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Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 24

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PAGE 24.,WHIB RBF¶ES IDESAOTBE 3 9M 7 JROSS BATTEN:@ Regional Council FR OM PAGE 23 *25,000OO00/yegr corporation. Some decisions' relating to legal, personnel and some real estate inatters must be made behind closed doors for abvious reasons. 5cm. financial and planning strategies must alo c cur with some degree cf confidence, but these sessions are certainly not intended to hide anything frcm the public. They are just a necessary part cf doing business Agendas, rprs and information are available to the elected representatives on Friday night, before a meeting, and available at the municipal office at 8:30 a.m. Monday. This system W2 does net seem to present a major n roblem to the citizens of the &. Are jeu smtinied wlth tha puce and lype Of d«Wlopmmut in WhiIhW? Ame you mtflaed that it in wel contrâeff ledt preblanahave Yeu mmi«o doyou fra The Town of IWhy is located in the Golden Horsieshoe and growth in that area is inevitable. People need places ta- live. Growth and change are neyer popular or easy to deal with, but they are a necessary evil and we tZ to make sur that new devlopments conform to the existing community as well as possible. The province of Ontsaro under the guise of the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) has dictated that Whitby will grow to 160,000 persans by the year 2021. We may not 1k that figure but it is reality and we must formulate our Official. Plan to accommodate that growth sensibly. ri. NlMMm ("un (l umy back yard) has becoane a common problem lu mnunicipal poitica. What W"o ld yo oe puvit ILor avomd It? NIMBYism is human nature - it cannot be legislated against, it can only be dealt with in a sensible and realistic fashion. 7. Whmedo&jyu ted thé balane.houkd omt bMwete b private propeay rghet fInivîduala and the coliective diahi et a commnlty or -w zWghhuwhoo&? Do jeu (mol the.municipal omvonit ùMolddeveop mochnmu m t erce The. municipality dces have mechanisma t deal with these situations and they work well meet of the. time. Borne individuals just cannot accept 'that everything is not perfect ail the time. Borne individuals are aiSe very selfish and net willing te accept a given situation. L. Do jeu bdelthat deoigu contrea thuld he Implemnoted i me Caes luennre that nMW coîtruction wthlu edmthig dmvloped arusa conforma t. nlaiting buldlngs or do jou "en that comtrle prumtr la place under the offiiai plan and moing byr-iawnanr adequalte? Design controls do eist within our present system and are referred ta and adusted on a continuai basis. Those controls and policies are aiso, being reviewed comprehensively as part of our officiai plan review process. 9. Do yS e u that the amblence of the old cone a» re othy ia Important t. the. coonmunty and If no what qMpetfl teawould jou advocate to * The anibience cf the old core ofWitby is certainly an integral part of the charm of the Town of Whitby. Howevýer, inilarder te ensure the succes'sful future c f the downtown core,' some progres must talc. place,.Tii. Downtewn Secondary Plan and -the implementing zoning by-laws which have been approved by this council certainly address this issue, and it is imperative that future councils work within *the fr-amework cf that plan. 10. Do you agree wth a Ires central by.law whlch would protert tresa on privat. aa well aa public land? It is important te protect our envircnmient, and healthy trees are certainly a large part cf that environinent. But not every tree i the Town can or should b. saved. Borne commun sense muet- be used, and individual property owners, must continue te maintain some rights 'on their own prcperty. il. Wfhat la jour -à" oro the Whltby uiata&Rfrt? Bow important la public accoue? My vision cf the, Whitby waterfrlont is the same now as it bas been for the past 10 year. Port Wjhitby should b. estoblished as a complet. self-sustaining community in the rich environment of Whitby's waterfront. The, waterfront should b. opened up te a public open space system composed cf active parkland, conservation areas and trails managed by the. Town cf Whitby, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the. province cf Ontario for the' use and enjoyn)ent cf al Whitby residents. The approximately 75 acres of wetland and woodland areas should- b. brought inte the ownership and management cf the. Town and CLOCA, and protected and maintained as a Glass 1 wetland area. The Port Whitby Secondary Plan, the Lynde Shores Secondary Plan, the Lynde Shore Environmental Management Plan, the. Port Whitby Industrial Study and the. Thlree Purpose Study, which have aIl been developed and approved by council, are designed te achieve al of these goals. Development projects such as 'Sailwinds' and the ' Harb6ur Isle' projects biy Cescan are first s;tepe, and designed