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Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 23

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FOI muniipa :n This Week: RegiOlIal Couricillors Public School EB3oardd Po oa rd io ers ill ors Next Week: Separate School Board Hydro Commissioners Mayor Ward Councillors ffVw - ROSS BA¶1TEN Age 47, resident of Whitby for 44 years Owner of Batten Business Group 1. What je a polticien Worth? What puy increaom would joui advocte for councillor. oNo the unemdthrS eud mrd oumch Incroamosb. v" .dln closefudoor eoiondl Would pou v.d at m son? Mha dn I have no idea what a polticion is worth. I receive $15,00/year. TI 1980 I received $8,500year (increase i. bas thon sx per cent per year). The $15,000 is lesa thon other municipalities of our size. The tota payroil fer Whitby council, including the mayor, i. approximately $130,000/year to coptrol a corporation with on aninual budget of approximatelY $26,000,000. I believe council saaies have always been decided pr1até,ybutI really don't care wher thyrediscussed as I just dont . ee.a-problem. I'ru neyer refused on increase. 2. -Whit rpofflitie do jou bfdia cucfo b btwardsindlelduim anu Mdt attoward tii. population au a whols? Do pOU fMd thorain mifcot oDPPoetunty for public Input? Do Youi fei "t .Mave mtopayor S'gups would be a hilp or a indrance o thet .municipal goernon A counci1lbr bas a responsbility to manage the Town of Whitby with honesty and integity and in consideration of policies, rules, reglations and parameters which may be established by the municipality or a higher government. A coumcillor should always consider input from al sources, especiaily constituents, befor making decisions, realizing that she/he cannot always implement the moat popular opinion. I believe this past council bas bent over backwards to encourage public input. Active ratepayers groupa with aPositve attd towards the community and the wlhingness Wto work with council are a. definite benefit to the municipal government proces& _ & rjou knew tiat YSOwD Pmioau qopffle issu.bofore cundi vua t Cotidath tii. maorty cf jour mconuawhieh wMy voulti jou I always attempt to make decisons based on ail the information available and in the best interest of the citizens of the Town of Whitby. What appears to be a mgi5ort s ot nS5Iily a majority, and the popular opinion cannot always b. implemented- 4. Do you tilnk Whltbyue 1 nmonthbbom te. mstive lu th.et? Wif 10vint cinuges voulti jou ma&? Do joui foitint matns cosing b(s councilshomtib. givommeep"blidt bthi cummurity-as a vicia'?Woulti joui admtiocatn agendas. reports mnd baclugrout nfation b. matie avfalo t ltuesot citizmss a minimum or a few day. before h.motnguat vhich tiq vois bdng dWeusseti Whitbhy Town council is elected by a miaffet the. voting maxp.yr5 W anage. a SER PAGE 24 MARCEL BRUNELLE Age 49, resident of Whitby for 22 years Eunployed at GM I. What la a politician worti? What puy incream w oultij d oa.for counifloru M« tihe DO& tire joe? iud SMch lncmoos b. vototinl closetidoo ow àiOndWould jou Peonealy rmoioe juisifftm Mach a @onk? Woldji reusean ?incrmewhich b.d boo It is unlikel1 that there is ony method of deterxnIninln councillors' salaries that wl pleas everyone. In the. final analysis, however, the question is, how reasonable are the salaries paid? A good yardstick would be to compare vrith other municipalities. Whitby counèfilors receive $14,M4 per annum plus benefits. The salaries of our neighbouing town councillors are: Pîckering $15,479, Njax $16,488, Oshawa $16,,500. 2. What responltio y oui bdia counciMo bus tm"ardsiàw m m&Ioosiu.ztsMd tovard the populaton» a ibisDo jou &Wolthorale suffilmt ooppotunty for public lupu? Do ySu foittmot t tu» M ye a' oupe voulsi b.a hep or a bindrme t=tamunilii wmmont a a. Ir ou know tit jmour upositon Msa specifc lissue bforcouncilwuasnt otd& wth the. = worty our co"sttunts which MwyS o The role of a councillor is to miake decisions based upon input from ail parties affected by a particular issue sud by the counciflor's own sens. of what is right for the whole town. Personaily, when I arn considering -what position to tk on a subject before council, I need, encourage and seek the views of our citizens. On key issues, the voice