,hTY. Q61,II D)undas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 )rq Q4,$ o r 6U61513' AT THE: DFGoodrichl RADIAL T/Àffps -ires 1/2 PRIICE- 4~ i I I I L