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Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 26

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PAGE 26, W1BFREEPRM ~ ENESAY, 0GW1OBE28,1291- Public es ool Board PATRIA BOWMAN ALLAN GUNN Age 27; resident-of Whitby Age 37, resi dent of Whitby for eight years for four years Display and designa art i.- DO yt. fed the quality cf education is adequate ta meut tiie needa ottoday'b wcrkibe? Progressive, 'yes9-.We 'must continue to, assess the needs of today'is work environment and respond. Projects - like our integrated apprenticeship program, the first 0f its ind in Canada, is only one exemple of our- pursuit 0f dialogue and change te meet thé future with excellence. 2 Do you fuelthat the quality of education lu lmprovlg, decllnlng or staying, about the. mmm.? What chai1.. woold you advccate? The quality of education in Durham, already -superb, wil improve on a continued basis. As new information and concerns are raised by parents, students, employers, provincial politiciens and statisticiens will continue te enlighten us about the need for re-exeinination .and. potentiel fimprovements in,' education.. Parent -and, non-parent ratepayers must b. reminded of the need for their input into our SF'EEPAGE 28 Financial analyst 1. Do jeu himmqaly orm edutis adequt. t. mMthtienu&dioftc"y% workforci? I would say in general the* public school system providos-our chi*drn with te poru ityfr. a reasonable levelOf quality oducation. This is ail,. e through the dedicated efforts 0f the many partners in education, the studonts, teachers, parents and the community as a whole. I believe w. must recognize that the education 0f our children doos not stop at the echool doors, and accept education as a community resonsibility. Quality education can only b. achieved through the co-ordinated efforts 0f the many partrqers. One of the challenges for the new boards wifl bh o ensure that strategic planning recognizes the. future needs 0f our children. The. Region as a whole is a community i transition. We must be propared te recognize policies which may, ho reqwdred- for a changing coinmunity. Additonally SEE PAGE 28 DOUG LAND BOB MCCLEERY for four years Director of COMMeri 1. Doycu fiLie qualty of edu--atlo aduqut. ta meet the nea oftoday's workforc Because the needs of ted, workforce are sù diverse,a becausa those needs chan constantly and quickly, I suspl w. are maore thar- adequate some armas and perliaps loua th adequate in others. Our chailer as a echool board is te st -.abreast 0f the needs and prepared te, make changes appropriate. Only by continui community consultation can, hope te, keep informed of whatt neoda are and b.eable te respc intelligently. -> 2. Do you f"itint lthe quailty cf educatilu lmprrng, dec n sor taying ab" the m. What changes wOLd ya. adrocte? It dependa on what you a coinparing it te. Having watcl my two sons go through t syst.m, I definitely boliove f quality of education heu improv osince I was a -student. Howeyi there May be oti SER PAGE 26 Agsee 43, resident of Whitby for lOyears Owner of Vacuum ic. man n la i. Do y. fel the Mquty cf education la ce? adequato ta meut the noe&dofMtadmys worgfcc RYB I. qua]ity of education is and adoquate for persens that rige graduate. Improvements cen b. oct made te reduce the drop-out rate in for students. Co-op education, for han exemple, cen provide 'real life rige work experiencos for students. . aDo yufWltiat tdu qualty education la lmpmiig, Sbangor taylng about the mme as Wiat changes wSMuldjoaadyccte? ing . le -quality of' education in we improving. W. need changes to tii. provide imcreased om hasis in >nd tocimical, science ane mathe- matical oducation. 8Ig orlngthei.momment teLoin Wlne' on la contrai ocrt urriculum. vat changes would ySo aId? k. ta -mi what or iccols teaci? Îe be more focused on giving ved students the aids that they will rrequire in the future. As an fer independent businessman, I hr bolieve that the. echools should SEPAGE27',% JOHNEHAMITON PAUL HTHNO Age 36, reuident of Whitby Age 29, lifetime résident of for five years Whitby Cocnstruction milwright IL "Do yoM feel " .quality Metducatmion t atdaqut. taonet the. nSda oftasy' rkfmec? Nol, I do not. A lof Young people to"Y sem te, have a lot of trouble underadig what they have read. They alsoaeem te be very poor ibasic arithmetic and spelling sllsd. 2. Do yoS fel aLt U. qualty of.ducatlon le lmprcving, de.dlinj or taying abot the.mmm.? What ciazg.s voul Yeuadyccat.? .I feel the quality of education, is declining. Children in the lower grades should have the -basics of arithmetic end spelling drilled into them through constant repetition of the multiplication end division tables, competitions in doing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division problems. Also have the old fashioned 'Spelling Bee' incorporated inte thL class structures. Children should have te achieve a universel level of competence for each'grade and not just be pushed on in the systeni. BE PAGE 27 GEORGE M[LOSH '4e4, resident of Whitby for four years Restauranteur in Osh.awa i. Do ff uthe iuquauty cf educatio la adequate to a*uthI e eda of(toas workfcrce? Yes, 1 foui the. quality 0f education is adequate in meeting the needa of today's workforce. 