of the majority is clear. There was a movement b~y some coundil miembers, a few years ogo, to, change Whitby from a town to a city. The people of Whitby made it clear that they were vigorously opposed to such a move, and the council voted unanirnously to maintain Whitby's Towni statua. JO E DRUMM Age 61, SS-year resident of Whitby Foremnan at Aerospace, Ajax 1. Whit Iu a politlclan worth? What puy incremsos voulti joui advocat. for councilors over ch. umat threo joau? Should mch Increusos b. vototi lu closoidoor sesaona'? Would joui poromly remove jouisif rom ach a sesson? WwoUlyou refuse an incroSu vhlch haîti bon voWteimch a sesson? I don't have the. most remote idea. For instance, is tiie PM worth more teday than h. wos five years ago? At least the rate cf inflation. Ceuncil since day on. bas always set its own salary sud I don't intend Wo change that. Anyway, under the, oct, council must set its own salary. W. simply can't change it. I wos elected Wo make decisions -- M'i make 'ema. To go bock Wo the start of the. question, . we have seven ceuncillors sud a mayor running a corporation with a budget cf $40 million for a total salary cost of about *140,000. 1 think I make about $14,000. Works eut about lesa thon tiie minimum wage. 2. Wbat roqmoeuultle dojyou foi a councillo bas tourards indiviual cosattunta antitovards tihe population as a vho? Do jos foi there le suffIilnt ooppotunlty for public Input? Do jos foil tint activ e tpayor'groupe voulti b. a hlp or a hindienco ta the. municipal govrnmont To b. iionest -- stragiit up -- I don't fence sit. Public input, that's always welcome, and under the. Planning Act, which tiie Town follows, there is plenty of public input. Ratepayers groupe sometimes zero in on a single issue, much tiith detriment of otiier issues. But, I r IVl welcome good, constructive public input, & M you knew Undtjour oripoition eosa spocic ima. b.oro council vusnt otdo vith the majoity of jour constituontu vbich vapvoultijoS Vota? If I really tuougiit, after careful reflection, that my position was tue correct on., I would certainly vote that way. Council in often in a postion te have more information thon the. DERER GLASS Age 37, resident of Whitby for seven years Dowty Architectural- hardware consultant I. What lu a polUian vorti? Wbat psy incroasos ould joui ativoctofor counclloru over the. nadthtie. pears ould mach lucrasosb. vototinlucloSet door msons? OWoult joui por.nafy rmuveourse!frum mach a sesson? Would joui refiumn incroSw vhlch b.d bon vototi at mch a esson? I feel that the present compensation païd to, councillors is ade.uate. I do not agree that counlri should vote themselves raises. I would riot vote on or accept a pay increase during the. neit three-year terni of office. P. Whist re.pondlhltidio U hi aco Dr bas tovrdulndfmd m * iiuontaamnt trd ti" populton au a vbisDo jouifoi thm inl wSuffcot oppotuntj for pubic upu?.Do jyS foi ttactive utopajo rpoupe voultib. aalp or a hindran e t tin municial ovurnuo Couneillors sbould be available Wo their constituents eitber individually or as a group, at ony time. They should listen'tW their complainte «r suggestions sud act upon them. On issuesof iar importance, a councibr sh.ud nake tue constituenta aware of the. issue sud make evezy reasonable effort W solicit their input or respens. This will enable tue councillor Wo vote in tue best interest or wisheS <f tiie constituents. & IrfySuknev chatjour ovpomtionon a opoc uIssuebefor conci vueat otb ite vthet majorltjofyour co.etitbhtWch wq 7W y=jo As an elected representatilve, 1 would b. morally obligated Wo vote in complisuce with the. wish.s -cf tue m4cjoity of my constituents. too uscretive lu tiheput? If no vbat changes vouilt jos main? Do joui feel chat matIss coming bofore councili ahoultb. givon mors publlclty t. the. c'mmunlty ma a hoo? WoulyS joui tvcato tint agmidas reports andi backgrunti nfomation b. made avallabl o t utreitoticillio a minimum of a fov day" bofore ch. meetings at which tioy vase beng Mtiass Witby'a government lha most certanly been for tee secretive in the. pat. Two recent exaxnples of this *arethe "aus In"ki park.tte incident slnfthe free removal on Townline JIM PBIEST, Age 60, resident of Whitby for 18 years tant i. What lu a politician vomWhat