te act as catalysts i order te achieve these geais. Over 60 per cent of Whitby's waterfront is currently in public ownership and the. Town of Whitby owns oaver 400 acres of waterfrent, green space, parland and valleylands south of Highway 401. in àlu vour othe pansC th I tbink the plans for the Centennial Building are fantastic and would certainly add a cultural centre that Whitby needa veiy bodly. If we can attract private funding and applicable J grants, we shculd proceed immediatley. If we have te, depend on tax dollars te any extent, w. must pirtize the project with otherstatare now before us. U8 Do jeu bd el amare overtaxod or ta govornaent la taoo ePensive? If efthur. vhat changes would Yeu advocale? What about a taz frouaIn hat aréado jeu féel liait .lgnlfoent cuta in menduros colibe made? Do you sm MW~ armaw' aoemuo mght ho lacresamf? What I. jour pomitoma- en market valua auamment? My taxes are certainly tee bigh, but taxes of course, are related te services received. Attempts by this ceuncil te cut back on some services or redirect the ceet of maintaining some faclities have met strong criticism. We just can't have it both ways. Ini spite of the ccst of promiding' first-class facilities and a 'high level' of service, the Town portion of the tax bull bas increaaed well less than.the rate of inflation for the. ast 10Oyears The present councilreviewed the implementation of 'Market Value Asssmenrt.', I supported it at that time but it wdsdefeated by council. IL ln a broui perapoctve boy do jeu vlew thm barbage cramia amd what apecifie alopa vould jeu, advocts t. mange It? Are thoraaimpocxdi h.drhp Iitiatives that Vlhtbj couli tahu We must continue te educate people te, reduce, reuse and recycle. Tii. province must get eut cf the garbage business and shlow the. respective regionai governmnents te co-operate with each other toesetablish a common- sens., methcd of disposing of eisting garbage. M5 Shoudcouncil b. blggeAr e m arda le The wards are fine, and couincil is big encugh. 18. Why do jeu fouitint the genra public la me anti-poHutian? Wbat venukjeu do au an eiected ceimcMllo vhch rmlght alevlate liitattitude? Ihe general public and moot notably the. 'media1 forces elected representatives te becomq 'potacmansand then wonders wythey ca'Wtt them. I arn ee tedt represent the best interetaof the- peopl *e who. elece me and that te what I work very bard at domng. are lportant? There. are many more important issues such as the Official Plan -Review and the extension of services te, Brookdin, but I do't, have enougb space te, properly addres them'. l Wb"L Irnparticulr d&fRn"tIayS e&feM Iam nota 'politician Itry to represent the. citizns of the Town of Whitliy te tth. very best *,f my ability and I work bard at it. I try te make decisiens based on ail the information I con get on any patcular ismseand dealit reality. I tend te «tell it lik. it fi? wbicii upuets some people and I an sorr for that, but I believe that stle is in everyones best interest. JOE DRUMM:@ Regionàl Council FR OM PAGE 23 5.Are jeu mstl.ied wlth tho poa a type et dsvooprnt ln Whitby? Are jyS mtLafied that It la vell omaoU dWbat poubleawavyjeu- o do jeu forums. 1Develepment i Wiitby really took off in themid-80s.I tried te get council te try and slow it down se, we ceuld catch our breatii. But the trutb is, Whitby is a gocd place te, live and people just flecked te our Town. How do you stop it? The. market place is what rea]ly controls development. Look wbat's happening teday. Anyway, if a developer presents a plan te tth. Town and the. Town doeWnt deal witii it within 30 days, h. can talc. us te tth. 0MB. Maybe tiiats wbat needs cbanging. 6. NiMBYIaiCmnu ybsk yard)hma boSor a cadonproin lumunicipapOiltlcuWhat NIMBYism, k. the. poor, wil aiways be witii us. Sometimes you have te make decisiens that upset your neigbbour or friend, but thates the. way it ia. Less fence sitting and it will go away -- maybel 7. WhMredo jeS ted the. balane oheuli di bMem e Impelvte propeaty riab et indda a maila cilecllve liIaet a oummunllj or ndshlaourhoWafDo yjebdfuelIbm municpal gvoUrncmon buaideelp mocl.amuteoiera. Property standards ar e beet way te, ensure a decent tewn. They should always be enforced. 5. D jeu("m tint u mooau h d be implm nao Mlumre mamo teMaurettno condariacli-nvitma ln d dln ddpoareea confoma to lulng bulldlgm ordo jeu f&eltint controlapromain uplaund=Mr Ibe efl pla We are aiways tzying te, improve our designe within exnsting development. The. Downtewn Secendary Plan te a case in point. Ilde procees must always b. ongoing. 