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Whitby Free Press, 23 Oct 1991, p. 37

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WHIBY EE RESI EDNSDA, OTOBR28, 1991, PAU 387 ............ . . . . . . CORPORATION OF THE ~ TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE TO MUNICIPAL ELECTORS 1991 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ADVANCE POLLS, REGULAR POLLS AND PROXY APPLICATIONS N071CE s hereby given to the municipa lcocf te Town of Whitbthat whereas more candidates hae bee n nated to each cf thefoloig offices than Uthe number mequimd Io tilt such offices, polis will boheldonUthedates and at teîmesadps n this notice for te pwrpose cf electing the holders of ashoffices:d OFICSFOR WMMCHPOIL1Sa WILL RF HELD (a) Combined office cf Mayor and Regionai Councillor, one to ha elocted by generai vote of the electors cf the Town of Whrtby; (b) Combined office of Regional and Town Councillor, three te ho elected by general vote of the electors cf tdm Town cf Whitby; (c) Office of Town Councullor, North Ward (Ward 1). oce te ha olected by ward vote cf the North Ward electors of the Town of Whitby; (d) Office of Town Ccuncallor, West Ward (Ward 2), one te ha elocted by ward vote cf the West Ward electors of the, Town of Whltby; (e) Office cf Town Councillor, Centre Woerl (ard 3),c teh elected by ward vote cf the Centre Ward elecesc Town cf Whitby; (f) Office cf Town Councilor, East Ward (Ward 4), one te ha elected by ward vote cf the East Ward electors cf the Town of Whitby;« (g) Office cf Meniber cf the Durhami Board cf Education, thme tIo ha electod by general vote cf the public school electoral gmoup cf the Town cf Wlitby; (h) Office of Member cf the Durhuam Reguon Roman Catholic Separale School Bcard, three Io ho elocted by goneral vote cf the separate achool Englsh-anguage electoma group cf the Town cf Whitby; (i) Member cf the Durham RegLion Roman Cathollo Separate Schocl Board, two te haeelected by goneral voletehde seaparate school French-langu3ge1olctoral group fromu the combined munucipalities cf thCTty cf Oshawa, the Town cf Whitby and the Townships cf Brock and Scugog; and, (>Office cf Whitby Hydrc-Electri Conumissonr four te ha olected by genoral vote of tde electors cf the Twof Whitby. AflVAN<CF Pol 1I_ Advance poils wiII ha held on Saturday, November 2, 1991 and, Wednesday, November 6, 1991 at fthe WMby Municipa Building, 575 Rossland Rcad East, Whity, from 10:00 a&m. toe 800 p.m., for die purpose cf receiving the votes cf those eletors who expect te ha unable te vote at the regular polis. REGULAR POILS Regular poilis will ha held throughout thue Town ce Tuesday, Novembor 12, 1991, from 110:00 a.m. te 8-00 p.m. Evey lcorwUrecouvo a voter notification card in thue mail advising of tu location cf Ude polluug station where ho or she is to vote. Shculd yau not reoeive a card Wy Novembor 1, please oIl ftue- Clek's Office for th o Icatice cf your polling station. Electors rnay vote byplrcxy. Fanis for Muispurfpoe are aval"al at the Office cf the Town Clerk. A person whc has been apcitd as a voting proxy may aple te lue Clark not later dan 4:30p.m. uin the aftemnocn cf Novembor '12, 1991 Io receuve a certificats tb vote lby pcyfor the polling sbdivi ion in which do Pormonappointing tuhe votingproxy là entiUdte vote. Daied luis 23rd day cf OctWo, AD., 1991. DONALD G. MOKAY CLERK & RETURNING OFFICER THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHIqTB ONTARIO LIN 2M8 Anew baby? In this world, there's always room for one morel CALL YOUR WELCOME WAGON HOSTESS NOW. 668-6653 OPEN HOUSE: Basketworks Plus Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 26 & 27, 10 a.m. te 5 p.m. Country deceratingacessonies, wooden sholves, bcks, wagons & candIs boxes. Table lines & threws. 