puy Incroaso-voulti joui atvocte for coumncir~oo the nt thm y. jour ululmbch ncasosb. votetinl cetidoor sessiOns? Woulti yS pwor.nfy reom re joref fucMamach a sesson? Would jon rdein lurosse hich bail boau yo"oat sch assMon? It would not be pruident at this time to consider any increase in counillfors' reimeration. Politicions must set o n examplýe in these tânes of difficulty iiitii economyr, w. cannot .xpect Town or Region empbOyees to accpt lower increases if w. are not willing te do so as weil. Persnaly, I would pee that on outside body eet the esalarieso ail politicisans. No, I do not faveur closed-door sessons to discus pay raises, suad- would m aon efort te dieaourage sucb meetings. Sbould I fail, in this effort, I 'would -mdèd remove myself from the. meeting. 2. WbaI romofblhltusdo jea foi a oUMMio bas t«MrtM Zumin co nattunmdt. m nis the. popuationM a vwadlDo jObUmm fcau maffilt ooppttmatj for publcicnlput? Do jnu or a bindens t.t iamuui; ui.vurnmon As a regional councillor, net baving award, I would bein a position to, belp alof the reaidents cf Witby. That being the. cases my decision would, of course, necessitate taldng the broader view. However, I would actively encourage ratepayers' groupe to participate sud become even more mnvolved, as I consider it tobe most important that tbei concerna b. taken into ïaccount wibn the confines of the. . decision-rnalning prcsm. It *bas been my experience that council and committees ignore msuy sincere ond legitimate concerne put befr., them. 1[do net feel that ratepayers groupe hinder the precess. S. If j= evtint jouromu psition on a upcfcIs.befooscoimeilwvet nids vlit " m~Orlt oour consttuents vhch uV ult" jy= vote The wisb.sof my censtituents would 'have te i>revail over my 4. Dojyou think WiW gotIiDnt hae b too soretioluthe. pat? If sovbat change. voulti peronman a deputatilon sud Rd. If council felt it was own position. I iam paid Iby tueiù jouimoaDoyou foitintmattru coinE bofois sometimes mn a better position W riecessary te bave police present sud elected by them sud sbould connu oulti b. givon mois puWhcKt the etii.ec oommunlty »a ahow SwouySi jon tivocat mnake a decision. wiien they Citleie efl.ct their views; bowevers, I agomdse. report andi bacigrontiInformationb. construction on tue Kapuscinski would hope tuiat tueir decision Wo matie avallble te Intresotictiomu a minimum or a & fov dueiotre .meetng at vblch tbey 4. Do jy=tuk WhltWm e wr= montbbo parkette4 then tbey knew tbey select me as their councilbor wm ag &e c etocSecretvelin pu"? If wwM itcbamfluM .vo<'t te rs w WbhitWs ;govenment has joS ma iDopoyS foi dtat mato« mingbdor i »OiWogalS ti. ..rl!ss(Iweuld, ini part, b. based on my nvrbeen secretive in the uni ahouuti b. givnmmrnWp&Ycto t he wshes <f -the.vewy people who position on certain issues. neyer î e mmit ma vholsWc = d te thM .1 tuotm. 4 ojutlkWlb' uumm n n years thiatI have been on council, uowdoo, r-otsantibakd igrutnformation b. .D Sh O sud. Iwould net stand for sucb a . t' ~ ,ulu re o tifei MWti.pcesm tp D e re ySlm ta ui itcnpsvu ofpeu ostimfleti tintit lu joui maka'? Do peu foi tint mutuoy= cce.lng befois practice. iEverysubstantive item won.bdng dbesst? elinoDdfl Wbat prcllamibave jon MM or cunilmnoUb. givon amepublllty t. tin thtcmsbefore ceuncul Must go Secretive -- that'. og wsfot rosesicommuniltj -a whoMW,ýoult S irjaiocatota ----h- Be- jeusrepoitsanti UackgUoi Inwirmnb. through' tue comumittee process. Ail matters are we Sared. S. Doeo o btteiacnaA iut .~~~laI .Itrioiatea iiui Any citizen wbo wisii.s t voice Agendas are mode availale on impltoi l - ass .Onsme tnt etvcfa few dajai boie nmeetbpIng I vbld t couritoiuin m uiW tieopei51i vrbngic'i an opinionMay do se at the. tue mornings _ of nmtte connform .o lgbunilwdoyepeufoi bat Y.., I do. I iam ue tat some cenmMittee level sud, if siil meetings. Thats tue same agenda cmotisemotjl nte i fil unsatisfied, Miay -again make w, use at courcil -a week later - antuImmvseiimt? decisions are. being mode b.hind their views known asemcouncil ýse tuepro la lfoéawol. It i i'iylle ,htt rtM< bsddo.Ol erso -"'t mne meeting. week. developmlent in Whitby in ie sh 'até da Îijl9Iaur u SNE PAGE 25 SgE PAGE 24 *PA? 5'" 4 consul- industry

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