9. Do j7 Mmd thint Itheamblais. etfLin iou ou am or eWhIb1r la Importat t.lommm@Unltyanm If me vint qiciis @&"a w"ulySeuaieut. te LAA 'in uint our new offiial plan , oeg way te, preserve watwe have. 16. Do jeu ugn vlth a tram cos bk tre yhvlh voudd patot ieueSoupelvte mudt a u oM How Important inpublicmude W. have two plans for our waterfr-ont botb of whicii I have and wiil continue te support. Public accesa I havie no Prblem witii, I juat want te a sr the. Town isnt saddled witii insurance daîis. Centm Bu~Ho ddf t bepdd W Ygno by publicsucrpo. la. Do jeufubda e vecthml ortint gsvornm. - la e pndv.If dther, vint ciwMS oseulal y.iavocat.?Winabout a tan tais? vnta yS beudul it migziMcan euta In expmluus eouid ho mode? Do jeu - amv au»a vinasree.ueubml h inuied7Wint la jour podtlon S. ,ktvalue aumomnit We are ail overtaxed - myself included. W. have te mnake real fundamental changes tethe. system. The. ability te py siiould b. looked et maybe tbroutgi income' tax. The. present way, muet b. changed -- but it in =y opinion market value asuent doesn't afford the. whole'-answer. Tii. province inte tering in MVA maybe neit year. 14. laus broui prqauctive hc>vde y m v imh badaae <rio d nawhatM %d o aps veudjeu advacatae umo WLAre thon aWp qieil les.dlp InttelI,.ttWbtih <euhla W. have a garbage preblem in Dunham because regional ceuncil clcSed its eyes for 12 years. It was cheaprte dump et $18 a ton' in Brcck West tango eut -and buy their own mite. -That's really the. bottem lin. The. present miniser, ýMs. Greer, is dncing an Irish jig b.tween beaven. and bell, boping ber siioes stay on. Tiiherôvnce bas dscided it's their blylet them stay up nighta puting it te sleep. Over the. pat three yeors, regiona council did act on a dump'site and it's, my belief would have had a real bondie on the. prclem. M5 Mould Somci hblu? w Ara thevardate. lamge No. re-drawn. Wards should be 16& whj do jeu tttheLin mvpublic la me antl-pelliclmnWint vel jeU do s» an eleclea comolior vbdch mlght aluvviale liait attitude Brion Mulroney -- Pray. 17. Ama thon aWyaddia" fllas s hlch jeu m lImpwont? I don't know Who wrote tiiese queston - cculd there possibly b~y any more issues? U8 Wint lu partcular differentLateyen fim jour oppanaitu rm better loldngt. -DEREK GLASS:o Regional Council FR OM PAGE 23 twe te tbree years bas been tee, excessive. Services have net been able te keep up witii the pace set by thieusing developers dumg tDL same time periocd.1believe future development, eitber residential or commercial, siiould b. slowed down and more contrais on design ,type ualiyand quantity implemen a omme. pubie n lum2eolau pltcu Wn w" ySjeude te peveLIL Cr avalalIl? No response. tiiey start te infinge upon the. iright and quality cf 11f.of otiier property owners or residents in the. area. A prime oxml f tis is Ütatrustin& , ad bl Itting down in Whitby Harbour. Wiiy should the. citizens of this Town, wbo want te go down and enjey our harbour, have te look at that uly ruat bucket sitting there year after year? 9. Do e tthein abiniset lineolal os areso Vtblbjla Importantte i. .sunltj an if me vint puclfc iqam enU uaadvocamte lausmvo il? No respons. 7. Whomede jeu u dlin beu~smuid odi«" 1M.Doeu uu. vlth a Lie. oestrd bkv vhlcb botoeteinpiasponyrha eisi venudpatect trmo e. private us vl mpublic and.ti..ldiedhaet a oe.may nlt *lm&? ~* t wi~ antig a b-w t I feel théi. pIvateproer relmoval of trees. HwvIhv riglits siiôud b. epce nu a hard time acpigta council con teil a land ownerthat he. cannot remove trees on land that h. bas bougbtpadlfor ond owni. IL, WinM ejtrvi t<1h. Whbiy vataù* BIotanlau=liccome I feel that Whithby' waterfroat is owned by and should b. accumesilend erýjoyed by ail cf Whitby's residents. Il. A»e join &VM cf E pan.fotin Caitim" Bd~ildn? oyahmauhitL hopli f«c? Yes. I amn in faveur of the. Centenniai building renovation projeect.Hewever, ta»eshsould net b. raiaed in order te pay for it. This moýney could b. raied in othèr'ways3-", pmrateor Town cf Whitby Centenmial BuildinÉ lôtery are some examples of possile ways te raise thi ecessmary fiznds. 1a Do jpa (md va am» ctul rtint plou Mt la tS. mpendve? If dthor, vint changes veuld ymudveca.?W nt about a tex froe? vit a- ade ju m bdtithdansificent culaina mpeuhlam omolal obuid? Do jeu sm a"are- whun uuve.uoU mlhthoIncrsmi? Wmtin: laour podIe.mio Rrmaraaue No response. 14. hua bo'ed porapectiveow ey ju vio th. inihoge <risd nawhat s mc8ctagasvouli yen aiecaMet. temunge IL? Are thora anj mlic lesorhlpuiiatrothat Wbltby Sul taIe? M1 S" iould aciehobim«? Are bm rdatee No. I feel the. present ward sime areadequate. However, if devel"~ent contings, the. aiddrésoed nd qulte possibly- revi"èd M6 WIh! do jeu Ihatthe gmural public lanmo "-poddneWhatwoud you. do as an elSeld ounciflr w-Uh m.g - af&& atethat attitude! I feel that the. general public is so anti-poitician because they are constantly being IMed to by their elected representatives. Pbliticians must bring honesty, integiity and trustworthiness ,bock into polities in order to regain the. respect cf their comsttuents. M7. Am emmhmraaz.dditlaoel lmeswblcb you amd aimpoa -~ No respos. M8 Wb"t in particular dlflhreniatayoei fomi Norponse. f . . .. .. . .J m-s ional e unillo 777 - municipal efection

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