1. DO joM &d fitetiu qallf Medrulon la impa'ving. duclnlng o tyn bu i.sMu? Wiat ciiangeu wculd 700 advocate I feeI that the quality of education ia improving as witnessod Iby the fect thaï;tth. Durham Board 0f Education is a leader in new and innovative programe 0f education which are now boing studied and replicated by other boards of education in Ontario and acroas Canada. As for chnge,1 would only advocate that wo continue te, interact with. the business community in order te understend the'needs 0f business and iduatry. After ail, we are producing the workforce and professionals needed te meke our country a competent member of the global village. SEE PAGE 26 Mngment .supervisor, Oitro Hydro 1. Do jyS -obd the. qMlty eMetaducath b adequtto wAM thefumetd PSwoekrru I feel the quality of, education is not adequate te meet the needs 0f "edYs workforc. The premênt trends in' th. workforce today are te either service organizations or technical jobs. These areas require speciflc skils that are net bemng developed i the echool system. Service organizations need employees with weil developed people and communication siile, whil tehnial obsrequire the sidls te securately and consisoly convey information. These skifl are not'being developed as much as could b.i the echool syutem. 2. Do 70S f&uidut the m .ty et eduatiaila tmprculndw duln « on dalg ab" tthi.e mt Wiat "inwoW" 7MoadvoM 1 feel the quality of education in somewhere between staying the mame and:doclining. I think that iput is required frcm business and the post-secondary scohtçol system as te what. tii. SEE PAGE 39 NEIL D. SMITH Age .36, resident of Whitby for one year Associate industry au- alyst 1. Do YcU & he ti.quElty Metducalio n l adequato th eunnoeds otdayb workfi No. "Canada hmu the lowest performance in science and math 0f any industrializod nation," as Wa Bran Mulroney, August 1989. Aise, et a meeting October 171, 1991, a board or trede representative' stated that "Maiing costs are higiier in Canada tha in Japan and' Germany and, thus, we are at a Coniemive disavan fro ema businesses that grade 12 graduates cannot read instruction manuels properly* and do not have the necessMz mathematical ekills reinforce this statement. 2. Do yS fed fi.t the. qmalty cieducatin lmProvinz ducllnlngor .talng abou the m md Wiiat changea wuld ycoadmocte? Decining. Based on a 30 par cent dro-ot rate that is net improving even with the implementation 0f added éeoctives, and the highest percontage 0f illiterecy in the SM PAGE 32 I c ..... TANYA K KOCH' 1Age 28, resid.ent of Whitby for four years Welfarecaseworker 1. Do> Yeuîai ii.du. ofy.1oducatian 2?"qmt.te met the.nouds Mtodq'% wooefoWW a m. t fgoelgtr tii.moentti" poine. contwl r uriclm t changes woold you 1mt-lwhte, M n sohools ba? 11 .In m y opinion, the quality of education is extremely. inedequate to prepare today's youth 'for the workforce.- Todays job merket-is qui*te'competitive, but the school system Masnot caught up with the demands of the workforce. It is the board's responsibility, along with the individuai sehools, to ensure that ail students (especiaily thoee ini danr of dropping out) are aware Ofteroptions. In my opinion, thome courses that bout prepare students for the workforce should be increased. These include business -courses, .technical courses or languages. Tese courses give stuçients an edge no matter where' they are headed. Progam suçh as co-operative education -allôw'students to, oarn à"oafor on the »obt;raning.ý M. Do yS. " thstt U» qi.lty et edu"aia la improvlnt d.Oclln'or sa=ngabout Un n ame? Wbat hauw"od.ad~. Generaily I feel that many schaols are experiencing a docline i the quality of education due, te the incroaised 'coots Iof maintaining the mame lev'yel" of oducation as several years ago. 4. ioold tino bu more unpbuuluon 'b.a ioSWUld tersb.stndonld bst~n Although I boliove strongly in an expanded curriculum, I fool that we do need to emphasize the basics as well. Ail students should have, a stong,, grasp of math. reading and writing, in conibination with genoral knowledge and personal: choice career-orientedcourses. I 'do ut believe. ,in standaridzed' testing as such. qStandardized tests do not; represent the cultural,' religious and gender differences of our soiety. I believe that 'levels of ability' should be established for each grade. A student must b. able to perform the tasks roquired te complote each level befor advancing te the next grade. &. Am tii.. 'rilakWi in un "te? if no.wbat ut. th.y? What W"culd ..nt eamziiated? I. do not; feel, that there are many filse that need te, be eliniinated. School should. provide students with options to help them beut determine and chmoe their future. &. Am tint. ai'... vidai ou bolie r reivtac, 7.nucwtco ibi. ftiznhg (for ph Ifs., Can ye umuon .t uy acontraithons?, B. De.yma f6Wtint scb.a our d iuli colt LiaitOw ou mici to axsrtisenththe i MUMWcpalte? I feel that unfortuntely too much money is spent on non-educationel expenses such as salarie, mitnacon n7LIniCipat efection 7s

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