7692 Ashburn Rd., Brooklin. 655-3071. BEST WISHE for a Happy Birthday or An The classifieds are a spe ta send greetings Caîl 66"-11 ARE YOU HAVING T getting auto insurance b age, poor driving ii suspension of license? Pg can help. Phone 666-209 LANDSCAPING, LAM tenance, pruning, sodding. Faîl clean-ups, gardon ronovations, planting bulbs, f irewood. Free estimates (416) Dutchway Landscaping. LIA N<P. DIIAt SUPERB AUCTION SALE* SUNDAY, OCT. 27 AT 1 P.M. FOR DON'S ANTIQUES & CLASSICS, 1020 BROOK RD. S., UNIT #2, PICKERING (TAKE HWY. 401 TO BROCK RD., EXIT #399 SOUTH V2 MILE) We have been instructed by Don's =S Antiques & Classics, Pickering, te iniversary. sol by public auction te the àciawa highest bidder a superb collection .,c alway eo fine dining & bedroomn suites, paintinga, antiques, formai Il country furniture, classic repro- ductions & collectibles. Highlug hts include: several superbly refinished 9 & 10 PC. mahogany dmnn roomn stes., various quality mahogany bedroom stes., selection et outstanding deaka in *different styles & woods, reupholstered ROUBLE ladies' & gents' chairs, Eastlake iecause of settee, unusual credenza, 6 ,ecord or Begency-style dininq chairs wl erhaps we matching table, 'china cabinets, o.sideboards, secretary deaka, Chippendale armchair, f ancy - mirrors, 2 PC. walnut bookcase (c.1870), 4-dr. walnut, bookcase, drop-leaf tea trolleys, ladies oak roltp desk, 48w oak roll-top desk, Oak china cabinet, round oakç pedestal table, oak sideboard, 5' mi-oak harvest table, Mennonite M an - chairs,ý washstands, pine harveat seoding,' table, cuphoards, butcher block, plantung, pressed-back chairs, Welsh rockeries, dresser, occ. tables & chairs, wool Odd jobs. carpets, Nippon china, cranberry 64934183. glass, crystal & brasa lampa, Orient aI c hina, Royal Dux statues, primitives, brasa, copper *& much more. AUCTIONEEFRS NOTE: Everything in this sale is in very dlean condition and ready to gc .into your homol Terma: cash, choques (with ID) or Visa. PreviewA P R Na from 12 p.m. te sale time. 2-door frldges $460 & up. New bar fridges $210 & up.'AIse low prices on new freezers, stoves, rang ettes and range hoods. Used f ridg e & steve sets $375 & üp. BBQ burners, rebuilt timers from $30. One year g uarantee. 191 Bloor St. E., Unit 6, Oshawa. 728-4043. APPUANCE REPAIRS te washers, dryers, stoves, dish- washors. Servinq Durham. We pay GST on alI repairs. 683-8519 Ajax, Pickering, 430-7382 Whitby. AUCTON$M AUCTION SALE "KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Every Wednesday at 620 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickering, 3 miles north cf Hwy. 401 (exit #399). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection cf antiques, fine furniture,' glass, china, collectibles, primitives and the unusuals. Se jein us every Wed. and participate in one et Ontario's 'true' auctiens with ne buy-backs or reserves. "Consign- ment and estate selling our specialty.w Cal us today. Previews from 1lp.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES (416) 683-0041 SINCE 1930 ITO. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES 416-683-0041 OR 985-8161 AUCTION SALE SATURDAY OCT. 26 - 11 A.M. UNDER CON/ER IF NECESSARY Selling chip truck, house trailer, household furniture, restaurant nouipment &-collectibles, TI-IEPOPERTY 0F RON COCHRANE, 1217 KING ST., IN THE VILLAGE 0F MANCHESTER, 2 MILES WEST 0F PORT PERRY OR 15 MI. NORTH 0F WHITBY ON #12 HWY. 1970 GMC chip truck w/2 fryprs fridge, aIl in working order,'15' house trailer, sleeps 4, Moffat propane deep fryers & 36m grills, electric MWoffiat fryer, cash iregister, steamers, uprighit deep freezer, lg. 1313 w/rctisserie, new mit washer & dryer; 2 modem B/R suites, 4-pc. [JR suite, nesting tables, oval coffee table, end tables, blue ccuch & chair, T Pool table,. 2 VCR, TVs, 2day beds, coai cil lampa, odd chairs, old mechanical teys, guitars, old tea tins, walî clock, desk, sewing machine, lamps, baby swing & cradle, chuidren'sa teys & bikes. brass & wicker, knickç knacks, bathtub -isy-Iift chair, tools, torches, olec. &rechargeable hand tools, 2 HP air compresser, riding Iawnmower, gas Iawnmcwer, wheelbarrcws, oloc. snowblower, chain link dog run, pile cf scrap metal, stop ladders, dishes & glasswaro, bodding, plus much more. Lunch available. Terms: cash or choque with ID. Owner & auctioneer will not b. responsible for accident or ijury if connoction with this sale. Sale managod &sold by: COCHRANE AUCTION SERVICE 985-2788 SATURDAY'S AUCTION ACTION SSAT., OCT.. 26 - 6:30 P.M. EVERY SAT. NIGHT, AT 6:30 P.M. AT PETHICK AUCTION BARN, HAYDON, 10 MI. NE 0F OSHAWA This week, by ordor of Durham Bailiff Services under virtue cf the Landlord and Tenant Act RSO 1980, we are selng at the barn the ontire. contents of Robin's Nest, Whitby, to include new china, Qiass, scapstone carvings, figu- rines, ýwicker, candies, floor mats, impotdchclt, teas, coffeos, hny, *maple syrup,Xrs deccrations, deccrator prrits, dried floral. arrangements, porcelain dols, brasa, pewter, picture trames, jewellery, pife shelving, cupboards, greeting cards, cas h regîster & lots of other interesting. &unusual pcs. Also to include a good washer & dryer, fridlqe & steve as welt as other furniture. This is, a gccd chance te get your Xmas shoppin stated early, as we have something for everycrie. Ternis are- cash, choque or Visa. Sale managed & sold by; GARRY K. POWELL AUCTIONS ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS .SAT.9 OCT. 26 - 10 A.M. GIANT STOCK LIQUIDATION AUCTION AT PINE RIDGE GARDEN GALLERY NURSERY, PICKERING ON BROOK RD., 1 MI. NORTH OF #2 HWY. Hundreda ef evergreen & f lowering shrubs, dozens cf vaicus size shade & fruit trees, blue spruce, caliper treos, varfieus other pardon supplies. Ail sales final. Dln t miss thus largo stock clearance. Trees & shrubs are potted for. easy planting. Faîl is an excellent time te plant. AIse, rnany in-store specials. AIse Seîlung 1991 Chev Cavalier RS 2-dr. air only 10,000 km, 1991 GMC Astre van only 22,000 km., 1990 GM 4x4 Tracker, 1991 Chev Cavalier 4-dr., air, 1990 GM pick-up, leaded, air, PS, PB, PW, tit, cruise. Terms: cash or good choque with ID..$1,000 cash depqsit cn vohiclos. Lunch avalable. Opn at.9,auctlonadt10 a.m. Info 6835952 John or Dense. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS LINDSAY (705) 324-2783 Ries and shotu No reserve AutuiommWA fWw» 11*. ainxIAIEaBou" (mile wost of Lindua on LiUttie Brltain Road) AUCTION SALE SATURDAY NOV. 2 -11 Ai. THE CLE>ÀRING OUT 0F GREENWOOD STORE, 3 KM. E. 0F BROUGHAM OFF HWY #7 Meat dislay cooder, Coke cooder, fridges, cash, registera, sheîving, display stands, l. number cf small hardware items, 175 Honda metcrcycîe, tables, aId signas, paint, cupboards. EARL GAUSLIN, AUCTIONEER 640-3079

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