Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Manda Septemhb Planigand developrnent COMMittee That an"mendment ta the Town of Whltby Officiai Plan be revlsed ta permit Janet Hurley's ibrary consulting business ln a residential designation at 15 Myrtie Road West. The planning department states Rt wilI flot affect the géi7eralIintent of the officiai plan policies and is flot an intrusion In the exlstlng residentlal com- munlty. The llbrary is a cons *ulting, cataloguing and research business In an existlng two-storey dwellilng. The business operates wth f ive employees and provides service to marious boards of education, including Durham, and libraries. The service is not available to the public. Recoommended to Couneil That the Whitby officiai plan be amended ta reduce the minimum density of the southeast area of the Rossland Rd. and Garden St. f rom 35 to 30 units to permit affordable housing ln the area. Each of the 12 townhoùses wili be two storeys hlgh and range from 1,250 to 1,800 square feet in size. Recommended to couneil That the Whftby officiai plan be amended to permit a single family dwelling south of Myrtle Road East. The' property is to be used as residential lnstead of for farming purposes. Doug Puckrin asked the Town to make an exception to the rural designation. Due to ks smal size, the land Is not considered as a viable agricuitural unit. The property was created through a will legally and will not create a preecedent for further applications. Recommended to couneil That the Town of Whitby adopt the Downtown Whhby Urban Design Guidelines, and the comprehensive zoning bylaw amendment, prepared by Walker, Wright, Young Assoclates Ltd.. An exception was made of the block between Henry St., Coîbome St., King St., and Dunlop St.s. That block Is ta be the subject of f urther revlew due to its heritage properties. The main Intent of the design guidelines is to preserve and enhance the unique characteristlcs of the in ner core. The main emphasis wiii be placeci on low density residential housing. The buildings. The guldelines are ta provide a central gatherlng place In the area and ta provide a source of ldentty for the entire Town. Becommendedto Coucli iWIIJMFREE PRES8iWEIJt4EBDAY, OMTBERZ 1991, PAGES3 Inqutest will be held into boy's death Regional .-corqner Dr. Peter Clark bas cafled an inquest into the Sept. 3 deýitb of Stephen Buker at the CP 'Rail tracks near Willis Ave. and Centre St. N. in Wbitby Buker waa killed when struck by a westbound train. Buker was returning borne froma bis first day at E.A. Pair- man. He was wearing bis walk- man when be cut acrossAthe tracks at an illegal crosaing. Police seek suspect DurhanM Regional Police are continuing, their ihivestigation of a sexuïal assaulf- againat !'a 16-year-old girl that occurred on, Sunday, Sept. 22 in the early ornghours. Te victim was attacked while walking northbound on Thickson Rd. N., just aouth of Pinebill Rd. The attack took place on the east aide of Thickaon Rd. on a grassy, boulevar d next to a wooden fence., The suspect isa described as male, white, 5 ft. 8 ins. to 5ft. 10 Boy struck by pick-up A six-year-old boy was bit by a pickup truck last week, accord- ingto Durhamn Regional Police. Te Whitby boy was in serlous condition at Whitby General Hospital after receiving a frac- tured skull when he was struck by a pick-up truck on Wednesday last week. ý- The six-year-old boy was going to a house on Lofthouse Dr. aller bis father had dropped him off, aay Durham RegionaLý Police. A 1987 GMC pick-up truck bit the boy as he crossed the street in front of bis father's car, said police. Police continue to investigate. Cormack cornerstone HERIAGE HOUSING Corporation reoentlyu- veiled the cornerstone to Cormack Station that, when constructed, wili be a six-storey, 122-unit residential buiding for a variety of individuals and families, includIl5those with special needs. Joanne Brown, presigent of Heritage Housing Corp., ie shown with Durham Centre MPP Drum- mond White durmng oeremonies. ChrAsBovie photo I URSERY Winerie Our Shrubs, ftow HollandI IJOHN BROUWER GARDEN AND LANDSCAPING CENTRE 650 Lakerldge Rd. S., Ajax, Ont. Tel.: (416) 686-1545 or 686-1680 OPEN ioLFdSmb7pun b, ina., medium build witb clark hair and a possible ful beard. 'The suspect is believed1 to have been wearing an orange-coloured bal cap. Anyone witb' information la aslced to contact tbe Durhamn Regional Police service at 579-1520, ext. 211, or call Crime Stoppera at 436-TIPS. ehool bus,9 car collide There were injuries to tbe dri- ver of a car tbat collided witb a school bus' in nortb Whitby last Thursday. Durbam Regional Police a a Charterways achool bus, witb students fronm St. Leo's achool and Father- Leo J. Austin Secondary School, was eastbound on Myrtle Rd. E. wben tbe driver made a left turn and 'collided witb the westbound car. There were no injuries to the 31 students on the bus. A 44-year-old Blackstock woman driving the car was taken to Community Memorial Hospi- taI in Port Perry; The car was "a write-off,» said police. The 62-year-old bus driver was charged with mà king an unsafe Ieft turn. PRE*SENTS FALL SEASON VALUE DAYS - - - -- - - - ---- - - &OCTOBER 3-6 I Is4 Rounds 0f Miniature Golf Ie8 Klddyiand Rides 4 4LapsOf Go Karting4 IsFree Bumper Boats *Free Water SlIde *4JumoHot Dogs , 4 Regular Soft Drinks IFree Admission And Parking I:With Presentation 0f This Coupon uAIl Taxes inciuded * ighway #1 2 North of Taunton, Whitby 686-0504I lýý -~ -- ~ ~ ~ ---T-.. - --- - -- -j là I. .~'